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What is in Khaleda Zia’s Vision 2030?

BNP terms raid on Khaleda’s office a provocation
Abdur Rahman Khan

Last week’s raid on Gulshan office of BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia has boiled the summer politics in Bangladesh with the party reacting sharply terming it a conspiracy against democracy in the country.

A section of BNP leaders think that the Awami League government once again is trying to keep BNP out of the elections by means of provocation, and the raiding the party office is part of that strategy.

‘Its nasty politics’: Khaleda
Police raided the BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia’s Gulshan office on Saturday with a search warrant issued by court acting upon a General Diary filed with police by an unidentified person. It was alleged that the ex-prime minister’s office may have a treasure of hidden and formidable materials that may be used in anti-state and anti-government activities.

Police broke into the office, unlocked the rooms, ransacked papers and other belongings and videoed the inside but detected nothing to justify the sudden raid or anything to share with the media.
BNP leaders described the raid as the government’s yet another bid to vandalize the opposition leader in every possible way to try to weaken the BNP, especially ahead of the next parliamentary election in late next year or early 2019.

Meanwhile, BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia in her twitter on Sunday said, “Using police to raid opposition party office without any cause is exactly the kind of nasty politics we want to remove from the country.”

Immediately after the raid, BNP leaders including party’s secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir denounced the move and demanded resignation of Home Minister. Terming the incident ‘illegal’, Fakhrul also said that the raid proved ‘absence of democracy’ in the country.

BNP standing committee member Moudud Ahmed said the government has become desperate, and not liking a healthy politics in Bangladesh. He also said that the government is again planning to hold the next polls unilaterally.

The main motive behind the raid is to keep BNP away from the polls and harm the country’s democratic environment, Moudud added.

Democracy maligned
Another standing committee member Khandakar Mosharraf Hossain pointedly said that the drive is a conspiracy of the government to pressurise BNP chairperson and to demoralize the party men. However, it had an opposite reaction and the government is now embarrassed, he added.
BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir meanwhile at a press conference on Sunday said the aggression at a time when the BNP begins the notion of exercising peaceful democratic practices and presented Vision 2030, is a provocation and a conspiracy to destroy democratic future.
Supreme Court Bar Association president and BNP vice chairman Joynal Abedin during the press conference also quoted Sections 96 and 103 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and said the police raid was not conducted as per these sections. “So, it is illegal.”

The secretary of Sushashoner Jonno Nagorik (Sujon) Badiul Alam Majumdar said it is unfortunate that such a drive was conducted at the office of a political party chief, who was also elected as prime minister thrice. Now the role of intelligence and the law enforcement agencies are in question, he added.

The grassroots BNP leaders’ view that the raid was conducted to thwart the high morale of the party which had been boosted by chairperson Khaleda Zia’s the recent Vision 2030.

Ruling party’s reaction
Witnessing an adverse public reaction the ruling Awami League (AL) was trying to explain that the raid on Khaleda Zia’s Gulshan office was not politically motivated.
The government has nothing to achieve politically through the raid. It was conducted by law enforcing agencies under a court order.
Apparently embarrassed by the adverse reactions, Awami Leagvue general Secretay and Minister Obaidul Quader on Sunday said the law enforcers raided BNP chairperson’s Gulshan office based on intelligence information.

He said, “I have talked with Home Minister and Inspector General of Police (IGP) about the sudden raid at Khaleda’s office. They have said that the drive was carried out based on intelligence information.”
In response to Fakhrul’s speech, Quader said, “Awami League office was repeatedly attacked and AL leaders and activists were tortured during the time when BNP was in power. Have they forgotten about it? Where was democracy then?”

Protest meeting disallowed
BNP on Sunday observed countrywide demonstrations protesting the police raid on the party chairperson Khaleda Zia’s Gulshan office on Saturday. BNP also wanted to hold a protest rally at City’s Suhrawrdi Uddyan on Wednesday but as it happened many times before, the metropolitan police authorities did not grant permission.

According to the reports, police barred the party men from holding the demonstrations in 12 districts of the country on Sunday. Several activists and leaders of the party were injured in clashes with police in different districts including Dhaka, Jhalakathi, Faridpur, Pabna, and Barisal.

As BNP was not allowed to hold the protest rally at Suhrawardi Uddyan on Wednesday, the party announced a countrywide demonstration for Thursday. However, as usually happened with BNP, police foiled its demonstrations and rallies in different districts and in the process many of their workers were injured, some seriously.
In Faridpur, police arrested at least five leaders and workers of the party as while they were demonstrating at Adalat Para in the district town as part of their countrywide demonstration program.

Is BNP this weak now? Hillarious and well deserved too.
Ziaur Rahman and Begum Zia are two different persons. Zia was not greedy, but his Begum is. She made also their two children greedy. Like mother like sons. We live in 2017. So, people should not try to refer to a non-existing personality to bring sympathy for his family, who are corrupt.
Most importantly Zia knew how to get things done. While his wife and son only know how to get things undone.
Ziaur Rahman and Begum Zia are two different persons. Zia was not greedy, but his Begum is. She made also their two children greedy. Like mother like sons. We live in 2017. So, people should not try to refer to a non-existing personality to bring sympathy for his family, who are corrupt.

Most of the members using dual flags and participating in this forum, could possibly be NRB's, wondering if they are eligible to cast their ballot papers from overseas, presently these NRB's are debarred from doing so. Being holder of "Dual Nationality Citizenship", has further complications,which I am refraining from divulging.

This prestigious forum is not related the least, in election campaign,but to restore and preserve the correct version of historical facts.

Moreover, this private forum as I understand, falls within third/fourth track diplomacy,or rather functions as a think tank/research organization, encompassing a vast mosaic of diverse nationalities. Every Think Tanks/Strategic Research Organizations follows the same principle, be it NDU,Chatham House or others such South Asian Centres.

The idea is to float a pressing current issue of import,invite opinions of the cross sections of participants, and evalute accordingly, before finally reaching a conclusive decision. PDF as per my opinion is carrying out its assigned task brilliantly.
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Most of the members using dual flags and participating in this forum, could possibly be NRB's, wondering if they are eligible to cast their ballot papers from overseas, presently these NRB's are debarred from doing so. Being holder of "Dual Nationality Citizenship", has further complications,which I am refraining from divulging.
You do not have to divulge any secret of the NRBs. Just stay away from making personal attack on the posters. Better, answer the comments of a poster if you have proper knowledge of the events of the past. Do not please keep on posting tons of inedible trash of newspaper gossips.
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The truth really hurts, brother.;)
Other than making personal attacks and posting tonnes of news written by unknown people, what else can you do? Why do not you just divulge about the NRBs? Why do they hurt you? Stop bickering and post your own knowledge and depth on the issues instead of talking about NRBs.
CEC’s election road map unacceptable: Opposition

Faruque Ahmed

Election roadmap must have the support of the opposition. The new Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Nurul Huda appointed earlier this year in his preparatory footwork for holding the next parliamentary election in 2018 has announced the year long roadmap for the election. But many have already raised questions if his roadmap will work without prior consultation and coordination with all major stakeholders in the country.

In every election political parties are major stakeholders and no roadmap can be successful without their participation and trust in the Election Commission. The CEC could have taken them into confidence with initial discussions before he worked out his plan. The road map includes talks with the political parties, law reforms, demarcation of constituencies, updating voters list and registration of new political parties.

CEC’s role questioned
All these are high stake issues in which support and cooperation of the political parties are very important but it appears that the roadmap has been formulated first perhaps after having private consultation with the government but avoiding similar consultations with the opposition. The CEC could have been more open to all if he really wanted to make the road to election a success.
It is natural that the government would be in constant touch with the Election Commission (EC) but analysts believe that any attempt to keep the opposition out of the loop or treat them in low priority level may not work well at the end. In this backdrop, police raid on Jatiya Samajtantrik Dal (Rob) President ASM Abdur Rob’s Uttara residence on last Thursday night attempting to break the meeting of a number of distinguished political leaders who gathered to discuss the country’s political situation, shows how difficult the situation is now in the country for opposition leaders and workers even to take part in informal indoor political meeting let alone organizing outdoor political activities and run for free and fair election that may follow.

The analysts are sceptical when the CEC says he is responsible for creating congenial political environment after the election schedules were announced. But the fact is that political parties which are registered and not banned should have the right to run open air political activities to go to people to present their agenda and seek vote. If only the ruling party can do it while the opposition is debarred from it, the environment may be anything but not election friendly. Election can’t be an event only for a short period after the election scheduled is announced. But if the government restrictions on the political activities of the opposition parties in the streets remain in place and the law enforcement agencies are used to thwart all opposition political activities, there cannot be a congenial environment for free and fair election.

Neither a road, nor a map: BNP
BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir has described the roadmap as a blueprint for an election that the government can hold a regulated election for retaining power. In this roadmap he neither sees the road nor the map for a free and fair election, particularly without resolving the election time government issue. What can be its nature and function and how the even playing field can be ensured.

Without any proper decision for all to act, the crisis will persist and any roadmap will not be helpful. On the other hand senior Awami League leader and Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed has welcomed the roadmap as a realistic step and his remark that the election would take place in time and no anti-constitutional proposal would be accepted clearly shows that the government and the opposition are wide apart far from converging on to the main road to election.
The constitutional amendment by Awami League government before parliamentary election of 2014 had shelved the caretaker government allowing the incumbent cabinet to continue in power and parliament not to be dissolved so that MPs can contest election while in office and make sure that power does not slip out of the government’s hands. Though it defies all norms and practices of Westminster-type of parliamentary system of democracy which calls for resignation of the cabinet and dissolution of parliament to make election free and fair among equals, the Awami League government has disturbingly changed the system to continue its hold on power.
In this background, it remains highly questionable how the new CEC and the Election Commission will be able to hold a free and fair election. In fact when the major opposition parties want the EC to play a neutral and independent role as a constitutional body and the CEC to be a neutral arbiter to make sure that people will be able to exercise their voting rights freely to elect their representatives without intervention from powerful quarters within or outside the government, it shows that the situation will remain under the government control. The opposition is not much hopeful of a free and fair poll.

CEC can still take credible steps
Observers believe the CEC should take credible steps to restore people’s confidence in the electoral system previously lost by the EC in every local and national election. The roadmap seems to be irrelevant without making sure the participation of the opposition parties.

So the EC should encourage serious dialogue between the government and the opposition parties to resolve issues over election time government and make meaningful preparations for the purpose. Otherwise a government-regulated election roadmap would not be of much help to change the situation.

No question that the creation of election time level playing field is the sole responsibility of the government. The EC is entrusted to hold a credible election but whether the election will be free and fair largely depends on how freely the government will allow political parties to run their election campaign, use local administration and manipulate the law enforcement agencies.
Our system has already made the Election Commission a lame duck body with selection of commissioners from a list of party men and government loyalists.

It is evident that the CEC was selected from an unknown list of candidates. The list of the High Power Search Committee, which looked for the name of a credible CEC, has no mention of the present CEC but his surprising selection came to light at the right moment. So he started as a government loyalist from the beginning but he still has ample opportunity to prove his neutrality to restore the trust of people in the electoral system if he wants to play a historic role.

The over-riding government power to control the EC has already reduced the level of trust of people to make the next election free and fair. This is a daunting challenge for the new CEC to prove it otherwise.
People will watch his every move and analysts tend to believe that he can still play a role if he wants to save the electoral system from the cycle of government control at the end and earn a name for himself

| প্রকাশ : ২১ জুলাই, ২০১৭ ১১:৩০ অপরাহ্ন

Without a "Neutral Government" EC'S Road map won't Yield Results. A.S.M Rob
নিরপেক্ষ সরকার ছাড়া ইসির রোডম্যাপ ফলদায়ক হবেনা: আসম রব


শীর্ষনিউজ, ঢাকা: জাতীয় সমাজতান্ত্রিক দল- জেএসডি সভাপতি আ স ম আবদুর রব বলেছেন, নির্দলীয়-নিরপেক্ষ নির্বাচনকালীন সরকার ছাড়া নির্বাচন কমিশনের কোন রোডম্যাপই ফলদায়ক হবেনা। যে অবস্থায় সরকার অবাধে সারাদেশে ভোট চেয়ে সভা সমাবেশ করে বেড়াচ্ছেন, আর আমরা ঘরের মধ্যে কয়েকজন মিলে চা খেতে গেলেও পুলিশি হস্তক্ষেপ হয় সেখানে নির্বাচন কমিশন তাদের ক্ষমতাবলে নিরপেক্ষ নির্বাচন করতে সমর্থ হবেন এ কথা বিশ্বাস করা যায়না।
আজ বিকেলে দলের কেন্দ্রীয় কার্যালয়ে তাহের দিবস উপলক্ষে জেএসডি আয়োজিত আলোচনা সভায় তিনি এসব কথা বলেন।
জেএসডি সাধারণ সম্পাদক আবদুল মালেক রতন বলেন, বর্তমান সরকারের অধীনেই অবাধ সুষ্ঠু নির্বাচন হতে পারে একথা বলায় প্রধান নির্বাচন কমিশনারের নিরপেক্ষতা জনগণের কাছে প্রশ্নবিদ্ধ হয়ে পড়েছে।

আ স ম আবদুর রব এর সভাপতিত্বে অনুুষ্ঠিত এ আলোচনা সভায় বক্তব্য রাখেন জেএসডি সাধারণ সম্পাদক আবদুল মালেক রতন, সিনিয়র সহ সভাপতি এম এ গোফরান, যুগ্ম সাধারণ সম্পাদক মো: সিরাজ মিয়া, সহ সভাপতি মিসেস তানিয়া রব, যুগ্ম সাধারণ সম্পাদক শহীদ উদ্দীন মাহমুদ স্বপন, সাংগঠনিক সম্পাদক, এ্যাড. সৈয়দ বেলায়েত হোসেন বেলাল, মোশারফ হোসেন, প্রচার সম্পাদক এস এম রানা চৌধুরী, আবুল হোসেন মিয়া, নুরুল আবছার প্রমুখ নেতৃবৃন্দ।
Nope it is impossible for what is happening in the Arab world/Pakistan to happen in BD.

BD is a real nation state of ethnic Muslim Bengalis. Arab States and Pakistan are artificial ones with no real national identity. Without a national identity people are far more prone to navigating to extremist interpretations of religion like we see in ME and Pakistan.
Bangladesh is a state for ethnic bengali Muslims? I thought Bangladesh is a secular state where Hindus, Buddhists, muslims and Christians are treated equally.
Khaleda's only vision is bringing his thief son back to Bangladesh so that he can help her to loot money from the poors.
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