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Who do you support? Congress or BJP or the Third front?

Haha Seriously? You want a government that would have "Sent in the Indian Army the run over Pakistan after 26/11" ???

There is nothing funny in my post and i stand by what i said. By the way i am not worried about BJP sending Indian army to run over Pakistan, if that would have been so easy, we would have seen Indian army running over Pakistan after the Indian parliament attack.
Although I like none of the political parties, Congress is the most suitable of the lot. Number one issue is Communal harmony and terrorism which are interrelated. BJP-led NDA does not have a proper agenda on this. We can't expect economic development if we don't have stability.

I don't see why people see BJP as a party that has a hardline position against Pakistan. By looking at their history, they have been more soft on Pakistan and terrorists than Congress has been. Kargil, Yashwant Sinha's fiasco in Afghanistan e.t.c all show a naive way of handling foreign policy vis a vis Pakistan. Food for thought for BJP supporters...
It will be upa - in power, although i totally agree - we need a non congress non bjp goverment,- third front if stable can give us a new substitute - because if i have to choose between evils - i will go for the one who i haven't tried before.
India is our neighbor and big neighbors cast a long shadow. Thus whatever happens in India will directly or indirectly affect Pakistan.

I grew up reading about independence struggle and despite being a Pakistani, I had nothing but respect for the pre independence giants of Indian politics ( all of them from Congress) such as Mahatma Gandhi, Valib Bahi Patel, Jawaharlal Nehru, Radha Krishnan, Sarojni Naido, Dadabhai Noorooji (founder of the Indian Congress), Krishna Menon etc. Nearly all were honest and worked for the independence from the colonial Raj.

No matter how dispassionate I try to be, being a Pakistan and a Muslim, I admit that I look at Indian leadership from the prejudiced perspective. Rightly or wrongly, I dislike BJP, mainly because it is a sectarian political party looking after the interest of high class Hindus only. It is also party (RSS is a part of BJP) of Nathoo Ram Godse, killer of Mahatma Gandhi. Its leaders such as Narender Sing Modi and LK Advani are out and out anti Muslim. Ultra anti Pakistani Shev Sena also forms a part of BJP coalition. What happened in Gujarat a few years back can only be termed as mass genocide of the Muslims?

My preference for Lalu Parshad, despite his proven dishonesty, is due to the fact the Bihar was one of the few States where Muslims weren’t massacred following the Babari Masjid riots. Congress on the other hand still has some secular outlook of its founding fathers left over.

My preference would therefore be for a continuation of Congress led government in India. It is however for Indians to decide which party they would like to govern.

My compliments on a well written piece.

I differ on the portion underlined. Jus coz someone projects himself as pro / anti a particular community does not make him a suitable choice.

At the national level there are a host of other issues which should determine the acceptability of a party. Personally, I would not mind anyone governing the country so long as :

a) They have a majority & not a loose coalition full of holes and opportunists.
b) No communists are a part of the Govt.

If these conditions are met, the Indian electorate will take care of the rest.
I might prefer BJP, Because of the sole reason they want equality among indian people. BJP Core agenda is Ram temple, but if we keep that aside, the same is a secular party, with real and tough policy of uniform civil code and reservation based on economic terms which are my main interests. I don't think, if they come into power, all minorities will be made to suffer, because in a democracy they can't do that, and even i am a secular and therefore in a minority. All other parties are using the caste/minority politics and still call themselves secular party. So for a change i would like to see BJP with absolute majority in the parliament at least for one full term...!!!
Definately Congress, i think they have a far more positive and Broader wordly perspective than BJP. Congress i believe has done a tremendous job in India over the past 6 years, much thanks to Dr. Manmohan Singh who is a phenominal leader and person.

Secularims is great and i love it, its one of the reasons i see congress as a far better Democratic party than BJP..... hey but thats just my opinion
You are right du,except for the evil part......though i would like to see a upa and left collaborated government....that would be the best option...
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