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WHO covering up for China, says US Senator Martha McSally, calling for director general to resign

Nan Yang

May 1, 2010
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WHO covering up for China, says US Senator Martha McSally, calling for director general to resign
  • Demand for Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus to step down is part of escalating series of Republican criticisms of organisation
  • McSally also wants US debts to China ‘forgiven, as a minimum’

US lawmaker Martha McSally speaks during a Senate committee hearing on Capitol Hill in July. Photo: AP

This story is published in a content partnership with POLITICO. It was originally reported by Burgess Everett on politico.com on April 2, 2020.

US Senator Martha McSally is calling on the World Health Organisation director general to step down from his post over what she deems assistance in covering up for China's under-reporting of the coronavirus, part of an escalating series of Republican criticisms of the organisation.

The Arizona Republican said on Fox Business on Thursday that Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus needs to resign over the organisation's handling of the virus, which originated in China.

While China has claimed it has essentially flattened new cases of the deadly virus now killing thousands of Americans, new reporting has questioned China's rosy claims.

“I’ve never trusted a communist. And their cover-up of this virus that originated with them has caused unnecessary deaths around America and around the world,” said McSally, who is up for re-election this fall.


WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus speaks during a Covid-19 news conference in Geneva, Switzerland, in February. Photo: Reuters

“The WHO needs to stop covering for them. I think Dr Tedros needs to step down. We need to take some action to address this issue. It’s just irresponsible, it’s unconscionable what they have done here while we have people dying across the globe.”

Earlier this week, Senator Rick Scott called for a congressional probe into the WHO and indicated that perhaps the United States should withhold funding for “helping Communist China cover up” the ramifications of the virus.

McSally agreed that “we need to look at addressing the WHO as well”. She also said US debts to China “should be forgiven, as a minimum”.

Tarik Jasarevic, a spokesman for the WHO, did not directly address McSally's demands. But he said the organisation expects members “to report data in a timely and accurate manner”.

“Membership in WHO and signing up to the International Health Regulations both carry with it the responsibility to prioritise public health, nationally and internationally, not only because global health norms say so, but because the two are inextricably linked, as this global pandemic has made clear to the world,” Jasarevic said.
China wants to accept dollars from and prop up the dollar for these clowns.?.

I was right when I said to dump US debt in 2018 and 2019. I was serious, these no lifes did not want to pay China back then. Part of the trade war, US wanted to punish the Chinese if they dumped treasury bonds with stiffer tariffs to recoup the money lost and money earned by China.

I knew their evil intentions then, they are worse in magnitude now.
China wants to accept dollars from and prop up the dollar for these clowns.?.

China should use the yuan for all trade, investment and financing. If the threat to ‘cancel’ China’s debt doesn’t wake up the leadership, then I don’t know what will. Chinese companies should focus on developing its own technologies rather than relying on US technology. Chinese companies should also rely on the domestic market for revenue growth rather than the US market. US is losing its power and influence and it’s getting more aggressive as a result. China must plan for the worst case scenario.

Canadian government also covering for China?

China, Russia threatening Canada's democracy, says report

"OTTAWA • A parliamentary committee has warned that China and Russia are threatening Canada's national security and democracy by stepping up "clandestine and coercive" efforts to influence politicians, students and the media.

"The threat is real, if often hidden," the national security and intelligence committee of Canadian parliamentarians warned in its annual report on Thursday."

China should use the yuan for all trade, investment and financing. If the threat to ‘cancel’ China’s debt doesn’t wake up the leadership, then I don’t know what will. Chinese companies should focus on developing its own technologies rather than relying on US technology. Chinese companies should also rely on the domestic market for revenue growth rather than the US market. US is losing its power and influence and it’s getting more aggressive as a result. China must plan for the worst case scenario.

If debts are not paid to China, then nationalize every US business and foreign business who takes part in a sanctioning of China if China sees the writing on the wall. And then triple wages in China to produce a consumer economy. And keep manufacturing in China. China does not need the Western warmongers. Then build up military, make 300-500 SSKs a year. Subs are what the US are afraid of, their missiles can't hit them.

Made in China 2025 can not happen soon enough. And take assets out of the West, because any Chinese assets are planned to be frozen, like Iran. Take assets out before nationalizing or dumping US debts.

China had 3 years with this trade war to prepare a decoupling.

China produces wealth. US produces dollars/toilet paper.

And while they are doing this dumping of US debt:

Reveal to the world that US did the 9/11 attacks. That would throw the entire Western world into an upheaval.


China should be buying gold, they don't need gold - the Chinese people are gold, however trading their worthless dollars for gold and silver and platinum and other metals would greatly anger the Washington terrorists. And gold is real wealth.

This decoupling is what Washington wanted from the insulting trade deals, from this bioweapon from Ft Detrick. If China can remain part of the global economy after this, expect another one of these false flag virus pandemics blamed on China.

Expect you true friends to be show, putin is on the side of trump and boris.

The British-American-Zionist alliance sought war with Germany to have severe war reparations:

Germany was "punished" for being set up in a war with the Versailles Treaty with crushing reparations on Germany.

This false flag was planned for decades to punish China with a virus outbreak and the plan is to have a Versailles Treaty to punish China if China wants continued trade:

America’s political and military mission in the post-cold-war era is to ensure that no rival superpower is allowed to emerge in Western Europe, Asia or the territories of the former Soviet Union..The classified document makes the case for a world dominated by one superpower whose position can be perpetuated by constructive behavior and sufficient military might to deter any nation or group of nations from challenging American primacy. US Department of Defense, The New York Times, March, 1992.

If China and US decouple, US is planning on making the countries in OBOR choose between with the US or face North Korean-style sanctions if they choose China. You saw how they went crazy over Huawei in Europe, trump is going to go even crazier with OBOR. You already know the Amerikans released the virus for this purpose. To isolate China and stop the rise of China. The other purposes are secondary.

The Versailles Treaty that is to be forced on China is to prevent China from challenging American primacy. I knew this from when I first heard of the coronavirus released in Wuhan months ago. Same usual suspects doing the same crimes to lay the same fake guilt onto any rival. These Washington types are beyond evil.
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She also said US debts to China “should be forgiven, as a minimum”.

Not surprising, but certainly disappointing, that the financially illiterate can become senators in the US. As creditors, we have no intention of forgiving valid and legitimate debt owed to us. As debtors, the US can 'forgive' itself of debt, in other words default. But that carries its own serious consequences. Choose wisely little lady :agree:
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