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What Would a Hypothetical U.S.-Pakistan War Look Like? - by Kyle Mizokami

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Why is anyone paying this journalist money to write such crap? Everyone already knows everything he just pulled out of his backside. Cheap clickbait. At least present a theory on losses, sequences or a specific order of battle like some youtubers do. Does the author believe China will intervene or is he just going to sit on the fence? X might do this. Y might do that...but it all depends....on what?...not sure..

What kind of analyst is this?

All I got from this article is that USA might not go to war because of Pakistani nukes and China. If those things are out of the equation, USA would win with difficulty. If India joined USA, they would win with less difficulty. How is this journalism or something new??

Can someone tell this writer to go back to journalist school during this lockdown period?
An invasion would require securing the city of Karachi, a coastal city of 14 million, then a march upcountry of approximately 700 miles. Securing Karachi alone would be an immense effort
Hahaha LOL. Americans will be massacred if they tried to invade Karachi
There exists a PAK ICBM ambiguity factor which is overlooked by many. True, we are not a declared ICBM power but that was also true about our nuclear capabilities for many years untill we went public. Simply put it. All out strike on Pakistan may lead to a lot of unwelcome and unexpected consequences. Too dangerous and CIA knows it.
Fact is except for Russia, the Americans can overrun the armed forces of any country in a matter of weeks or months. The problem is what happens after that.
Pure BS Not Against Professional Military And Nuclear Powers

Pakistan Will Do serious Damage To US

Only Way To defeat A Pakistan Is That USA Will have Strike Nuke First With Large Precision Strikes
The US might attack Pakistan indirectly.. i.e. using India as its proxy. I am not interested in the future of US as I know she will suddenly say good bye to war... I am interested what will happen to india.
Pure BS Not Against Professional Military And Nuclear Powers

Pakistan Will Do serious Damage To US

Only Way To defeat A Pakistan Is That USA Will have Trike First
What damage? After 10 days, Pak would not have fuel. Which country would go against the US and its allies and supply fuel to Pak?
Yes, nukes and tactical nukes are a threat but can you imagine the retaliation if used?

And Americans have weapons that we don't even know of. Americans lost against the Vietcong in a bygone era where satellites and drones and superior technology didn't matter because they had to fight the Vietcong in the jungles. No such problem now.

The US might attack Pakistan indirectly.. i.e. using India as its proxy. I am not interested in the future of US as I know she will suddenly say good bye to war... I am interested what will happen to india.
Lol. As if we would entertain the Americans given their track record of how they treat their allies. Might cheer them on from the sidelines - but that's about it. If we don't have a dog in the fight, we would not get involved.
What damage? After 10 days, Pak would not have fuel. Which country would go against the US and its allies and supply fuel to Pak?
Already happened With Indian In 1971
China Will surely go against US So Will Russia.
EU Is Not going With War With USA Ever Only Except Russian invasion

Yes, nukes and tactical nukes are a threat but can you imagine the retaliation if used?
US Navy Will destroyed. Retaliation on Pakistan Will have To face global condemnation From Russians And Chinese

India Will also not want Pakistan To get nuked

And Americans have weapons that we don't even know of. Americans lost against the Vietcong in a bygone era where satellites and drones and superior technology didn't matter because they had to fight the Vietcong in the jungles. No such problem now.
Pakistan Will Get Any thing From Chinese In case War So Yeah its Problem
Why would we even go to war in the first place?
Pakistan is not the Pakistan of the 2010s.

One word: Hell.

by Kyle Mizokami

In the U.S. television series Homeland, the United States and Pakistan are brought to the brink of war. In real life, the two countries are allies, albeit strained ones at that, and many Americans believe Islamabad often actively works against Washington’s interests. If the relationship turned poisonous, how would the United States prosecute a war against Pakistan?

In order to proceed, let’s sketch out two war scenarios. In one, we’ll assume that the United States is pursuing an air-only campaign, in order to punish the country or strip it of some vital capability—nuclear weapons being a prime example. In the second scenario, the United States seeks to topple the country’s government entirely, including the occupation of the capital, Islamabad.

A prolonged U.S. air campaign would be a difficult proposition. Unlike past campaigns against Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, and Afghanistan, Washington would find regional allies who could provide air bases a difficult proposition. Pakistan enjoys warm relations with most of the Sunni states, particularly the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, both of whom have air bases capable of hosting U.S. tactical aircraft, as well as Saudi Arabia and Oman.

A U.S. air campaign directed against Pakistan would largely consist of bomber, carrier, and cruise missiles strikes. Strategic bombers, including the B-1, B-2, and B-52 would conduct strikes from the continental United States and the American base on Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. Only these aircraft have the range to strike targets in Pakistan from friendly bases. Depending on the level of international support, long-range bombers could also launch from the United Kingdom, including RAF Fairford, improving sortie rates.

The U.S. Navy would play a major role. U.S. forces would neutralize the relatively weak Pakistani Navy. While the Pakistani Navy operates about one hundred ships, it has only a handful of surface combatants of frigate size or larger, and just five aging diesel-electric submarines. Once these are neutralized the U.S. Navy could bring its aircraft carriers closer to the coastline, conducting airstrikes against military targets. Surface warships and nuclear-powered attack submarines would contribute by launching swarms of Tomahawk land-attack cruise missiles against highly defended targets.

An air campaign against Pakistan would be slower and more fraught with difficulty than past campaigns. Pakistan’s Air Force has nearly four hundred fighters, including American F-16 Fighting Falcons, and would need to be quickly destroyed. U.S. Navy and Air Force aircraft could see their first significant air to air combat since the 1991 Persian Gulf War.

An all-out invasion of Pakistan would be much more difficult, bordering on impractical. An invasion would require securing the city of Karachi, a coastal city of 14 million, then a march upcountry of approximately 700 miles. Securing Karachi alone would be an immense effort dwarfing efforts to secure Baghdad in the late 2000s, one that required more than 100,000 U.S. troops and the cooperation of local militias.

The Pakistani Army consists of nearly 800,000 active-duty personnel, with significant reserves totaling more than a half-million. Much if not most of this force is arrayed against the border with India, but the U.S. invasion route would actually pass through many of Pakistan’s forward-deployed forces. While U.S. forces would be qualitatively superior, it would be a grinding fight that could be interrupted at any time by Pakistani nuclear weapons.

Of course, there is one regional power that can provide everything the U.S. needs, including local air bases and a large army, navy, and air force, already positioned in the theater with well-sketched battle plans: India. India could help with an air campaign, providing runways for U.S. fighter bombers to operate from, or even contribute its own airpower. Indian ground forces have a far shorter route to Islamabad and overmatch Pakistani forces on the ground.

The question is whether or not India would join a U.S.-led coalition against Pakistan. India has seldom cooperated with the United States in military operations, declining to send troops to Iraq and Afghanistan, among others. India’s cooperation would largely depend on the circumstance, the most likely being the U.S. joining an Indian-led coalition against Pakistan.

Another power that could join such a conflict is China. China and Pakistan enjoy warm relations, and the rhetoric between the two countries suggests a relationship nearing that of a mutual defense pact. But it isn’t, and it’s not clear that China would risk direct conflict with the United States if Pakistan in some way overreached. China might, on the assumption that a U.S. puppet state in neighboring Pakistan would diminish China’s power and influence abroad. It’s worth remembering that the last time Chinese forces fought Americans was after the U.S.-led United Nations forces advanced into a state neighboring Beijing.

A U.S. war with Pakistan would be extremely difficult to wage and fraught with difficulty. It would also be forced to proceed under the assumption that some Pakistani nuclear weapons would survive a sustained effort to destroy them, to be used against U.S. forces or targets in some way later in the campaign. This is the sort of uncertainty that can veto military action and makes a war between Washington and Islamabad an absolute conflict of last resort.


Not happening. Whatever happens, if the americans went to war with Pakistan, it would unleash a wave of terrorism across the globe that has NEVER been witnessed before. Possibly involving nukes and other strategic weapons too. Besides, the americans don't have a stomach for war anymore. Especially after Iraq and Afghanistan. This is made further difficult with more White Americans dying out and becoming minority in their own nation. Especially with Hispanics and blacks out-breeding them.
Already happened With Indian In 1971
China Will surely go against US So Will Russia.
EU Is Not going With War With USA Ever Only Except Russian invasion

US Navy Will destroyed. Retaliation on Pakistan Will have To face global condemnation From Russians And Chinese

India Will also not want Pakistan To get nuked

Pakistan Will Get Any thing From Chinese In case War So Yeah its Problem
In 71 there was a cold war with two distinct blocs. We now live in Unipolar world. Neither in 48, nor in 65, nor in 71 nor in 99 did China bother to help Pakistan even against India. They want to take on the US? Lol.

Russians blame the Paks for their Afghan debacle - and as it is Pak weapons are not Russian - so no chance of supplying spares.

Of course we don't want a war at our doorstep. We are just talking about a scenario here given American ability to elect nutjob Presidents on a regular basis.
It better not be us china war. It will China against world and people.
We will unite if my nation won't support we will make sure politicians do!
In 71 there was a cold war with two distinct blocs. We now live in Unipolar world. Neither in 48, nor in 65, nor in 71 nor in 99 did China bother to help Pakistan even against India. They want to take on the US? Lol.
Chinese was In no Position To take US Might In 70's or 80's Due To Low economy

Today They are 14 trillion $ economy
Russians blame the Paks for their Afghan debacle - and as it is Pak weapons are not Russian - so no chance of supplying spares.
Ultimately For Russians bigger Enemy Is Americans Pakistan was just Pawn

Its Typical enemy Of My enemy is Friend
Of course we don't want a war at our doorstep. We are just talking about a scenario here given American ability to elect nutjob Presidents on a regular basis.
Who ever Nut job President he is He Know Human Cost Of going War With Nuclear Nation

Do USA Have Capacity To take Such human cost

Entering In war is Easy Winning It different game
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