India will have to fix it's policies if it wants "friends". At the moment, they've got problems with pretty much every single friggin' neighbor they have. It can't arm-twist larger neighbors like Pakistan and China, so it tries other measures. For example, it gets all whiny and uppity whenever Pakistan makes arms purchases from abroad, even minor ones like MAR-1 SEAD(Supression of Enemy Air Defences) missiles from Brazil, because it would "upset the regional balance of power". And at the same time, it imports more weapons than any other country in the world. With China, India tries to become a tool for the west
Smaller neighbors, it can just coerce. Like Nepal, for example, where India fueled an insurgency, while forcing the government to buy sub-standard Indian small-arms. It led to a laughable situation where those Indian rifles would overheat during combat, and half the forces would fight while the other half would have to wait for the guns to cool down! With Bangladesh, they've killed over a thousand people in the border region in the past few years, just rampant disregard for human life. In Sri Lanka, they provided funding and support to the Tamil Tigers for decades, they landed their forces as a "show of force", until the Sri Lankans kicked them out. Even inside India, they treat their own people worse than the European colonizing nations did, treating "untouchables" worse than civilized nations treat animals.
This is essentially the "Chanakya doctrine", this philosophy of Chanakya that says that you should make friends with your neighbor's neighbor, and then crush your immediate neighbor with his help. And the wheel symbol in the centre of the Indian flag is the symbol of Chanakya, Indians feature it right on their flag to show how highly they regard his doctrine of deceit and lies.
All of these are undeniable facts, even if Indians find it hard to face them. If India really wants meaningful relationships with other nations, this fundamental thing would need to change. When Pakistanis go to China, even the average layman knows that Pakistanis are considered "a friend". Same for other countries like Turkey and Saudia Arabia, with which Pakistan has had good links for decades. India should stop backstabbing if it wants allies.