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What's you people's view on marijuana.

I was going to say something but then I remembered it's Ramadhan so forget it lol
It's good to disrupt your functional fixedness and jolt your mind to new ways of perception. But after a limit the law of diminishing return kicks in and then it is advisable to move on. Keep in mind the long-term damages: inability to dream, memory loss, paranoia, fear of persecution, and ultimately schizophrenia. But I recommend it to get in touch with your true nature. Just know when to exit.
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As far I know Islam does not forbids weed unlike alcohol.

If you find it intoxicant then it's consider haram. Many people believe weed and marijuana are not intoxicant.
Disgusting plant that makes people messed up in the mind. Just like alcohol and smoking, it should be purged from society.

As far I know Islam does not forbids weed unlike alcohol.

Islam forbids all intoxicants, weed included.
It's a gift for mankind and can be used for medicinal purposes.

I don't know what weed is, probably just another kind of charse, as far as I'm concerned.
charse is made up of henna "mehndi" and other garbage. It's mixed with tobacco and smoked. Weed is a dried plant and can be smoked without tobacco.
It's a gift for mankind and can be used for medicinal purposes.

charse is made up of henna "mehndi" and other garbage. It's mixed with tobacco and smoked. Weed is a dried plant and can be smoked without tobacco.
Gift to mankind? :lol:
I don't even smoke and have no clue about drugs as well as wines

but kia yea sab jhoot hai?


Risks associated with cannabis

Recent research has helped us better understand the health risks from using cannabis. We know that:

  • Cannabis affects your ability to drive. This is one of the reasons why drug driving, like drink driving, is illegal. One French study found that drivers who had been using cannabis were more than twice as likely to cause a fatal car crash.
  • If you smoke it, cannabis can be harmful to your lungs. Like tobacco, it contains cancer-causing chemicals (carcinogens) that increase your risk of lung cancer. It can also make asthma worse, and cause wheezing in people without asthma. If you mix cannabis with tobacco and smoke it, the risks to your lungs are higher.
  • Cannabis can harm your mental health. Regular use is associated with an increased risk of developing a psychotic illness, such as schizophrenia. A psychotic illness is one where you experience hallucinations (when you see things that aren’t really there) and delusions (when you believe things that aren’t really true). Your risk of developing a psychotic illness is higher if you start using cannabis in your teens and if you have a family history of mental illness. Cannabis use has also been shown to increase the risk of a relapse in people who have schizophrenia, and could make existing symptoms worse.
  • Cannabis may affect your fertility. Research done in animals suggests that cannabis can disrupt sperm production in males and ovulation in females.
  • If you are pregnant, cannabis may harm your unborn baby. Research suggests that using cannabis during pregnancy could affect your baby's brain development. Regularly smoking cannabis with tobacco is associated with an increased risk of your baby being born small or premature.
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Used to smoke marijuana during examinations.
Helps to keep your concentration on books.

Those probably were not books sorry to break it to you.
My guess is just a restaurants menu card
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