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Where is the flotilla for Syria?


Dec 12, 2008
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OPINION EUROPE September 4, 2012, 3:29 p.m. ET

Where is the flotilla for Syria?

Assad's war has claimed four times as many victims in 20 months as have been killed in the Israel-Palestine conflict in the last 20 years.

Last month, a group of Scandinavians pulled up anchor from a Swedish port and set off toward the Middle East under the pretense of delivering humanitarian aid. The Nordic fog may have clouded their choice of destination. The moral compass of these self-proclaimed human-rights activists steered them to the Gaza Strip, not Syria.

The fleets of flotillas, ferries, yachts, sailboats, canoes and catamarans and that have set sail for Gaza in recent years rival the size of the Spanish Armada. Yet one might argue that humanitarian flotillas are needed just a bit more urgently in Syria, where more civilians have been murdered by the Assad regime than those killed during Japan's 2011 earthquake and tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, and 9/11 combined.

The conflict in Syria has also claimed roughly four times as many victims in the past 20 months as were killed in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict over the past 20 years. The residents of Gaza continue to enjoy more international assistance than virtually any other population on the planet, but almost no aid is reaching the two million people displaced within Syria—roughly 10% of the country's population.

The flotilla crowd has different priorities. They prefer to work around the clock to protest Israel's legitimate defense against the terrorists who target its citizens and fire thousands of rockets into its cities. Perhaps we shouldn't be surprised: It's much easier to face news cameras in Tel Aviv than bullets in Damascus.


Demonstrators at an anti-Israel rally in Stockholm, May 2010.

Indeed, Israel is the luxury destination of choice for this type of "human-rights activist." In Israel, these weekend revolutionaries are free from the dangers of arbitrary arrest, imprisonment and execution that abound in the totalitarian states that make up the rest of the region. Instead of trying to dig into the dark abyss of abuses in neighboring states, they prefer to lounge in the comfort of Israel's democratic institutions, civil society and independent media, which offer a wealth of easily accessible information that they use to attack Israel.

The burden of democracy is always heavy, and Israel is proud to carry it.
With more reporters and human-rights activists per capita than anywhere else on the planet, we understand deeply the invaluable role of civil society, even though its institutions can sometimes be used and abused by those with the most radical of agendas.

Today much of the international human-rights arena resembles a masquerade ball, where the most extreme views can be easily masked beneath the empty utterance of words like "democracy" and "human rights." Norwegian scholar Johan Galtung, the leader of the Scandinavian ship to Gaza, was recently suspended from the Swiss World Peace Academy for a series of anti-Semitic rants. He recommended that all university students read "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," the infamous piece of 19th-century propaganda used in Nazi classrooms.

Far from criticizing the tyrants of the Middle East, the flotilla crowd often joins hands with them. Just this May, the British activist group Viva Palestina enjoyed the hospitality of Bashar Assad, making a pit stop in Syria on its way to trying to enter Gaza. Around the same time that Assad's thugs were gearing up for their massacre of children in Houla, members of Viva Palestina were proudly tweeting their whereabouts and posting photos on Facebook of themselves next to the regime's representatives.

Instead of dancing with dictators and tangoing with tyrants, what if the flotilla crowd actually set sail in the direction where aid is so desperately needed?

—Mr. Prosor is Israel's ambassador to the United Nations.

OPINION EUROPE September 4, 2012, 3:29 p.m. ET

Where is the flotilla for Syria?

Assad's war has claimed four times as many victims in 20 months as have been killed in the Israel-Palestine conflict in the last 20 years.

Last month, a group of Scandinavians pulled up anchor from a Swedish port and set off toward the Middle East under the pretense of delivering humanitarian aid. The Nordic fog may have clouded their choice of destination. The moral compass of these self-proclaimed human-rights activists steered them to the Gaza Strip, not Syria.

The fleets of flotillas, ferries, yachts, sailboats, canoes and catamarans and that have set sail for Gaza in recent years rival the size of the Spanish Armada. Yet one might argue that humanitarian flotillas are needed just a bit more urgently in Syria, where more civilians have been murdered by the Assad regime than those killed during Japan's 2011 earthquake and tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, and 9/11 combined.

The conflict in Syria has also claimed roughly four times as many victims in the past 20 months as were killed in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict over the past 20 years. The residents of Gaza continue to enjoy more international assistance than virtually any other population on the planet, but almost no aid is reaching the two million people displaced within Syria—roughly 10% of the country's population.

The flotilla crowd has different priorities. They prefer to work around the clock to protest Israel's legitimate defense against the terrorists who target its citizens and fire thousands of rockets into its cities. Perhaps we shouldn't be surprised: It's much easier to face news cameras in Tel Aviv than bullets in Damascus.


Demonstrators at an anti-Israel rally in Stockholm, May 2010.

Indeed, Israel is the luxury destination of choice for this type of "human-rights activist." In Israel, these weekend revolutionaries are free from the dangers of arbitrary arrest, imprisonment and execution that abound in the totalitarian states that make up the rest of the region. Instead of trying to dig into the dark abyss of abuses in neighboring states, they prefer to lounge in the comfort of Israel's democratic institutions, civil society and independent media, which offer a wealth of easily accessible information that they use to attack Israel.

The burden of democracy is always heavy, and Israel is proud to carry it.
With more reporters and human-rights activists per capita than anywhere else on the planet, we understand deeply the invaluable role of civil society, even though its institutions can sometimes be used and abused by those with the most radical of agendas.

Today much of the international human-rights arena resembles a masquerade ball, where the most extreme views can be easily masked beneath the empty utterance of words like "democracy" and "human rights." Norwegian scholar Johan Galtung, the leader of the Scandinavian ship to Gaza, was recently suspended from the Swiss World Peace Academy for a series of anti-Semitic rants. He recommended that all university students read "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," the infamous piece of 19th-century propaganda used in Nazi classrooms.

Far from criticizing the tyrants of the Middle East, the flotilla crowd often joins hands with them. Just this May, the British activist group Viva Palestina enjoyed the hospitality of Bashar Assad, making a pit stop in Syria on its way to trying to enter Gaza. Around the same time that Assad's thugs were gearing up for their massacre of children in Houla, members of Viva Palestina were proudly tweeting their whereabouts and posting photos on Facebook of themselves next to the regime's representatives.

Instead of dancing with dictators and tangoing with tyrants, what if the flotilla crowd actually set sail in the direction where aid is so desperately needed?

—Mr. Prosor is Israel's ambassador to the United Nations.

No Clue whats you problem but you are always posting only anti Muslim news Why Dont You Go and Mind with your Country The biggest terrorist of 21 century
Leme give you few example from past

1940s - nuked Japan.
Death toll: 145,000 to date in Nagasaki, 250,000 in Hiroshima

1947-49 - U.S. helps command extreme-right Greece party in Civil War.
Death toll: about 70,000 contributed by US-backed forces

1948-54 - CIA directs war against Huk Rebellion in Philippines.
Death toll: about 11,000

1950 - Independence movement crushed in Ponce, Puerto Rico
Death toll: conservative historians estimated about 8,000 peasants

1950-53 - Korean War
Death toll: about 1,776,000

1952 - CIA overthrows Democracy in Iran, installs Shah
Death toll: about 20,000

1954 - CIA directs invasion of Guatemala after new Democracy there nationalized U.S.-occupied lands
Death toll: about 140,000 missing and dead

1958 - In Lebanon, marine occupation against rebels
Death toll: about 2,000

1960-75+ - Vietnam War including Cambodia and Laos
Death toll: about 4,502,000 including civilians and resulting famines (conservative estimates)

1961 - Cuba's Bay of Pigs Invasion fails
Death toll: about 4,000

1963 - In Iraq, CIA organizes coup against President and agrees to back formerly exiled Saddam
Death toll: about 7,000 including civilians

1964 - In Panama, troops kill protesters against US-owned canal
Death toll: about 1,000

1965 - CIA assists Indonesian coup
Death toll: about 900,000

1966 - Troops and bombers threaten pro-communist parties in Dominican Republic
Death toll: about 3,000

1966-96 - Green berets in Guatemala against rebels, US backs pro-American forces in country until 1996
Death toll: about 200,000

1970 - Directs marine invasion of Oman
Death toll: about 2,000

1973 - CIA directs coup to oust elected Marxist president in Chile
Death toll: 30,000... 3,000 later disappeared under US-installed dictator

1976-92 - CIA assists South-African rebels in Angola
Death toll: median estimate at 550,000

1981-90 - CIA directs Contra invasions in Nicaragua
Death toll: median estimate at 30,000

1982-84 - Marines expel Lebanese rebels, aided by Israel
Death toll: 40,000

1987-88 - US intervenes for Iraq against Iran
Death toll: about 150,000 during time-frame, 100,000 during Desert Storm, 350,000 from resulting famine

1989 - US invades to oust CIA-installed Panamanian government gone rouge
Death toll: 2,000

1992-94 - US-led occupation of Somalia during civil war
Death toll: 50,000 in combat, 300,000 by starvation

2001+ - US Occupies Afghanistan
Death toll: 120,000 including civilians and combatants and resulting Opium Wars

2003+ - Iraqi War
Death toll: 665,000 also by starvation, displacement

TOTAL: 10,431,000

And that doesn't even include POWs, classified information, and WW2 pre-nuke!
Few Sources
BBC NEWS | Middle East | 'Huge rise' in Iraqi death tolls
Bay of Pigs Invasion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Consortium
NationMaster - Encyclopedia: Death toll
PUERTO RICO HERALD: Then & Now: U.S. Occupations

1.7 Million disarmed POWS in 1945 By the order of General Eisenhower
Israel is a favorite whipping boy for everyone. Their antisemitism is hidden under their show of support for Palestinians.
No Clue whats you problem but you are always posting only anti Muslim news -
The word "Muslim" doesn't appear in the article.

Leme give you few example from past -
No. These have nothing to do with the situation at hand. What you and I can be sure of is that you're washing your hands of Syrian affairs, trying to lure eyes elsewhere. In short, you're part of the problem and not interested in finding a solution.

I'm not going to yield and give you any excuse - not the slightest - to feel good about yourself here. Not until you gaze through your navel and realize that it's people like you who, by looking away and thus granting moral immunity, empower cruel people to commit evil deeds.
The word "Muslim" doesn't appear in the article.

No. These have nothing to do with the situation at hand. What you and I can be sure of is that you're washing your hands of Syrian affairs, trying to lure eyes elsewhere. In short, you're part of the problem and not interested in finding a solution.

I'm not going to yield and give you any excuse - not the slightest - to feel good about yourself here. Not until you gaze through your navel and realize that it's people like you who, by looking away and thus granting moral immunity, empower cruel people to commit evil deeds.

these Situation has to do with every thing Its the US and its allies which are supporting these terrorist groups
Cruel people Its You guys who chose president who killed more then 1.7 million germans
its Your Country who started supporting terrorism in almost every war in 21 century
What gives you the right to support terrorism which you not even a single connection if Assad is so bad why he still the president their is a full on war in syria but still hes the president its your army who supporting these terrorist

their are many similar kind of videos So dont give me lecture on humanity I dont support terrorism nor i support any state who does
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these Situation has to do with every thing Its the US and its allies which are supporting these terrorist groups -
That's better, now you're relating to the thread topic.

What gives you the right to support terrorism which you not even a single connection if Assad is so bad why he still the president their is a full on war in syria but still hes the president its your army who supporting these terrorist
Don't presume that I'm proud of it. Also, I'm not sure it's really happening, even though Pres. Obama says it is.

Don't forget that "flotilla" operations were supposedly conceived by those who thought their own governments were doing the wrong thing and "private" groups had to take a hand instead. So why don't you support or even take part in such relief for the Syrians?

(As for me, I support Israeli organizations which provide medical treatment to injured Syrians who cross the border seeking medical aid in Israel. Can't do better: obviously a Zionist-organized flotilla going to Syria would be portrayed as an invasion by people like yourself and thus panic the Syrians. )
That's better, now you're relating to the thread topic.

Don't presume that I'm proud of it. Also, I'm not sure it's really happening, even though Pres. Obama says it is.

Don't forget that "flotilla" operations were supposedly conceived by those who thought their own governments were doing the wrong thing and "private" groups had to take a hand instead. So why don't you support or even take part in such relief for the Syrians?

(As for me, I support Israeli organizations which provide medical treatment to injured Syrians who cross the border seeking medical aid in Israel. Can't do better: obviously a Zionist-organized flotilla going to Syria would be portrayed as an invasion by people like yourself and thus panic the Syrians. )
You are not Sure I m pretty Sure Cz Its the President of your country, about my actions my friend i m doing best to my abilities what i can do to help others , and i dont know about flotilla operation please explain
i dont know about flotilla operation please explain
You really should read the article, then, rather than quote it blindly. I thought you'd understand after my first comment but apparently I have to be more explicit.
Cruel people Its You guys who chose president who killed more then 1.7 million germans
if not these "cruel" americans u were clening shoes of german officers now instead posting rubbish on forums.
if not these "cruel" americans u were clening shoes of german officers now instead posting rubbish on forums.

No Muslims were the allies of Germans so i would be drinking Coffechino with a German officer instead of replying a person who wasnt even born =))
No Muslims were the allies of Germans so i would be drinking Coffechino with a German officer instead of replying a person who wasnt even born =))
Actually they considered u as subhumans and used only later as their cannon fodder when began to lose. So u would not clean shoes, u wont work as slave on some field.
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