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Where will US Attack next



This Video says it all !!!

typical US brain washed citizen.

cant even locate Iran on the map ( the host intentionally labelled it wrong)

Click here to watch
Originally posted by A.Rahman@Jan 12 2006, 10:47 AM
pretty funny..... but its real
[post=5308]Quoted post[/post]​

For some reason its not working for me, so i wouldn't know how it is.. :S
Seen this video. Its hilarious and pathetic at the same time.

My guess is they will probably be going after Iran next.
Originally posted by Ahsan_R@Jan 12 2006, 03:48 PM
Seen this video. Its hilarious and pathetic at the same time.

My guess is they will probably be going after Iran next.
[post=5315]Quoted post[/post]​

It is possible but we can't say that. I believe the most vulnerable target in Muslim world yet is Syria. It might have a good army, since it was able to have guts to occupy Lebanon for real long, until the pressure by European countries and United States. Syria also have supported insurgency and terrorist jihad groups entering in Iraq, however i can't confirm that they supported it, but this is what American media says so.
Off course one of my fellow co-worker went to america. He came back to australia with some interesting stories. He said those americans are really really dumb people, they even dont know what and where Australia is. They dont even know whether Australia exists. forget about Iran then. Those people are unaware about the rest of the world.

From my point of view the next US target will be Iran. It will take time and perhaps with the help of Israeil americans will attack. At the moment they really struggling in Iraq and they cant afford the same thing in Iran yet.

But i have real concerns about Israel, because i saw Iranian president talking about finishing Israel from the world map in one of his speech in UN Headquarters.
The Irani President is funny as hell, he is talking crap openly against other countries, he dont even care!

Regarding the American people well thats kind of true, they dont even know where Iraq is, and how close it is to Pakistan, but you got to accept the American government is smart as hell and they know what they are doing, and actually if see they have an advantage over the people, cause people dont know what their government is doing, so they can do almost what they want.
right now they do not have the ability to attack.

but they are indeed lead by politicians and politicians indeed doent know jack about armies and war.

as i see it if they invade iran their recources will be spread too thin and they will loose a valuable chunk of the strategic reserve they MUST maintain if they are to quell any future rebellions by the masses in any one of their captured lands.

any militry person (like kerry) would know this!!!

also invading iran is not khala jee ka ghar. iran has a very loyal army, very dangrous weopens (like the underwater missile torpedos that travel like a missile...!!!). iran has a public which will NO way in hell fall for american propoganda as they are very anti US and would fight to their last drop of blood including the weomen and also they are mostly shia...shia are the only derivitive of islam who believe Jannah lies in hurting ones self...thus they will be farely reluctent to blow them selfs up.. and im not saying a few thousand hiding inside the masses..i mean all of them...they would rather have war then peace under US of *** holes. as they believe that enlightenment lies in sacrificing your self for others and since they are not entirely islamic they believe hurthing your self is the best way to sacrifice your self....(in islam sacrificing means forgetting the worldly things and concentrating your existent to help others...ie devote to educating the uneducated, help the helpless, resist till last breath..(not blow your self up note resist)

US can hope to make it work by involving the isrealis but the isrealis piss their pants on even the thought of invading iran "there will be grave conseque nces for any offencive strike committed against Iran and her nueclear reactors" (meaning you attack them we attack you with what we got...ie nukes) President Musharaf.
I read in jang.com and Herald Sun news that US is planning and developing strategies to attack Iranian nuclear sites with the help of airforce. And Isreal is gonna play a very important role in attack as well. Few expert also mentioned that may the attack will be carry out fully by Isreal, as they are more threatened by Iran.
Isreali Air Force will bomb the crap out of Iran. Iran needs a strong air force, with some latest Russian tech in it. Otherwise, Iran will just have to see a land war.
What do you guys think about the strategy of Iran if in any case Israel attacks Iran with the support of U.S?

There is a possiblity that Iran already has a short range nuclear capable ballistic missile about 350KM of range. :/
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