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Where are the mods?

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I often report such posts but nevertheless they aren't deleted but I don't want to blame the Mods for obvious reasons :rolleyes:
while the first link you provided may be considered trolling, but the second one was on topic!
banning for such a trivial issue would be extreme reaction. just my opinion. anyway, its upto mods.
I have deleted the first post. Please stay on target and don't increase work for the mods.
saying things like your assses on fire is flaming, and is intentionally trying to heat up the atmosphere, trying to bait the other members.

When the pakistani members of this forum, and the moderators try so hard to let Bharati friends have their say, and tolerate views other than their own much more so than other forums, why do people like vics abuse this previlige that they have?

If I said those words on an Indian forum, we both know what response I would have got.
saying things like your assses on fire is flaming, and is intentionally trying to heat up the atmosphere, trying to bait the other members.

When the pakistani members of this forum, and the moderators try so hard to let Bharati friends have their say, and tolerate views other than their own much more so than other forums, why do people like vics abuse this previlige that they have?

If I said those words on an Indian forum, we both know what response I would have got.

and calling indians 'bharati' is compliment, I suppose?:tsk:

should this be considered trolling also, then should YOU be BANNED for FLAMING then.
plz be reasonable.:hitwall:
I'm sure, in urdu somebody from Bhaarat is called Bharati. I appologise if I have offended you, i will use the proper Hindi term from now on. Bharatiya...is that better?
also, we need to stop immature indians from posting on this forum. What I mean by immature is this,

I don't want to waste my time answering this typical troll/flamebait session. I've posted authentic sources debunking brahmos, ramjet technology, the success of hal tejas, arjun, akula, and the aircraft carrier. I can see immature kids posting highly inaccurate information in a pissing contest. india is not a shooperpawwar!

unfortunately, stupidity eventually prevails...
We shouldn't blame the Mods for everything but I have to admit that I am disappointed with their work nevertheless I think they are doing they're best
All rubish,hateful statments and stupid name calling needs to be stopped and no disrespect to our Country will be tolarted at all cost . Furthermore, yes it makes more work for the mods & admin etc please lets be in peace here atleast and keep the trash out of here !! enjoy the site and help make the site a interesting and peaceful place thanks..
Hello, like i have mentioned yesterday we are short on moderating. But the guys who are already in our administration are doing tremendous job in keeping the forum clean and with our standards. The growth of our site has doubled hence we are now seeing some gaps which will hopefully be taken care of. It will be nice if our reliable members be patient and continue to do their reports if they have to.
Be realistic people, the mods/admins can't be in every thread or cannot trace every post all the time, if you as a forum user find something offensive or see a troll, just report it, makes life a whole lot easier.
If you see that there's nothing being done about someone who continues to troll, just tackle him in a good debate, have a good talk, but don't go insulting, I mean, corny jokes happen, and sarcasm is no point either, but don't start bashing, it's just not "cool".
Many members have been banned and given a 2 week ban. Lets clear it out. We are following 1st strike policy in the current situation. Which should help clean the forum, and make the nice members happy.

Once their ban is lifted i am hoping that they wont act in a same manner. But who knows! :o
the mods say they maintain balance, but i dont see balance, esp when my posts r deleted for being offensive with no personal attacks, but on the contrary others who make personal attacks on me r forgiven!!, i PM to mods, action shuld be taken for a rubbish post but neither the action is taken, nor i am informed that why the action was not taken!!!, after i complain to an available mod, i see the mod is posting while my complains never answered!!!

recently, i was issued a warning, only bcoz, i was offensive to some ppl, not insulting, but ppl who insult me r never bothered nor their post deleted!!!
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