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When America Leads From Behind

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Jun 28, 2010
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When America Leads From Behind

Posted by Mohammad S. Moussalli / May 25, 2013

After a long busy day, many people search the web or switch on their cable television, to know what is coming about in this uncertain world. On every international news channel and portal website, they see guiltless people being deliberately harmed, tortured or killed, every day. Around the world, from the Americas to Europe, throughout Asia to Africa, traumatic reports and shocking footage of deadly explosions, mass murders and war casualties continue to appear very often.

Noticeably, the larger part of that savagery and bloodshed are taking place in Asia and Africa, where the dogma of “armed resistance is the solution” is fathered, in the turbulent Middle East, North Africa and south-western Asia zones, in particular. Day to day, hundreds of innocent men and women, adolescents and children are falling dead or incapacitated here and there in many African countries, such as; Mali, Nigeria, Algeria, Tunis, Libya, Egypt, Somalia, Sudan, and South Sudan, for instance — and throughout most of Asia like in Chechnya, China, Tibet, Myanmar, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Bahrain, Yemen, Palestinian territories, Lebanon, Iraq and Syria.

Political analysts, think tanks and nonaligned intellectuals are in search to identify the root causes of such upheaval and atrocities. They seek to find out what is common among all those upset people, groups and nations; and how to end these terrible misfortunes and human sufferings.

For the most part, this worldwide havoc arrived as a result of many open issues, such as spread of poverty, corruption and misgoverning, lack of human development, interest-driven alliances with undemocratic regimes, cold-shouldering of peoples’ political drive and civil strife, underestimation of the effects of suppression and sectarian bias, and disengagement in resolving territorial conflicts and regional disputes.

When America leads from behind

The ‘tuning out’ of these crucial problems has actually paved the way for the rise of armed religious extremism, expansion of theoterrorism, sectarian partisanship and sectionalism, the monomania of having nuclear weapons, usage of chemical weapons, wild uprisings and bloody showdowns with autocratic regimes, or some lethal mixture of these issues.

Unfortunately, the prime visible common element among the majority of those rebellious instances is the engagement of the Muslim people and Islamic fundamentalist groups, through which they seek to change the political and socioeconomic situations of their countries, and around their regions, as much as is viable. Yet the most common and correlative components among all cases are the long suffering of poverty, lack of human and socioeconomic development, spread of governments’ corruption, absence of real civil liberties and the prolonged oppressive rule of parasitic autocracies.

The best mirror image that resembles those compound adversities is the ongoing Syrian tragedy, which by all odds is the most awful catastrophe of the 21st century. Alas, the intensity and incidence of atrocities in Syria is unprecedented in the modern history of domestic armed conflicts and civil wars. Nevertheless, international organizations, like the so-called League of Arab States (LAS), alleged Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), United Nations (UN) and its irresponsible Security Council (SC), the U.S. tuned North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), disconcerted European Union (UN) and the current U.S Administration have proven to be ineffective and unreliable to deliver peace and security to this world.

On March 28, 2011, in his address to the nation on Libya, U.S. President, Barack Obama, was quoted as saying:

“For generations, the United States of America has played a unique role as an anchor of global security and as an advocate for human freedom. Mindful of the risks and costs of military action, we are naturally reluctant to use force to solve the world’s many challenges. But when our interests and values are at stake, we have a responsibility to act. That’s what happened in Libya over the course of these last six weeks…”

He added:

“To brush aside America’s responsibility as a leader and — more profoundly — our responsibilities to our fellow human beings under such circumstances would have been a betrayal of who we are. Some nations may be able to turn a blind eye to atrocities in other countries. The United States of America is different. And as President, I refused to wait for the images of slaughter and mass graves before taking action.” — U.S. President, Barack Obama

Yet, when it comes to a non oil-rich country like Syria, the undeniable fact is that two years of slaughter, massacres, mass graves and the recent usage of chemical weapons are sidelined in favour of a halfway political solution, with a crueller dictator than Qaddafi, Mubarak and Ben Ali combined. Given Obama’s self-proclamation and rationales, it is reasonable enough to the Arab world and the many of other nations to lose confidence in the foreign policy of the Mr. Obama Administration, not to speak of other double standard approaches.

Apart from discussing, here and now, the reincarnation of the old communist Russian standoff policy and the stretched-out Iranian scheming and its denounced inciteful militarized engagement of the Arab world, most of which were cranked out as a result of weak motility of the Arab League, absence of firm European Union leadership and, above all, the retracting role of the Obama Administration and its wimp concept of “leading from behind”. The fact remains that the leader of the free world, along with its European and Arab allies are just chiming in condemnation announcements and false promises, or busy in redrawing their movable redlines.

For that, the world of the free still remembers fair-minded former U.S. president, Bill Clinton, who put an end to the massacres of Srebrenica and Zepa in Bosnia; they wonder what Mr. Clinton would have done to stop the ongoing Syrian carnage, if this was to happen at his time in office. Not like Obama, for certain.

Regrettably, meanwhile the effete Arab League and abeyant international community and its organizations are abandoning the least of their duties and principles: to provide adequate humanitarian aid to more than 5 million Syrian refugees and vagabonds, and medical supplies to more than two hundred thousand maimed and injured people— not to mention their collaboration in putting the slain of more than 90,000 innocent lives aside.

Needless to note that our world is neither living in peace — nor running in order at all levels, whether on the political, socio-economic or security level. The causes and effects of that disorder are largely brought forth as a result of some misconceptions, ill decisions and malpractices made by one’s own community, government or nation. The bigger the role people and nations claim, the bigger the responsibilities they should hold.

To live in peace, the world needs wise liberal leadership and a potent leading group of nations (like the G20 or G-something instead of the veto-paralyzed Security Council) that uphold one universal strategy and criterion built on rendering liberty, justice and equality to all. Considering the past several decades of malfunction and misgoverning of the UN, SC, WB, IMF, LAS, OIC and others, the world needs to have a new-structured international organization and a number of fully annexed regional leagues that can enforce peace and security to all.

Otherwise, expect total chaos throughout the world.


Mohammad S. Moussalli is a well-known Lebanese writer and blogger. He has reputable journalistic writing experience as a commentary writer, with a renowned regional English daily newspaper. Mr. Moussalli has long list of published articles centred on human rights, civil liberties, socio-economic development and socio-political issues.

Mr. Moussalli is also a freelance management consultant with senior executive management experience in general trading and contracting in the Gulf region. He provides advice on business planning, structuring, reorganisation, operations, pay and benefit scales, and other issues. He blogs at — The Middle East Tribune | Centered on Human Rights, Civil Liberties & Socioeconomic Issues
Obama will be stupid to intervene in syria. Americans dont have any appetite for another war. Too bad for syrian people.
Also, the same Obama will be painted as villian if things go wrong (like Iraq) or even right (by losing side).
When Amurika leads from behind, the world rejoices.
Yeah...So say a Canadian living under 'Amurika' protection. Syria and Libya are huge parties. :lol: I bet you wish you are over there now, right?
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