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What recent Gaza conflict can teach us?


Feb 7, 2020
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Never target innocent civilians ...Hamas terrorists killing and filming of those killings has left a huge impact on the minds of all the people across the world ..earlier there were many western people supporting Palestine cause. ...now there is not even a whimper from West or even many Muslim countries...Israel has seized Gaza...cut off fuel and food supply...even then there is no condemnation from common people of the world...why?
Personally I am against wars ...it's heartbreaking to see many little angels losing their lives..but Hamas should have thought about its own people before indulging in such brutal act.
Never target innocent civilians ...Hamas terrorists killing and filming of those killings has left a huge impact on the minds of all the people across the world ..earlier there were many western people supporting Palestine cause. ...now there is not even a whimper from West or even many Muslim countries...Israel has seized Gaza...cut off fuel and food supply...even then there is no condemnation from common people of the world...why?
Personally I am against wars ...it's heartbreaking to see many little angels losing their lives..but Hamas should have thought about its own people before indulging in such brutal act.
No Whimper for Palestine? You are on another planet it seems or coping really hard that lies of Israelis are not being accepted. You guys are just like Israelis who use the bogeyman of hamas to justify their illegal acts.
Never target innocent civilians ...Hamas terrorists killing and filming of those killings has left a huge impact on the minds of all the people across the world ..earlier there were many western people supporting Palestine cause. ...now there is not even a whimper from West or even many Muslim countries...Israel has seized Gaza...cut off fuel and food supply...even then there is no condemnation from common people of the world...why?
Personally I am against wars ...it's heartbreaking to see many little angels losing their lives..but Hamas should have thought about its own people before indulging in such brutal act.
"Never target innocent civilians"

Israel does this 24x7x365. Prior to the Oct 7th attacks, over 200 Palestinians had been killed since the beginning of 2023 in illegal, extrajudicial murders by the Israelis.

If Hamas does not react to Israeli high-handedness with violence, some other entity would replace it just like PLO has been displaced given its obeisance to the US/Israel in the WB (and even then there is no peace and Israeli raids are carried out with impunity there). As such, all of Palestine and most of the Muslim world supports Hamas' right to defend the Palestinians (except the ruling sellouts in the UAE). It would be one thing if Hamas just attacked Israel without any Israeli provocations. Then they certainly would be the aggressors and outrightly condemnable, however, in this case, Hamas responded after 6 years of mass extra-judicial murders, grand land theft, cartographic land grab, and provocations at Islam's 3rd holiest mosque.

What this current conflict shows is that the mainstream media in the west has been completely bypassed by the people around the world. There is overwhelming support for Palestine and Palestinians from all corners of the world and even in the West and this support will only continue to grow. This is because Israel's occupation and chokehold is increasingly difficult to maintain and the longer the US/West support Israel, the more they weaken their own position on Ukraine and other conflict zones. This has given China and Russia more space and potentially a greater move of the ME away from US influence. The Jordanian and Egyptian positions (already miffed at the Americans) are quite telling.

It would be worthwhile to read the following which is essentially what the situation is. The US/West is losing so much diplomatic/political capital in safeguarding Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine, that even on the home front they are increasingly seeing their policies being called out.

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No Whimper for Palestine? You are on another planet it seems or coping really hard that lies of Israelis are not being accepted. You guys are just like Israelis who use the bogeyman of hamas to justify their illegal acts.

On the frontlines, there are soldiers on both sides, right behind I "D" F are hairy, filthy, disgusting, and ugly Indian men in bikinis dancing as cheerleaders.

If it has taught us anything it's that Indian men also apparently partake in cheerleading...
It teaches us one thing and one thing only

Whoever has the money and strength decides what’s right and wrong

There is no middle ground

Be strong be tough if you win the fight you decide the morals and ethics
lesson, breed for warfare, build military industry no time for luxury. devour your enemy. oh yh also build toilets.
Never target innocent civilians ...Hamas terrorists killing and filming of those killings has left a huge impact on the minds of all the people across the world ..earlier there were many western people supporting Palestine cause. ...now there is not even a whimper from West or even many Muslim countries...Israel has seized Gaza...cut off fuel and food supply...even then there is no condemnation from common people of the world...why?
Personally I am against wars ...it's heartbreaking to see many little angels losing their lives..but Hamas should have thought about its own people before indulging in such brutal act.
There's something wrong with your perception of reality. Do you not have the media in your part of the world?
Lesson learned is western world still has a monopoly on acute violence against weak defenceless people of the global south. And when executing this extreme violence, west will employ every form of indignant outrage to blame the targets of its violence for not quietly accepting their doomed fate. Plus, Joseph Goebbels was a rank amateur in propaganda department compared to the western media that's currently on an anti Palestinian and pro Israeli and pro genocide crusade.
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Plus, Joseph Goebbels was an rank amateur in propaganda department compared to the western media that's currently on an anti Palestinian and pro Israeli and pro genocide crusade
Never target innocent civilians ...Hamas terrorists killing and filming of those killings has left a huge impact on the minds of all the people across the world ..earlier there were many western people supporting Palestine cause. ...now there is not even a whimper from West or even many Muslim countries...Israel has seized Gaza...cut off fuel and food supply...even then there is no condemnation from common people of the world...why?
Personally I am against wars ...it's heartbreaking to see many little angels losing their lives..but Hamas should have thought about its own people before indulging in such brutal act.

Which planet do you live on,, support for Palestine is bigger then ever

The western government Always supported Israel regardless of what they did,, the MSM was controlled and remained on message, bowing to both government dictation and control and influence of Jewish groups

Nothing has changed in that regard

What's changed is the next generation, doesn't get their news from MSM anymore,, so the younger generations and students etc are far more pro-Palestine, you also have tens of millions of people with Muslim or migrant backgrounds supporting Palestine

But the biggest factor is social media is where Israel is constantly targeted, debunked, it's claims challenge and the narrative is being set

There are 2 BILLION and growing Muslims, plus all supporters of Palestine across the world and the CONVERSATION HAS CHANGED and Israel supporters will now be constantly challenged

Demographics support the Palestinians
They are much younger then the Jews with a average age of 19....
The Palestinians marry earlier, have kids quicker
The population pressure on Israel will continue

The Jews with a average age of ,43 in Israel are in a different situation, and need the Palestinians gone or ethnically cleansed that's why they are so eager to make life so unbearable for the Palestinians so they leave willingly.
The Palestinians however have been INCREDIBLE in soaking up the pressure and barbarity of the Jews

So we need to keep pushing,, the cracks are appearing.
We need to help the Palestinians as much as possible,
Be their voice
Send money to support them
Support them having children and aiding their families

Things will fall in their place

It's over for the Jews, the amount of hatred they have created will haunt them
Never target innocent civilians ...Hamas terrorists killing and filming of those killings has left a huge impact on the minds of all the people across the world ..earlier there were many western people supporting Palestine cause. ...now there is not even a whimper from West or even many Muslim countries...Israel has seized Gaza...cut off fuel and food supply...even then there is no condemnation from common people of the world...why?
Personally I am against wars ...it's heartbreaking to see many little angels losing their lives..but Hamas should have thought about its own people before indulging in such brutal act.
Right, in the disinformation capital of the world, i.e. India, the world didn't exist before hamas' latest attack in Israel. In this pre-time pre-history, pre-world existence, European Jewish transplants didnt do any terrorist bombings, didn't massacre innocent native Palestinian villagers, women, children et al, didnt even rape them nor ethnically cleanse them by driving them out through extreme force from their native lands. Didnt attack through military force and capture their lands again driving them out a second time when it annexed west bank and immediately made Palestinians under occupation, hostages for life with no rights. Didn't even had anything to do with sabra and shatilla camp massacres. Didnt deliberately bomb UN compounds where Palestinians were seeking tefuge even though the coordinates were shared with IDF. Didnt have its snipers deliberately target women, childrern, elderly, medics and journalists. Didnt use bunker busters on civilian buildinds killing hundreds in one go knowing fully well it wasnt going to kill any hamas fighters only innocent civilians and more importantly sow terror in the hearts of Palestinians. Didnt disproporyinately kill on order of magnitude more innocent civilians in each flare up than the numbers managed by Palestinians.
Never target innocent civilians ...Hamas terrorists killing and filming of those killings has left a huge impact on the minds of all the people across the world ..earlier there were many western people supporting Palestine cause. ...now there is not even a whimper from West or even many Muslim countries...Israel has seized Gaza...cut off fuel and food supply...even then there is no condemnation from common people of the world...why?
Personally I am against wars ...it's heartbreaking to see many little angels losing their lives..but Hamas should have thought about its own people before indulging in such brutal act.
Isreal's Vulnerability in defense and losing international support and biggest of all new muslim and arab generation is educated and rich and they know how to counter lies and Media propaganda by set Isreal and its allies
People can actually respond to Jew lies now

I remember, years ago it used to be a Israeli (often with a U.S accent) setting the narrative with the usual simpering U.S support

And the Palestinian response was some Arab dude who couldn't string two words of English together

That has changed and now Israeli apartheid, actions can be pulled apart

It's why the ongoing Israeli occupation will be increasingly difficulty to maintain, because once the current episode is finished the demand of ending Israels occupation will be stronger then ever
Never target innocent civilians ...Hamas terrorists killing and filming of those killings has left a huge impact on the minds of all the people across the world ..earlier there were many western people supporting Palestine cause. ...now there is not even a whimper from West or even many Muslim countries...Israel has seized Gaza...cut off fuel and food supply...even then there is no condemnation from common people of the world...why?
Personally I am against wars ...it's heartbreaking to see many little angels losing their lives..but Hamas should have thought about its own people before indulging in such brutal act.

Yeah, it does not matter which city, state, or country there is an armed struggle; never target innocent people.

Now also, don't see any big statements from the world, including Pakistan, Saudi and other Muslim countries.

Only people are talking on social media.
People can actually respond to Jew lies now

I remember, years ago it used to be a Israeli (often with a U.S accent) setting the narrative with the usual simpering U.S support

And the Palestinian response was some Arab dude who couldn't string two words of English together

That has changed and now Israeli apartheid, actions can be pulled apart

It's why the ongoing Israeli occupation will be increasingly difficulty to maintain, because once the current episode is finished the demand of ending Israels occupation will be stronger then ever
You are naive, the powerless have no rights no matter how eloquent or compelling their narrative is. They're to suffer perpetually until they can dislodge the power centers.
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