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What's your Every Day Carry items and gear?

My Blackberry, laptop backpack, Scorpio keys and wallet. No home keys since I put in the finger print reader on the main door...
2 cell phone, wallet, credit card pouch, Different laptops depending on the nature of my travel, A small pic of someone :P , chargers for both phones and laptops, water bottle, something to munch on, my ipod (will die without it ), pens, watch, etc etc I basically carry a small house with me lol
Wallet,Watch, Cell phone and my trusty leatherman. I leave my laptop in the office, hate bringing my work into my home (and vice versa).
A bottle of water, my notepad, a folder overflowing with papers I printed to read since last month but never got time to, camera, occasionally a laptop+accessories, a couple of thumb drives, paracetamol, bandages, eye drops, cut-n-burn ointment, condoms, sometimes an umbrella, a stash of bus and train tickets to places I only occasionally go to, a small map, wallet filled with peoples' cards I never met after the first encounter and with various receipts from previous several months...
...I should've simply said I'm a human equivalent of a snail.

All this stuff is in my backpack since I never clean it. There's more in my pockets for the same reason...they usually get washed with the clothes, and lost in the process. This is the life of a research worker. Sadly, no guns figure in it. I think I should work on this...
Glock17 10mm? :lol: You gotta be kidding!

Anyway, daily carry includes;

- Iphone
- Mini-Maglite
- Extrema Ratio tactical knife
- CZ-97 (Canik55 Piranha) 9mm. Days I'm feeling bored I take my .357 Magnum revolver instead.
- Firearms license
- Tobacco items, wallet and a briefcase full of boring stuff.

That's pretty much about it. ;)

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