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Which Middle Eastern nation has the most advanced independent space program?

Desperate hasbara troll, I have said from the beginning that they use the same engine. You're basically replying to me with what I have been saying right from the start :lol:

As I said, even Americans use the same engines as some Russian SLV's, by your logic, American SLVS are copied of Russian SLV's :crazy:

It seems this hasbara troll ca't read, yu just quoted them as they said the Simorgh and Unha are similar. whilst you were claiming they are copies :lol: You just quoted a source that completely contradicts what you've been saying . What an epic fail.
Many SLV's are similar, it does not mean anything. In this case, it just means Iran has helped north korean and that is why you can see Iranian influence in their systems.

"North Korea’s Unha-series may now incorporate some Iranian technologies. North Korea’s Unha-2 launch in 2009 failed when the rocket’s third stage did not separate properly. North Korea’s first successful Unha-series launch, in December 2012, used a larger third stage that appeared to be similar to a rocket stage previously seen only in Iran. "

This is from the very source you're quoting. It this terrorists sympatheiser can't even read.
* US Atlas-5 uses Russian RD-180 engine. But there is no any Russian rocket which uses RD-180.
* The difference between Unha and Simorgh is just like difference between Scud-B and Scud-C - some minor rearrangement.

You need more study instead of cursing kiddo.
* US Atlas-5 uses Russian RD-180 engine. But there is no any Russian rocket which uses RD-180.
* The difference between Unha and Simorgh is just like difference between Scud-B and Scud-C - some minor rearrangement.

You need more study instead of cursing kiddo.

What you call "minor rearrangemen" are:

1- much bigger 1st stage of simorgh
2- uses different propellant
3- simorgh is 2 stage whilst unha is 3 stage
4- different configuration of engines
5- And all the other differences stated already.

They are basically completely different other than the engine. But this your hasbara brain cant see this basic fact.

* US Atlas-5 uses Russian RD-180 engine. But there is no any Russian rocket which uses RD-180.

Was used in:


And others,

and variations of the same engine are used till this today. This I suppose Americans are copying Russian SLV's by your hasbara logic.
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