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When Afghanistan tried to get Hitler and the Nazis to invade KARACHI

@jus_chillin What's your opinion on an Afghan-Pak merger?

(Just saw your reaction so wanted to see what you think)

Do you think there's a possibility of ending hatred between the common Afghan and Pakistani?

I believe it can be done, but will require decades and meticulous planning

Not gonna be good and will never be possible.

I don't think it can be done, hatred isn't going to end, they have it in their DNA now.
Only one part of history has been posted. Afghanistan also had close relations with Turkey. In fact the Habibiyah Military Academy in Kabul was run with cooperation of Turkish government. King Amanullah was very much impressed with the Turkish model. So much so that he started wearing western dress and his wife also started wearing western dresses. He ordered the people of Kabul to wear western dress forcefully. The villagers from the countryside used to come to Kabul and wear rented pants above their shalwars. Infact that was when the cultural difference between the Kabuli and countryside began. That was most unfortunate and it caused a divide in the society. As we see the Ataturk model was also adopted in many other Muslim countries. Ataturk had a limited vision and adopted the western culture as he thought that it would bring rapid progress. It can be called aping the West. The deep thought would be to adopt the drivers of western progress like hard work, honesty, thirst for knowledge instead of forcing the ladies to wear skirts.

King Amanullah Khan was a firm supporter of the Indian freedom movement and had allowed the Azad Hind Government to be formed in exile in Kabul. The Third Afghan War was a result of this support. Zafar Hasan Aibak from Government College, Lahore and many other Indian students fought on the side of the Afghan government to liberate India in the Third Afghan War. After that Zafar Hasan Aibak joined the Turkish Army.

The British were very much afraid of the developments in Kabul. They called in their famous spy Lawrence of Arabia who made a base in Miranshah or Mir Ali and started bribing Afghan leaders to topple the King Amanullah. He succeeded and Bacha e Saqa rose in rebellion on the issue that Amanullah was adopting western culture and managed to overthrow his government.

The Third Afghan War was the second instance of the use of strategic depth concept to support the Muslims in India.

The first instance was the attack of Ahmed Shah Abdali on India to break the power of the Marhattas at the invitation of Shah Wali Ullah. That was the Third Battle of Panipat.

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Not gonna be good and will never be possible.

I don't think it can be done, hatred isn't going to end, they have it in their DNA now.
What about our dreams of uniting Stanistans of the world? :undecided: :lol:
and in the video I shared dude basically came to the same conclusion- Afghanistan stops any sort of regional connectivity with CAR meaning CAR cant properly export their natural resources (they were supposed to build pipeline towards Pakistani ports to export their oil and gas to the world)
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