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What's with all the MQM topics?

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I just want to add one thing. If armed groups like MQM are to be banned then:

PPP is nowhere as armed as these two. Raza Abdi has opened my eyes into that party
Yes the situation was bad before, but what Musharaff did made it worse. You tell me and compare the activities of BLA and other separatists before and after Musharaff's tenure. Heck BLA was dyeing down slowly on its own before he sent army to kill/capture Bugti. Like I said, the situation could have been tackled in a much better way. But Mushi being Mushi used force and gave a reason to these separatists scumbags to brainwash Baluchi youth. Just like he did to Lal Masjid and provided TTP an opportunity to attract young kids for their so called Jihad.
Tackeled in much better way? what are those ways btw?

Like we have been handling since long? Ooh the lal masjid? Didn't he ask them to surrender? Before the operation the whole media was showing them holding weapons and equipment that is not available in market. Everybody talked to that pagal molvi, but his statement is on record that they have enough weapons that they can fight with army. Please do not repeat the point scoring statement of politicians. They were even offered alternative place for their madressa, but their objective was something else, notthe education.

Bit what did they do in return, they killed my SSG commando. Which lead to the operation cleanup.

This is how you people twist facts just bcaz of hatred towards one person.
PPP is nowhere as armed as these two. Raza Abdi has opened my eyes into that party

Yes you are right PPP is just an innocent cow.

Raza abdi, the 2nd person after bilawal who repect AZ more than anyone else.
Lolz.... who told you this. Your uncle's son's friend's mamoo's chacha' who was used to be mush's cook?
No, here it is:
MQM leader to be charged with high treason

Everyone cries about 1992 operation..why nobody mentions MQM and its various supported criminal gang activities in Karachi..Especially looting and murdering of traders, defamation campaign against Punjabis and specially targeting business and property owned by Punjabi. Jang news paper used to be plastered with heading of Punjabi businessmen being massacred in Karachi.

From my own Mohallah, I can count three families who were looted and chased out of Karachi by MQM and even had their family members kidnapped and murdered. Son of a Punjabi money exchanger was killed in broad daylight in the Hyderi Market.


This is horrible the party that literally ruined Sindh completely in the last 27 Years calls other parties as Terrorists.

ANP is no genuinely innocent Party, it has its past history but ANP was a "0" before 2008, as soon as ANP won seats in election in Karachi the turmoil boosted by MQM just because MQM was not a single power holder party anymore in Sindh, lets be honest if a Party loses it has to wait for its turn this is how everything works out in the world, MQM's literal 10 commandments is based upon violence. It is absolutely rubbish that MQM blames others for everything and ruling 25 years over Karachi it burned to ashes due to criminal activities of MQM that includes primarily bhatakhori, mobile & cash snatching, banks looting, target killing, cars stealing and so on..
My own uncle has fled to S.Africa because of involvement with MQM and a late withdrawal.
But I still vote for them XD
No, here it is:
MQM leader to be charged with high treason

Everyone cries about 1992 operation..why nobody mentions MQM and its various supported criminal gang activities in Karachi..Especially looting and murdering of traders, defamation campaign against Punjabis and specially targeting business and property owned by Punjabi. Jang news paper used to be plastered with heading of Punjabi businessmen being massacred in Karachi.

From my own Mohallah, I can count three families who were looted and chased out of Karachi by MQM and even had their family members kidnapped and murdered. Son of a Punjabi money exchanger was killed in broad daylight in the Hyderi Market.



First link feom hvk quoting indian express, same hvk says more things.

al gang activities in Karachi..Especially looting and murdering of traders, defamation campaign against Punjabis and specially targeting business and property owned by Punjabi. Jang news paper used to be plastered with heading of Punjabi businessmen being massacred in Karachi.

From my own Mohallah, I can count three families who were looted and chased out of Karachi by MQM and even had their family members kidnapped and murdered. Son of a Punjabi money exchanger was killed in broad daylight in the Hyderi Market.



First link feom hvk quoting indian express, same hvk says more things.
Pakistan government can't rein in ISI

Your views on same hvk article?

Rest of two are POVs of IK's supporters.

Come up with some credible source.
This is horrible the party that literally ruined Sindh completely in the last 27 Years calls other parties as Terrorists.

u mean 40 Years of PPP Land Lord suppression and zero development yes ZERO

After MQM its PPP thats gonna take the entire Karachi Votebank do u honestly want that?
u mean 40 Years of PPP Land Lord suppression and zero development yes ZERO

After MQM its PPP thats gonna take the entire Karachi Votebank do u honestly want that?
If there is free and fair election every party has a chance but MQM should be stopped and people of Karachi should be realized they can vote without being in fear of being killed by the terrorist MQM
If there is free and fair election every party has a chance but MQM should be stopped and people of Karachi should be realized they can vote without being in fear of being killed by the terrorist MQM

u honestly believe that ppl of Karachi r going to vote for PPP or ANP ? i mean SERIOUSLY?

let me remind u that Karachi developed more under Mustafa Kamal in 5 Years than it did since 1947

also note that Karachi didnt move an INCH in development under 40+ Years of PPP Sindh Government
hell Sindh as a whole never seen any development under PPP and one can only wonder where does all the budget money go

MQM is here to stay with the amount of work they put into Karachi no one is gonna vote for PPP from this City
u honestly believe that ppl of Karachi r going to vote for PPP or ANP ? i mean SERIOUSLY?

let me remind u that Karachi developed more under Mustafa Kamal in 5 Years than it did since 1947

also note that Karachi didnt move an INCH in development under 40+ Years of PPP Sindh Government
hell Sindh as a whole never seen any development under PPP and one can only wonder where does all the budget money go

MQM is here to stay with the amount of work they put into Karachi no one is gonna vote for PPP from this City
Mr fist this development is because MQM got all the funds not any other area got funds in Musharraf era and Sir take a neutral engineer and take him to all bridges and roads build my Mustafa Kamal you will know about the quality of the projects and the corruption involved in them and lastly people don't want development on their dead bodies
I just want to add one thing. If armed groups like MQM are to be banned then:

YES WHY NOT ? I THINK KARACHI SHOULD BE MADE A POLITICS FREE CITY AT LEAST FOR TEN YEARS . believe me it will develop more than mustafa kamal or anybodys time .
Mr fist this development is because MQM got all the funds

MQM Got the funds for Karachi during Musharraf Era
MQM Developed Karachi

PPP Got the funds of Entire Sindh for 40+ Years
PPP Never Developed Karachi or Interior Sindh

Sir take a neutral engineer and take him to all bridges and roads build my Mustafa Kamal you will know about the quality of the projects

The bridges might not be World Standard but they serve their purpose

and plz dont comment on the "Roads" coz u cannot be this ignorant -.-
i mean they put multiple layers of Asphalt Carpeting to give the Roads much longer life

Proof being able to 120km/h on the same roads than just 10 Years ago yo could not do even 30km/h

Sitting in Lahore u can talk all u want but the ppl in Karachi have seen it with their own eyes how much the infrastructure of Karachi has improved

---------- Post added at 11:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:43 AM ----------

PS: My Father is a Civil Engineer :coffee:
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