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"What about the Hundreds of Innocent People We are Killing With our Drone S

Superb she is 100% right & there is no freedom of speech in US it is all bull **** you just saw how freedom of speech was crushed by the real terrorists of the world who are fighting with Imaginary enemy which does not exit. US, India, Israel, Europe, Australia etc they are united against imaginary enemies, they don't have enemies they are creating enemies for their own personal interests which is mainly Economical development through blood money.
Indian Comments ????? LOLzzzzzzzzzz not surprised!
i dont know, who is a true patriot, a native guy who has doubts and needs to know answers, or imported immigrant patriots like VCheng who is all satisfied with divine FOX and CNN
i dont know, who is a true patriot, a native guy who has doubts and needs to know answers, or imported immigrant patriots like VCheng who is all satisfied with divine FOX and CNN

I wouldn't know; I watch neither! :D

(seriously, no Fox or CNN)
اس ويڈيو کے ضمن ميں يہ وضاحت ضروری ہے کہ خاتون کو کمرے سے ان کے خيالات اور نظريات کی وجہ سے نہيں نکالا گيا تھا۔ سيکورٹی کو مجبوری کے عالم میں يہ قدم اس ليے اٹھانا پڑا کيونکہ خاتون کاروائی ميں دانستہ خلل ڈال رہی تھيں اور مہمان خصوصی کو اپنی تقرير مکمل نہيں کرنے دے رہی تھيں جو کہ اس تقريب کو منعقد کرنے کا اصل مقصد اور سبب تھا۔

براہ مہربانی ویڈیو کو باریک بینی سے دیکھيں اس میں واضح طور پر ماڈریٹر احتجاج کرنے والی خاتون اور سامعین کو تقریر کے اختتام پر سوالات پوچھنے اور خیالات اظہار کرنے کے لئے کے بارے میں مطلع کر رہی تھیں. لیکن احتجاج کرنے والی خاتون نے دانستہ وہ رويہ اپنايا جو اس واقعے کا موجب بنا جو ويڈيو ميں دکھايا گيا ہے۔

آخر میں یہ کہ اس عورت کو کمرے کے باہر اس لۓ لے جایا گیا کیونکہ باوجود اس کو ٹوکنے کہ وہ احتجاج کرنے سے نہیں رکی، اس میں آزادی سے بولنے کے حق کی وجہ نہیں ہے۔

افشاں – ڈيجيٹل آؤٹ ريچ ٹيم – يو ايس اسٹيٹ ڈيپارٹمينٹ
U.S. Department of State
USUrduDigitalOutreach - Government Organization - Washington, DC | Facebook
Nice, I did not know you had such people in the U.S.
Kudos to this brave lady.
I think most American people are very nice people. sad thing is that a few million Zionist Jews through AIPAC have subverted democracy and control the American regime. There policies are what we disagree with.
Yes we can all blame the devil (US) but the question is why does the Pakistani government allow hundreds of its citizens be killed like this. The first duty of a government is to protect its citizens, it is clear the GoP is categorically failing at even this most basic duty and yet all this misdirected anger is target at US, this is America after all what would we expect? They'd happily kill thousands of "darkies" to protect a single American but that is them, the USG, protecting their citizens it is for the GoP to represent the Pakistani citizens on the ground who are being harmed in these strikes. Even the PA who has crafted itself into some sort of benevolent body in the Pakistani society seems to not care and seems even less interested in doing anything to stop these strikes.
Better to have hundreds killed than to have thousands killed by those would-be suicide bombers.
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