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Which side India supports in the Syrian Civil War ?

With whom you see India's interests in Syria ?

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is there any precedence of such a thing happening? and russian will veto any such attempt... china wont support too..
That's why CIA is stepping up its game. Russian and Iranian have overstep their boundaries and innocent people are dying. US has decided to push back until Russian come to their senses.

Before this the west needs to back out and Syrian army needs to get ISIS out. Then a referendum.
ISIS is just taking advantage of situation. When people see alternative, ISIS will die on their own without local support. US is not backing out. CIA ego is hurt. Soon after elections, US is going in hard to assure their Arab allies that they are still the daddy and not the Russians.

That's why CIA is stepping up its game. Russian and Iranian have overstep their boundaries and innocent people are dying. US has decided to push back until Russian come to their senses.

ISIS is just taking advantage of situation. When people see alternative, ISIS will die on their own without local support. US is not backing out. CIA ego is hurt. Soon after elections, US is going in hard to assure their Arab allies that they are the still the daddy not the Russians.
I doubt US can do much more than what it is doing... they cant get boots on grounds.. and you cant have regime change without boots on ground.. the isis has actually reduced credibility of allied forces and increased russian control on world opinion...
they will do a deal finally and appoint an assad loyalist as next president...
I doubt US can do much more than what it is doing... they cant get boots on grounds.. and you cant have regime change without boots on ground.. the isis has actually reduced credibility of allied forces and increased russian control on world opinion...
they will do a deal finally and appoint an assad loyalist as next president...
US can do real damage if she wants. But US is playing smart like they did in Afghanistan. Why get yourself dirty when you can have local guys do it for you.
Conflict in Syria is fight between Sunni and Shia's differences,fight between USA and Russia's influence.The biggest actors in this fight are Iran,Saudi Arabia,USA n Russia n Israel.

S Arabia - As religious leader of Sunni's and most influential of Gulf Countries collective decision making.It is single largest contributor to religious terrorism,creating global unrest by funding organizations as ISIS,Taliban,etc and creating unrest from Chechnya in USSR,to Maldives,to Kashmir to USA n Europe.It's goal is to spread of Islam and crush Shia's and terrorism is an important instrument in implementing it.Due to their history,Sunni n Shia's share mutual animosity.Yemen,Syria etc are because of this dislike for each other.

Iran - As Shia's religious leader,it protects it's stake in Shia dominated area leading to conflict with S Arabian influence.Its forces played the most critical part in stopping rapidly advancing ISIS in Iraq.

Israel - Great paradox is here.S Arabia has had multiple discussions with Israel in recent times.Publicly,Israel is its biggest enemy but then again they are united by their biggest adversary - Iran.Israel is more threatened by Iraq backed forces,as in Lebanon and hence some claim it supports ISIS.

Russia - It's last ally in Eurasia.It's only influence remaining is this area.Last bastion,it must hold on to.Plus Russia has considerable Sunni population.If ISIS influence increases in these areas,already grappling with unrest,it will be big headache for Russia.

USA- Wanted to annex last Russian influenced area.Plus S Arabia and Israel has a great say in US Politics.

India - It has been more friendly with Shia dominated countries as Iran,Iraq,etc which it considers as less fundamentalist and liberal.Assad falls into same picture.Though it has extended hand towards S Arabia,it is more comfortable with Iran.

Complexities and self interest of different parties at full display here.
We lost an ally in form of Iraq earlier , we should not commit the same mistake again.

We are not ready yet to participate openly in another war.

Especially with terrorism raging all over.

We can help Assad through Russians and maybe even directly in terms of economics but overtly fighting NATO on a foreign land isn't a bright idea.

US can do real damage if she wants. But US is playing smart like they did in Afghanistan. Why get yourself dirty when you can have local guys do it for you.

A vast section are foreign terrorists that have been paid to do mercenary jobs there.

Yes it is cheaper, but that also means that there are no rules applicable to mercenaries and terrorists.

India - It has been more friendly with Shia dominated countries as Iran,Iraq,etc which it considers as less fundamentalist and liberal.Assad falls into same picture.Though it has extended hand towards S Arabia,it is more comfortable with Iran.

Naturally we are more comfortable with Iranians than with Saudis.

Iranians are logical people to discuss issues and find common solutions, unlike the salafist lunatics who just do what they are told no matter how inhuman it is.
Chaotic syria keeps EU & US busy and focus their leftists to home base...

Their leftism is waning now, thanks to the deadly strikes within Europe these days.

It is tragic for common people, but this way it gets to realise that we aren't kidding when we say religious terrorism and violence is a global reality.

EU countries don't give a sh*t about human rights or stuff if their countries are in trouble; it is just used for politically weakening other countries who respond to terrorism.
US can do real damage if she wants. But US is playing smart like they did in Afghanistan. Why get yourself dirty when you can have local guys do it for you.

why OIC is not doing anything .. if they cant solve this issue .then whats the purpose of OIC.
why OIC is not doing anything .. if they cant solve this issue .then whats the purpose of OIC.
Because Iran is using sectarian divide to score one on Arab to regain their Persian glory that was lost 1500 years ago.Now they don't call it Arab persian fight, rather Shia Sunni. But deep Inside both nations are egoistic and racist.
My opinion on the issue (as well as that of the Indian Govt., evidently) is aligned with the views of Russia (& China), which is to support the Assad government. He is the only person who has any capability or intent of putting his people in order.

If Assad is removed, there will be nothing except faceless, unrepresented Shia, Kurdish & Sunni-aligned insurgents slaughtering each other. A similar situation as to what happened in Libya after Gaddafi was removed.

A relatively secular government under Assad is 100 times better any day.

The West's idea is simply to remove the guy who they deemed as not fulfilling their wishes & succumbing to their worldview...the consequences of such an action on the country at large and on the entire Middle East for decades to come seems to be lost on them.

What's happening today in Syria is a large-scale low-intensity campaign from both sides (West & Russia) reminiscent of 80s Afghanistan.
I would like to post this news from 20th, Syrian News Agency

President al-Assad meets Indian Minister of State for External Affairs

20 August، 2016

Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad received on Saturday Indian Minister of State for External Affairs Mubashir Javed Akbar and the accompanying delegation.

Talks during the meeting discussed the situation in Syria and the dangers of terrorism on the region and the world.

The close relations between Syria and India that have been consolidated over decades were highlighted, with both sides expressing desire in developing bilateral cooperation in various domains.

President al-Assad said the fact that many friendly countries, including India, have stood by the Syrian people has concretely reflected on boosting Syria’s steadfastness in the face of the war waged against it by foreign and regional states.

These states, he said, have used the terrorist organizations in their war on Syria, supporting them in various ways, and have so far worked on obstructing efforts at finding a peaceful solution that would bring the bloodshed and destruction to an end and stop the crimes inflicted by the terrorists upon the Syrian people.

The President affirmed in this context that the Syrian people are determined to continue defending their homeland and the unity of their country despite all the pressure and suffering they have to bear, be it on the security, economic and daily life levels.

The Indian official, for his part, highlighted the importance of cooperation with Syria in the field of combating terrorism and consolidating the Syrians’ achievements in this regard.

It would be a mistake not to realize the dangers of terrorism and its aim of spreading death and extremism, jeopardizing world stability and destroying the human civilization, said Akbar.

He stressed that India is ready to offer all that could help in alleviating the suffering of the Syrian people and contribute effectively to the development process and reconstruction in Syria.

In the same context, Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem met the Indian minister, expressing Syria’s readiness to cooperate and coordinate with the Indian side in the fight against terrorism in the common interests of both countries which are facing the same adversary.

During the meeting, the Indian minister voiced his country’s rejection of foreign interference in the internal affairs of states, warning that terrorism is a threat that knows no boundaries.

He stressed India’s support for reaching a political solution for the crisis in Syria by the Syrians themselves in a way that preserves Syria’s sovereignty and unity.

H. Said/Manal


Now two clear things I take out from is

1. India still considers Al Asad the Legitimate head of state , when our External Affairs ministry hold meetings with him.

2. The use of word terrorism over ISIS, this does indicate India's stance over "Moderate Terrorists of West ".

@MilSpec @Koovie @Echo_419 @Dash @hellfire @ito @SR-91 @AMCA @DesiGuy1403 @ranjeet @hellfire @fsayed @SpArK @AUSTERLITZ @nair @proud_indian @Roybot @jbgt90 @Sergi @Water Car Engineer @dadeechi @kurup @Rain Man @kaykay @Joe Shearer @Tshering22 @Dandpatta @danger007 @Didact @Soumitra @SrNair @TejasMk3@jbgt90 @ranjeet @4GTejasBVR @The_Showstopper @guest11 @egodoc222 @Nilgiri @SarthakGanguly @Omega007 @GURU DUTT @HariPrasad @JanjaWeed @litefire @AMCA @Perpendicular @Spectre @litefire @AMCA @Perpendicular @Ryuzaki
@CorporateAffairs @GR!FF!N @migflug @Levina@-xXx- @Perpendicular @proud_indian @Mustang06 @Param @Local_Legend @Ali Zadi @hellfire @egodoc222 @CorporateAffairs @Major Shaitan Singh @jha @SmilingBuddha @#hydra# @danish_vij @[Bregs] @Skillrex @Hephaestus @SR-91 @Techy @litefire @R!CK @zebra7 @dev_moh @DesiGuy1403 @itachii @nik141993 @Marxist @Glorino @noksss @jbgt90 @Skull and Bones @Kraitcorp @Abingdonboy @anant_s @PARIKRAMA
India is a status quo seeking nation.

The Indian govt has been consistence in supporting the Assad government, the West's terrorism in that part of the world does not change this.

Assad is better option than any of its opponents.
Indeed, he is a secular ruler. The "moderate Rebels" are ISIS by another name.
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