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white man converts to Islam, Wears Saudi Thobe and grows a goatee

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Nov 29, 2013
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Saudi Arabia
United Kingdom
Thought the Mid-East section on PDF needed a break from discussing ISIS and what race is superior. This lad has changed his religion and custom for love. This deffo worth making a thread


I married the love of my life last weekin Saudi Arabia. I'm a just a white guy, but when in Rome (or Jeddah)... - Imgur
Some random *** white guy marries a random *** Arab girl.

Why does this need a thread? LOL

He's got a goatee for god sake lmao. I say the goatee deserves its own thread!

Some random *** white guy marries a random *** Arab girl.

Why does this need a thread? LOL

Looks odd, cause the girl seems to be very far from her own custom.:woot:

Perhaps we all should go back to our old custom here on Mid-East PDF and pick on the Indain guy .. lol jokes
How is this news ?

... and why do we need a thread for this ?
Looks odd, cause the girl seems to be very far from her own custom.:woot:

As if an indian would know. lol

The girl is a "bride" sitting with his husband. Hence you see her without hijab etc.
Yeah only a pakistani can know cause in their head pakistanis think they are Arabs. Grow up man.

Hijab or not, am sure an off shoulder gown has very little to do with Arabic/Saudi Arabian culture.

In public? not a chance mate. In a wedding however a bride wears w/e she wants.

It is beyond pathetic how some people think this nonsense warrants a thread.
Retardo, why do hindus have such inferiority-complex. Just because I told you something, I means I think I'm an Arab? LOL.

We Muslims aren't an inferior, cow-piss drinking, conquered people like hindus. We don't think in weird ways.

I just answered your question because I lived in KSA for quite some time..and it is NORMAL over their for women to look fancy on their wedding day...and specially when they are with their husbands.

She is a moderate bride and nothing out of this world.

:lol:oh boy here we go again, its not hard to say nasty things about Muslims mate, trust me there is a lot of dirt that any one with a two digit iq can throw at Muslims, but am better than such bigoted scumbags , so I ll refrain.

You are the one who brought Indians into this, you are the one who is bringing Hindus into this, I on the other hand just made a casual remark about the irony of the image posted by the OP. The white guy trying to be an Arab and the Arab girl trying to be white.
:lol:oh boy here we go again, its not hard to say nasty things about Muslims mate, trust me there is a lot of dirt that any one with a two digit iq can throw at Muslims, but am better than such bigoted scumbags , so I ll refrain.

You are the one who brought Indians into this, you are the one who is bringing Hindus into this,

No, YOU are the one who brought typical bullshit of yours of "Why you Pakistani trying to be Arab" when I NEVER even thought of it from that angle.

I just answered your question because I already know that it is normal for girls in KSA to wear such clothes on weddings.

I on the other hand just made a casual remark about the irony of the image posted by the OP. The white guy trying to be an Arab and the Arab girl trying to be white.


She isn't trying to be white.

She is just being a Saudi bride...
Same can be said about 80 pct of mid-east threads that are based on false news and propaganda. This however is true... insignificant to some people who might have always been so touchy with people showing love since that time their fathers touched them in their sleep yes but true xD

Whatever man, I just think it's ridiculous that this is news. To me, it is clear that this stems from a massive complex of some sort, and while I can understand that religion is the only thing the likes of you live for, I live life sans fairy tale. Hilarious!

Some random *** white guy marries a random *** Arab girl.

Why does this need a thread? LOL
Exactly! What's the big deal? Just because some clown converted to Islam makes it breaking news? :disagree:

This love lorn yank must have converted because his Arab girl friend ordered him to. Either convert or bust!

Move on guys...Nothing to see here..:whistle:
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why the f does this need a thread?

I have seen saudis gorge on non halal steaks at outback steak house and gorging on peporini pizzas- what sgould is ay? arabs leave islam for chrstianity for the love of pork?

Come on grow up

here...they have an article for it

List of converts to Christianity from Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You do realise this has nothing to do with islam or christianity yea?

interesting list you got there, now how many of them have done it for love i'd love to spread their stories all around PDF cheers
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