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What is the Best fighter jet for Pakistan Navy Aviation?

PN is probably never going to get a dedicated shore-based Naval Attack squadron, but if it did, then the french Super Etendard with the Exocet ASM would be a great cost effective addition.

HAAAIIIIN Sir Jee we are talking about coming 3 decades not past decades. I believe least used M-2K9 or JFT-N will be suffice.

The JFT combat radius is around 800 miles after it has refueled after take off.
what the combat radius with external fuel tanks
Pakistan Navy AirForce should get Mirages and JF17 B in numbers, build new squadrons fast.
PN is building its water surface and underwater capability by adding more assets.It will need sooner fighter planes too to protect air over sea and to attack enemy air wing.
I personally think, PN will only rely on JF 17 specialized version for navy due to budget constraint otherwise twin engine jet should be priority, atleast one sqd.
imagine 36 super hornets with 6 growlers :lazy2:
Pak Navy should go for J31 stealth fighter.
PN is building its water surface and underwater capability by adding more assets.It will need sooner fighter planes too to protect air over sea and to attack enemy air wing.
I personally think, PN will only rely on JF 17 specialized version for navy due to budget constraint otherwise twin engine jet should be priority, atleast one sqd.
Twin engine may come from China.
Volvo are on the verge of finalising their own engine for the SAAB Gripen NG. Once this happens, I think this would be an awesome option which could play a duel role for the Navy and Air Force.....funds permitting of course!
Jf 17 carrier born
imagine 36 super hornets with 6 growlers :lazy2:
Germany buying them

Volvo are on the verge of finalising their own engine for the SAAB Gripen NG. Once this happens, I think this would be an awesome option which could play a duel role for the Navy and Air Force.....funds permitting of course!
Finely Swedes came out from box to attract more clients they need local engine good its great plane
If only we had the funds and engineering capability to build aircraft carriers. We probably only need 2 or 3. Imagine a carrier group or two stationed off the southern coast of India, behind Sri Lanka. It would be a constant threat to India and would prevent any misadventure.
whenever I talked technical issues with PN cadets at Tuzla, their first ever priority was always been supporting and upgrading the surface/subsurface fleet, most importantly the frigates. So I don't expect such a procurement.

You are speaking to the right people, after all , they are THE decision makers. Keep up the good work :enjoy:
Whatever it is, it has to be a STEALTH JET.

War ships have multi-layered radar defences and their missiles ranges are now pretty long.
In addition, the ships travel in groups for attacks.

To penetrate, stealth is the best and only option.
What is the Best fighter jet for Pakistan Navy Aviation?

1) F-18 Super Hornet
2) Typhoon
3) Rafale
4) Su-35BM
5) J-10B
6) Gripen
7) Mig-35D
8) J-11B

If Pakistan Navy Aviation has fighter jets it can protect ports itself without help from Pakistan Air force.

Getting fighter jets for Pakistan Navy Aviation will directly benefit Pakistan Air force because Pakistan Air force can save time to do other Air Defense activists.


The title would have served a better purpose if you had titled it " what are the aircrafts-------" and not " aircraft ".

Pakistan navy aviation would have to do multiple jobs---we are not talking about the P3 type:---

1. anti ship missions

2. Land based targets while flying over the ocean

3. Intercepting incoming enemy aircrafts

4. flying in support of strike missions---by giving them cover---either naval missions or land strike missions---flying in support of surveillance aircraft anti submarine aircraft

Now that you have some clear goals---the questions asked may have better results---.

If I missed something---please add---.
From given list the J-10 makes most sense but the answer is not simple. Dedicated fighter wings don't make sense for navy's which don't operate aircraft carriers.

PN has no carriers so any aircraft it uses would have to be shore based. With proximity of PAF base Bolari and Masroor, I doubt PN needs a fighter jet wing of it's own since PAF has already allocated sufficient resources and created infrastructure for the job. MPA's work better as delivery trucks and PN has a program for a jet LRMPA (Long Range Maritime Patrol Aircraft). A long range jet capable of firing Raad-2 or any other anti ship cruise missile should be enough for PN. Since Pakistan has strong AWACs presence there should be sufficient time to react to provide air cover by PAF as well. Also PN surface vessels are all equipped with SAMs so again in co-ordination with AWACs they will be difficult to surprise and will be able to defend them self.

Practically PN is doing what it should do, investing in submarines which are better at offensive role and getting surface combatants with better SAMs. This is better use of limited resources.
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