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When will China's military be able to challenge the U.S.?

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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I would like to know your opinion on this. According to you, when will China's military be able to challenge U.S. military domination? 20 years? 30 or 40 years? As we all know, currently the U.S. dominates the world and all waters.
To challenge the US army on a "global scale" will take longer than 20 years.

To challenge them in our own "backyard" (Yellow Sea, etc.) will be much sooner.

It's a moot point anyway, since "nuclear powers" have never fought each other directly. The risk of escalation into a nuclear war is too high.

Such conflicts always end up being fought through proxies.
I would like to know your opinion on this. According to you, when will China's military be able to challenge U.S. military domination? 20 years? 30 or 40 years? As we all know, currently the U.S. dominates the world and all waters.

Probably never, China doesn't want to challenge the USA.

China's only goal is defence and to produce better weapons than the USA so that they can have a monopoly on the arms market so that they can make more money selling arms.

China doesn't have any plans to build 15+ aircraft carriers or a 5,000+ aircraft or build long range bombers in bulk.

Heres the stuff that China is currently working on

Chinese Say They’re Building ‘Impossible’ Space Drive | Danger Room | Wired.com

Chinese Say They’re Building ‘Impossible’ Space Drive

Chinese researchers claim they’ve confirmed the theory behind an "impossible" space drive, and are proceeding to build a demonstration version. If they’re right, this might transform the economics of satellites, open up new possibilities for space exploration –- and give the Chinese a decisive military advantage in space.
I assume it's restricted to conventional warfare

There is alot of variables and assumptions involved. I would say in another 20 years China can expected to have advantage in a fight with US in the area around china's territory. (PLA claimed to be able to take back Taiwan even with US backing by 2020 )

As to going on offensive in a thrid country not adjacent to china with the US it will probably be 30 years from now. What china needs is to catch up technologically and have the ability to transport/airlift more than the US is capable of in a shorter amount of time. But I don't think this activity is what the chinese leadership (current ones anyway) is interested in.

Offensive on US mainland? Hardly ever gonna happen
The challenge is not going come militarily but economically, this will happen in 20-30 years and I doubt China is interested in the mantle of world hegemon

You're right, being the "World Policeman" is a terrible job.

It costs billions a year, and everyone will end up hating you anyway.

China's rise is all about Economic power. That is the best way for us.
Exactly look after your own people and stop trying to shape the world in your own imagine.

this is ironically what the vision of the US originially was. and then it started with the naval adventures to protect its interests and never looked back.

china doesn't need to do any of that adventurism.
I assume it's restricted to conventional warfare

There is alot of variables and assumptions involved. I would say in another 20 years China can expected to have advantage in a fight with US in the area around china's territory. (PLA claimed to be able to take back Taiwan even with US backing by 2020 )

As to going on offensive in a thrid country not adjacent to china with the US it will probably be 30 years from now. What china needs is to catch up technologically and have the ability to transport/airlift more than the US is capable of in a shorter amount of time. But I don't think this activity is what the chinese leadership (current ones anyway) is interested in.

Offensive on US mainland? Hardly ever gonna happen

Just as important as the toys is a well educated officer corp and professional backbone of NCOs, I hate to say it but countries like Canada and the US has the PLA beat flat in those areas.

Up until recently few NCO's saw the PLA as a career because of terrible pay. They've fixed the pay but we still have captains running mess halls and doing other administrative stuff that NCO's can do. China will need a good officer corp before it can undertake major reforms.
It's not just equipment, training or doctrine. U.S military has a huge advantage in combat experience comparing to the Chinese. Americans are involved in wars almost constantly meanwhile China hasn't had any battlefield experience since the military modernization project began.
To challenge them in our own "backyard" (Yellow Sea, etc.) will be much sooner.

It's a moot point anyway, since "nuclear powers" have never fought each other directly. The risk of escalation into a nuclear war is too high.

Such conflicts always end up being fought through proxies.

It's not a moot point actually, by challenging I didn't mean a direct military confrontation of course. I mean ending total U.S. domination. The U.S. is currently building new alliances with many different Asian nations and building more military bases there in order to encircle China in its own "backyard". When do you think China will be able to prevent this?
People need to understand the Chinese philosophy first before getting into the policy debate. Chinese Philosophy does not separate military strategy from economical strategies as well as diplomacy. The harmony among these three factors is the fundamental principal of the Chinese state policies. Pursuing one at the expense of the other is not the way of doing things in China. Read Master Sun Tzu's Art of War and I Ching for a start. This will help you to understand the psychology of Chinese way of doing things which is very different than anywhere in the world.
Probably never, China doesn't want to challenge the USA.

China's only goal is defence and to produce better weapons than the USA so that they can have a monopoly on the arms market so that they can make more money selling arms.

China doesn't have any plans to build 15+ aircraft carriers or a 5,000+ aircraft or build long range bombers in bulk.

Heres the stuff that China is currently working on

you link was just some blog, pure fanboy stuff written by someone who barely know English. Electromagnetic forward submarines? Gravitational-wave passive radar? Photino radar?

No thx to science fiction.
It's not a moot point actually, by challenging I didn't mean a direct military confrontation of course. I mean ending total U.S. domination. The U.S. is currently building new alliances with many different Asian nations and building more military bases there in order to encircle China in its own "backyard". When do you think China will be able to prevent this?

Most likey when its world economic share goes up and the neighbouring countries realises the benefit of doing business with China
you link was just some blog, pure fanboy stuff written by someone who barely know English. Electromagnetic forward submarines? Gravitational-wave passive radar? Photino radar?

No thx to science fiction.

This is HARDLY science fiction, or fanboy stuff


Technology: Run Silent, Run Electromagnetic - TIME

Like a well-trained dolphin, the miniature experimental submarine maneuvered docilely around the waters of California's Santa Barbara yacht basin. No propellers, no jets were visible along its sleek, 10-ft.-long hull, yet the sub was obviously moving under its own power, gliding silently at about 2 m.p.h. 3 ft. under the surface. There was not a motor on board, but the odd little boat was being propelled by the same electrical phenomenon that causes rotors in electric motors to turn: electromagnetic force.

And gravity can very well be used as a radar, every object in the world has a gravitational field, planes, ships. If it was possible to develop instruments sensitive enough to detect changes in gravity it would be possible to detect a plane just by reading the gravity field of the plane.
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