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What do you really want from us(China)?



New Recruit

Jul 13, 2008
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When We were called Sick man of Asia, We were called The Peril.
  When We are billed to be the next Superpower, We are called The threat.
  When We were closed our doors, You smuggled Drugs to Open Markets.
  When We Embrace Freed Trade, You blame us for Taking away your jobs.  
  When We were falling apart, You marched in your troops and wanted your "fair share".
  When We were putting the broken peices together again, "Free Tibet" you screamed, "it was an invasion!"

  ( When Woodrow Wilson Couldn't give back Birth Place of Confucius back to Us,
  But He did bought a ticket for the Famine Relief Ball for us.)
  So, We Tried Communism, You hated us for being Communists
  When We embrace Capitalism, You hate us for being Capitalist.   

  When We have a Billion People, you said we were destroying the planet.
  When We are tried limited our numbers, you said It was human rights abuse.

When We were Poor, You think we are dogs.
  When We Loan you cash, You blame us for your debts.  

  When We build our industries, You called us Polluters.
  When we sell you goods, You blame us for global warming.
  When We buy oil, You called that exploitation and Genocide.
  When You fight for oil, You called that Liberation.

  When We were lost in Chaos and rampage, You wanted Rules of Law for us.
  When We uphold law and order against Violence, You called that Violating
  Human Rights.  

  When We were silent, You said you want us to have Free Speech.
  When We were silent no more, You say we were Brainwashed-Xenophoics.  

  Why do you hate us so much? We asked.

  "No," You Answered, "We don't hate You."   

  We don't Hate You either,
  But Do you understand us?   

  "Of course We do," You said,
  "We have AFP, CNN and BBCs..."
  What do you really want from us? :hitwall::tsk:

  Think Hard first, then Answer...
  Because you only get so many chances,
  Enough is Enough, Enough Hypocrisy for this one world.
  We want One World, One Dream, And Peace On Earth.
  - This Big Blue Earth is Big Enough for all of Us.

[Switched from hemosiderosis community http://bbs.tiexue.net/]
OMG I've heard this cheap doggerel so many times. Please spare us the torture of reading it again.
I very very sorry for that. I come from Southwest of China,and the first time I have to this forum,
My english is poor,If there is offensive or wrong, please forgive and education me
I read some views of China's Tibet .
some one often cited some news media to prove that China's mistakes
We There is a Chinese saying:No investigations have no right to speak on
It is undeniable that there are certain aspects of China, like other countries
BUT some Western media's understanding of China are one-sided or distorted
Such as the Tibet
Sometimes, we view the Internet in China on China's views, we think that's very Irresponsible.
If you want to better understand Tibet, came to Tibet, make some Tibetans,read Tibet's history .....
Chinese law stipulates that minorities have more concessions
I love my country, I can not agree with some people from some of the media alone understand China
Finally,what I want to say is,
In the incident in Tibet, the Mobs Killed the lives of innocent people and destruction of property, which is very very very bad!
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If you want to know more, you can visit the China's Tibet site by the university students from China , perhaps you can hear some different voices

We Just Want the Truth! CNN:The world's leader of liars 西方媒体污蔑中国报道全纪录Anti-CNN.com,Anti-BBC.com,Anti-VOA.com

(But I am not sure whether visited in your country ,This site is in English,too)


This website is established to expose the lies and distortions in the western media. The site is maintained by volunteers, who are not associated with any government officials.
We are not against the western media, but against the lies and fabricated stories in the media.
We are not against the western people, but against the prejudice from the western society.
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When We were called Sick man of Asia, We were called The Peril.
  When We are billed to be the next Superpower, We are called The threat.
  When We were closed our doors, You smuggled Drugs to Open Markets.
  When We Embrace Freed Trade, You blame us for Taking away your jobs.  
  When We were falling apart, You marched in your troops and wanted your "fair share".
  When We were putting the broken peices together again, "Free Tibet" you screamed, "it was an invasion!"

  ( When Woodrow Wilson Couldn't give back Birth Place of Confucius back to Us,
  But He did bought a ticket for the Famine Relief Ball for us.)
  So, We Tried Communism, You hated us for being Communists
  When We embrace Capitalism, You hate us for being Capitalist.   

  When We have a Billion People, you said we were destroying the planet.
  When We are tried limited our numbers, you said It was human rights abuse.

When We were Poor, You think we are dogs.
  When We Loan you cash, You blame us for your debts.  

  When We build our industries, You called us Polluters.
  When we sell you goods, You blame us for global warming.
  When We buy oil, You called that exploitation and Genocide.
  When You fight for oil, You called that Liberation.

  When We were lost in Chaos and rampage, You wanted Rules of Law for us.
  When We uphold law and order against Violence, You called that Violating
  Human Rights.  

  When We were silent, You said you want us to have Free Speech.
  When We were silent no more, You say we were Brainwashed-Xenophoics.  

  Why do you hate us so much? We asked.

  "No," You Answered, "We don't hate You."   

  We don't Hate You either,
  But Do you understand us?   

  "Of course We do," You said,
  "We have AFP, CNN and BBCs..."
  What do you really want from us? :hitwall::tsk:

  Think Hard first, then Answer...
  Because you only get so many chances,
  Enough is Enough, Enough Hypocrisy for this one world.
  We want One World, One Dream, And Peace On Earth.
  - This Big Blue Earth is Big Enough for all of Us.

[Switched from hemosiderosis community http://bbs.tiexue.net/]

Because your country cannot play by international rules.

And before that in the 19th century you had to be dragged kicking into an alien world after centuries of self imposed regression and isolation.
Because your country cannot play by international rules.

And before that in the 19th century you had to be dragged kicking into an alien world after centuries of self imposed regression and isolation.

The so-called "international rules" are in fact Anglo-American rules, which China rejects justifiably. She prefers a non-neocon "New World Order", maybe?
The so-called "international rules" are in fact Anglo-American rules, which China rejects justifiably. She prefers a non-neocon "New World Order", maybe?

Give me a break; these international rules are looked up on because they are far more just than anything else.

Further, all Anglo-American things are Neocon?
Such a curious attitude our Indian friends demonstrate - instead of siezing opportunities for better understanding, deeper friendship, empathy - a negativity bordering on malice.

I for one want from China to be true to her potential - to ensure dignity for the chinese, freedom from poverty and ignorance - and in international arena, to be a pillar of stability, in Asia it should be the the mission of china to tun Indian from a negative power, to a strong proponent of a new Asia, prosperous, educated, dignified lives for all Asian and all who cooperate.

An Asia anchored around china and India offers billions of people the chance at a dignified and prosperous life for themselves and their children.

Such a curious attitude our Indian friends demonstrate - instead of siezing opportunities for better understanding, deeper friendship, empathy - a negativity bordering on malice.

I for one want from China to be true to her potential - to ensure dignity for the chinese, freedom from poverty and ignorance - and in international arena, to be a pillar of stability, in Asia it should be the the mission of china to tun Indian from a negative power, to a strong proponent of a new Asia, prosperous, educated, dignified lives for all Asian and all who cooperate.

An Asia anchored around china and India offers billions of people the chance at a dignified and prosperous life for themselves and their children.

Well, I prefer India (include the countries in indian sub continent)-Russia-China to come together and put a joint effort to uplift the people from poverty.
Such a curious attitude our Indian friends demonstrate - instead of siezing opportunities for better understanding, deeper friendship, empathy - a negativity bordering on malice.

What superior attitude have I shown?

As far as hostility toward China is concerned, is India alone? Further, we have our reasons to feel so.

I for one want from China to be true to her potential - to ensure dignity for the chinese, freedom from poverty and ignorance - and in international arena, to be a pillar of stability

We all want China to reach her true potential, but not in the manner that we often see.

in Asia it should be the the mission of china to tun Indian from a negative power, to a strong proponent of a new Asia, prosperous, educated, dignified lives for all Asian and all who cooperate.

India and a negative power? Me, being an Indian, am glad most of the world that really matters doies not think this way.

Further, we are all for a prosperous Asia.

An Asia anchored around china and India offers billions of people the chance at a dignified and prosperous life for themselves and their children.

Very true, but this development should come at what cost?

There should be an Indian flag smiley.
The poem ls alright to convince nationalistic teenagers, but it has no discussion value.

It fits the perception that the world is picking on the Chinese because they are "jealous" or they "hate" the Chinese for whatever reasons.

curious attitude, not superior attitude.

Reason to feel hostile - yes of course, take a number and get back in line - we all have reasons and gripes for all sorts of things - but we also have a brain and reason as tools.

India a negative power? Ok I see your point, then perhaps a negative attitude.

An Indian flag and smiley face?? ....... Sure, OK, why not.:cheers:


Russia too? Yes, sure - but China has a exellent record wit attempts to befriend neigbors, to be neighborly, and even when these efforst fall short, we must at least acknowledge that together we really can change the world in a fundamental way for the betterment of the whole world - just look how many people, what a percentage of the world we are talking about when we say Asia -- and always recall how we have suffered.

Two of the worlds most ancient, most illustrious genuine civilizations, reduced to poverty, to ignorance, by WHOM? Or should we forget? no we will forgive but lets not forget, lets let experience be our guide. Always remember India was never poor, NEVER!! Did Mahmoud attack India 17 times and take treasure of inconcievable value each time because India was destitute? and if today India is good well, lets also remember that hundreds of millions have been uplifted and saved from indignity and God willing and human will applied, many hundred of millions more will be uplifted.

There is no problem between china and India that cannot be resolved, amicably -- India and china, and Pakistan, and Iran, and bangladesh, and Myanmar and vietnam and japan, and kygyzstan and kazakstan and turkiye- we are all Asian and we have chance to not only get to know each other but to prosper togther -- that vision alone, should propel us towards resolution.

India and china together will be once again, the worlds largest economies, but beyond that abstraction, the billions of people uplifted, the achievements yet to be - these, at least in my thinking, are noble ideals - yes noble, and because they are noble, they deserved to be pursued and achieved:cheers:.
Hey muse, my feeling is that once IN-RU-China are together they represent more then 50% of the world population. And it's job of India to bring SAARC countries in to this forum. We should have FTA agreement between us. Stop fighting and start working towards making a better world.
Well, with chinese intrusions and agressive stance in the border, there cannot be any jointness between India and China. And we dont want to go the communist way.

Keeping 1 billion people united is itself a big task. Only thing that India lacks is a trustable ally who can influence world affairs. I am sure if the nuclear deal goes through, we will have better relations with major powers.
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