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When Israel vetoed a plot to kill Khomeini in Paris


Dec 12, 2008
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Written by : Amir Taheri
on : Wednesday, 3 Jun, 2015

When Israel vetoed a plot to kill Khomeini in Paris

According to conventional wisdom, Iran and Israel are mortal foes locked in a deadly struggle to the bitter end. However, David, Lord Alliance, whose autobiography A Bazaar Life has just been published in London, does not share the conventional wisdom.

He recalls the history of close ties between Iran and the Jewish people, going back more than 25 centuries, when Cyrus the Great, the founder of the Persian Empire, freed the Jews from their captivity in Babylon and allowed them to return to their original homeland. Cyrus’s successor Darius even financed the rebuilding of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem that was to be destroyed by the Romans centuries later.

In more recent times, Alliance tells us, Iran has been one of the few countries in the world where Jews could live in relative security. And when Israel declared itself a state in 1948, Iran was the only Muslim country to recognize it. (On that, Lord Alliance is wrong because Turkey, too, granted Israel recognition.)

Alliance, a member of the United Kingdom’s House of Lords and one of Britain’s most prominent industrialists in the past 50 years, makes an even more interesting assertion: Iran is the only country that can succeed where everyone else has failed by “solving the Israel–Palestine problem.”

“Only Iran which knows cultures on both sides has the great capacity to negotiate and the clout to mediate peace between two regional neighbors Israel and Palestine,” he writes. Notwithstanding the rhetoric from Tehran and Tel Aviv, Iran is Israel’s best hope.

He also claims that “mullahs are experts in the art of negotiation,” always looking for profit, just like the merchants in the bazaars of Tehran and Kashan where Lord Alliance spent his early years as an Iranian-Jewish shop assistant to his father and uncles.

A man of the bazaar, Lord Alliance knows that nothing is ever done for nothing. So, what reward would mullahs get in “negotiating the end of the Israel-Palestine conflict”?

Lord Alliance’s answer is that Israel should “offer Iran joint guardianship of the holy Islamic sites in Jerusalem, including the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock.” Interesting thought, you might say.

There is no doubt that at least part of the Israeli leadership elite is persuaded that the mullahs of Tehran could be useful allies against hostile Arabs. This is why Israel lobbied the US in 1985 to smuggle arms to Iran, needed to stop Saddam Hussein’s armies and then force them into retreat in the Iran-Iraq War. In secret talks held between a US delegation sent by President Ronald Reagan and the Khomeini government in Tehran, Israel was represented by Amiram Nir, then a rising star of Mossad. Hassan Rouhani, the future president of the Islamic Republic was an interpreter with the Iranian delegation led by Ayatollah Dorri Najafabadi, then a close aide to Rafsanjani. Tehran repaid Israel by creating Hezbollah to evict PLO forces from southern Lebanon close to the demarcation line with Israel.

However, the solution proposed by Lord Alliance, who has close relations with Israeli leaders and the Rafsanjani faction in Tehran, would mean a double exclusion of Palestinians not to mention 85 percent of Muslims who do not subscribe to Iran’s brand of Islam especially in its Khomeinist version.

Alliance relates his encounter with Khomeini in Paris just weeks before the ayatollah returned to Tehran to seize power. Accompanied by his son Ahmad, the ayatollah came to George V, a luxury hotel in the heart of Paris for the meeting to reassure the Jewish community through Alliance that the coming “Islamic regime” would do nothing against them or Israel. A few weeks later when Shapour Bakhtiar, the Shah’s last prime minister, asked the Israelis to assassinate Khomeini in France, the Mossad rejected the idea out of hand.

Alliance left Iran aged 16, almost penniless but with great dreams. Over the years he became the owner of the biggest textile empire in the world, based in Manchester, and one of Britain’s wealthiest men. With wealth came social recognition and, as is the British custom, membership of the House of Lords.

The book includes several fascinating chapters on wheeling and dealing in a major capitalist economy where fortunes could be made out of nothing and then unmade because of a mere slip. Though he does not tell us whether or not he plays cricket, over the decades Alliance became a fully-fledged Englishman, hobnobbing with the great and the good in British society. Among the people he hired at different times were a number of senior former Cabinet ministers and leaders from all the three major political parties. He offers delicious prose caricatures of some of them, notably George-Brown, a former deputy leader of the Labour Party.

At one point he notes, tongue-in-cheek, that in a capitalist society, a man with big pockets could go wherever he likes.

Alliance is cryptic about his contacts with the current leadership in Iran, although in the 1990s he reportedly introduced Rouhani, then Iran’s nuclear negotiator, to several senior members of the British establishment.

Although the Iranian part of his life was brief, Alliance’s memoirs show that coming out of Iran may be easy, but getting Iran out of oneself is not. Some of the best pages of this memoir consist of nostalgic ruminations about Alliance’s boyhood in Kashan, an ancient oasis city on the edge of the great Iranian desert.

The Iran that Alliance loved was the one where the Shah reigned. This is why Alliance felt the fall of the Shah was a personal tragedy, for which he blames everyone from President Jimmy Carter to the state-owned BBC radio network.

Iranian, British and Jewish, Alliance is an interesting example of the complex identities that our globalized world could produce. His book is also a hymn to the openness and generosity of British society that gives the frailest of saplings from faraway lands a chance to root and grow.


Amir Taheri
Amir Taheri was the executive editor-in-chief of the daily Kayhan in Iran from 1972 to 1979. He has worked at or written for innumerable publications, published eleven books, and has been a columnist for Asharq Al-Awsat since 1987. Mr. Taheri has won several prizes for his journalism, and in 2012 was named International Journalist of the Year by the British Society of Editors and the Foreign Press Association in the annual British Media Awards.
Sir David Alliance is truly an inspiration. When he came to England, he could not speak English and he was homeless, but now he is a lord and one of the wealthiest men in the western world.
the amount of lies and junks are so much which I don't know which one should be answered.
anyway, a half decade history of occupation by Zionist apartheid regime proves that negotiation with kid killers will lead you nowhere.
So you don't have a problem with the book, just its reviewer? Many authors feel the same way,..

What a logic! It's like a Jew saying I don't have a problem with Nazism, just with Hitler personally.

BTW, this guy us famous for so many junk and lies, not only among Iranians, but even western media.
Another junk from Amir Taheri. This lunatic never ceases to amaze.
We should never forget that these bastards were in charge before the revolution .

this garbage was the head of keyhan . i mean for fvk's sake keyhan was one of the most powerful news outlets at the time .
So Lord Alliance and Taheri are both like Nazis?

You are not very good with examples I think. I didn't compare individuals, but rather explained your example.

Amir Taheri is famous for spreading too many bs, just read his English wiki to have a picture.

But I think he says what you like him to say, so what am I saying? It fits your agenda, even if the source is a nutjob.
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...Amir Taheri is famous for spreading too many be, just read his English wiki to have a picture -
Since you object so strongly to the reviewer, here's a review by someone else:


A textile titan’s tale

Andrew M Rosemarine runs a law office specializing in International Business Litigation and in Immigration Law

By Andrew Rosemarine, February 20, 2015

A Bazaar Life — The Autobiography of David Alliance, written with Ivan Fallon, (The Robson Press, £25) is David Alliance’s revelatory smörgåsbord of adventures, with lessons for success in the cut-throat world of business.
Lord Alliance (who, like the three Magi, hails from Kashan, in Iran) spun his own yarn of magic all the way to Cottonopolis, Manchester, saviour of this country’s fortunes through its textile trade. And Alliance became the king of that trade, establishing the biggest textile empire in Western Europe, with over 70,000 employees, and revenues of £2.5 billion.

Yet he started out with “no money, no contacts and only a few words of English — “How much?” and “too dear”. He says that a rabbi “humorously summarised business ethics to me as ‘Buy cheap. Sell dear.’” Alliance’s ethics today are far more ennobling and enabling: “Your reputation is your most important asset… There is no such thing as ‘can’t be done’… The key to good business is a satisfied customer.”

Enormous wealth, of course, brings access to the powerful — in Alliance’s case, British prime ministers, the Shah of Iran, Ethiopian dictator Colonel Mengistu, and various Mossad princelings, offering him considerable insights into the modern Middle East.

He discloses how, at the time of Israel’s establishment, when Jews were fleeing Arab countries, the Shah ordered that Jewish refugees, newly arrived from Iraq, should be given Iranian passports.

Alliance also recounts how the BBC’s unremitting anti-Shah propaganda helped to bring down the Iranian leader.
A more positive highlight includes Alliance’s own leading role in redeeming thousands of Ethiopian Jews, which included using textile plants as a cover for the escapees in Operations Moses and Solomon.
The tone is not modest, but is often self-critical and with the great advantage of being written in the riveting prose of the financial journalist Ivan Fallon.

The content is appropriately contained between a couple of L S Lowry pictures — a reminder that the tall, thin Alliance was once one of them. Before that, he writes: “I lived in constant fear of being expelled by the British immigration authorities because I did not have a work permit.” His is an inspirational tale for refugees.
Another junk from Amir Taheri. This lunatic never ceases to amaze.
You have to ask yourself why is his stance so far away from yours ? You should try to narrow that distance instead trying to spread more hate.
You have to ask yourself why is his stance so far away from yours ? You should try to narrow that distance instead trying to spread more hate.
WTF are you talking about ?

many Iranians tried and actually did blow themselves up to help saddam army take over Iran . should i try to narrow the distance with them cause those bastards are your buddies ?

you can all go F yourselves .
WTF are you talking about ?

many Iranians tried and actually did blow themselves up to help saddam army take over Iran . should i try to narrow the distance with them cause those bastards are your buddies ?

you can all go F yourselves .
Go worship some dead Arabs that died thousands of years ago... or go hang some Iranians.
Go worship some dead Arabs that died thousands of years ago
Nice reply . as always a shitty defense mechanism by MKO creatures . cats have better reaction when they're cornered . at least it's effective . r
I only worship one God above . you go worship the same C suckers that were thrown outta the country -like the rats that they are - 30 yrs ago .
or go hang some Iranians.
likes of you ain't Iranian . likes of me are .

we fought for this country tooth and nail while you (MKOs) were showing your private body parts to faggots in west to enjoy .

funny thing : they despise your brown tush .
Nice reply . as always a shitty defense mechanism by MKO creatures . cats have better reaction when they're cornered . at least it's effective . r
I only worship one God above . you go worship the same C suckers that were thrown outta the country -like the rats that they are - 30 yrs ago .

likes of you ain't Iranian . likes of me are .

we fought for this country tooth and nail while you (MKOs) were showing your private body parts to faggots in west to enjoy .

funny thing : they despise your brown tush .
Why do you insist on the MKO term Haman? Or talking about the Pahlavis all the time? That era is gone. That was 4 decades ago. Talk about today.
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