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White House reportedly uneasy with Jewish lobbying in Congress


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
White House reportedly uneasy with Jewish lobbying in Congress | The Times of Israel

The lobbying efforts of Jewish groups in the United States Congress are causing a general uneasiness in the White House, specifically with US President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry, an official in the Obama administration reportedly said Thursday.

The unnamed official, quoted by Israel Radio, said that “Jewish activity” in Congress, which was perceived by Kerry and Obama to be backed by the Israeli government, was unsettling the two American leaders.

Obama and Kerry, the official continued, were also disappointed by several US Jewish groups’ repeated criticism of the government.

In recent weeks, pro-Israel lobbying groups such as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and the Zionist Organization of America have been applying heavy pressure on members of Congress to support a bill which would impose a new round of sanctions on Iran.

The sanctions bill is strongly opposed by the Obama administration, which fears that the piece of legislation would dampen the possibility of achieving a sustainable diplomatic solution for the Iranian nuclear issue.

The bill, which was sponsored by Senators Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) and Robert Menendez (D-NJ), has so far garnered support from 59 Senators, 16 of which hail from the Democratic party.

The bill is currently eight Senators short of the votes needed in order to assure that the president cannot veto the legislation.

“Our top priority is stopping Iran’s nuclear program, and consequently we are very engaged in building support for the Menendez-Kirk bill which now has the bi-partisan co-sponsorship of 59 senators,” AIPAC’s spokesman, Marshall Wittman, wrote in an email to JTA.

Case in point from the other thread How the British media whitewashed the crimes of Israeli leader Ariel Sharon

The anti-Semitism card is being played against Obama and Kerry to pressure them into acquiescing to Israeli demands.

I hope we see an fundamental change with this soon, Obama is a second term hopefully he just brushes them off and introduces legislation to make slanderous accusations on the basis of silencing ones freedom to speech an criminal offense.
No President will go against will of JEws or else their fate will similar to JFK :sniper::butcher:
I hope we see an fundamental change with this soon, Obama is a second term hopefully he just brushes them off and introduces legislation to make slanderous accusations on the basis of silencing ones freedom to speech an criminal offense.

He won't.
He will be pressured by his party to keep the congressional elections in mind.

And, even if he does something, it will be an ephemeral aberration from the long-established and solidly entrenched Zionist domination of American politics.

The biggest joke on this planet is how the GCC Arabs keep sucking up to America as an "honest broker" in the Palestinian conflict.
He won't.
He will be pressured by his party to keep the congressional elections in mind.

And, even if he does something, it will be an ephemeral aberration from the long-established and solidly entrenched Zionist domination of American politics.

The biggest joke on this planet is how the GCC Arabs keep sucking up to America as an "honest broker" in the Palestinian conflict.

I hope GCC changes it's approach at the least and exercises a different policy.
I am not against Israel.No offense.But it seems Jewish lobby and its allies considerably change world order,from large corporates to Banks and World largest medias to largest arms companies.They are the most clever people in the world.
Take case of India ,our government always kept a distance from them.In 1992 a small bilateral relations is started ,but now we can see its magnitude.Israel methods and policy in addition to decisiveness of its implementation
All the world including US,India ,Russia,China ,Pakistan etc suffered by terrorists attack in their soil.But there is no such thing in Israel.
The bill is unlikely to pass the senate and even if it does, President Obama will veto it. It will require a 2/3rds vote to pass. That is not to say the Israeli lobby is not powerful, but the American president is in charge of foreign policy, with some senate power, and this president has stated categorically, that he will not let said bill become law and scuttle talks with Iran. I did not vote for Mr. Obama, (I am a conservative), but I believe him when he says he will veto any such bill.
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