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Welcome to Sonmiani



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Nov 1, 2005
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Welcome to Sonmiani

The Fourth Deep Seaport of Pakistan

Sonmiani is a small fishing village of 3000 people and is located 80 km North West of Karachi. The fishermen earn handsome money during fishing season.

If Sonmiani is turned into a deep seaport, the property prices will skyrocket in the area, these fishermen would sell away their land for a song. This is exactly what was witnessed in Gwadar.

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About Sonmiani

Miani Hor or Sonmiani Bay is situated at a distance of 90km, from Karachi on the east Balochistan coast. It comprises of three villages viz. Dam, Sonmiani, Bhira and a settlement called Baloch Goth. Sonmiani constitutes the smallest administrative unit known as Tehsil of the District Lasbela.

According to the census (1988) the estimated population was 4000 and during a
study conducted by WWF recently, the total population of the area is more than

S. No. Villages No. of Household Population
1. Sonmiani 225 3,000
2. Dam 550 6,500
3. Bhira 171 1,300
4. Baloch Goth 133 878
TOTAL 1079 11,678

Source: WWF KAP Study 2004

It is general perception that the population of the area has been increasing. The
population of the area further rises temporarily during the fishing season when working forces from other parts of the country throng the area for earning livelihood through fishing.


These villages are directly dependent on coastal resources, especially fisheries and mangrove forests. The people belong to different tribal groups such as Lasi, Rajput, Khaskheli, Mirbahar, Jumari, Soomra and Zikri Baloch. Families of the same group live in their own mohallas or paras (neighbourhoods). A few Hindu families also live in the area. The main occupations of the local people is fishing (90%), only a few people work for government departments (e.g. fisheries, electricity and education) or are involved in trade. According to Balochistan Fisheries Department Statistics (2003), there are 5,610 fishermen (3,320 fulltime, 1,490 part time and 800 occasional fishermen) in the area. There are 104 mechanised boats fitted with inboard engine, 672 motorised boats fitted with outboard engine, 03 sail boats without engine and 42 Life boats with inboard engine in the area. The community spends whatever they earn and there is nonexistence of saving habits. Further, they are also indebted by loans taken from moneylenders. Most of the population is only acquainted with fishing and unable to switch to new trades.

Women are deprived of developmental opportunities due to various socioeconomic and cultural reasons. They are primarily responsible for family and household activities. They lack access and control over resources and have very restricted mobility outside their communities. Women have generally no or lower formal education thus, lowering their income generating potential. They do not take part in economic activity. Women are however, knowledgeable about the problems and issues of the area.

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The community primarily depends on natural resources. The following natural
resources were identified and prioritized by the local community.


These are perhaps the earth’s greatest natural resource, with life from tiny plankton to huge whales. More than 90% of the living biomass is found in the sea or ocean. The living resource under ocean and sea has not yet been fully explored. The invertebrate fauna include protozoan, coelenterates, annelids, mollusks, crustaceans and echinoderms. Fish, reptiles, mammals and birds represent the vertebrate fauna in which fish is the major group. Marine flora also 7 shows high diversity. Sonmiani is a bay on Balochistan coast and the total area of the bay is 125.25 sq. km and the shelf adjacent to it is 80 km wide1.


Marine fish is the major natural resource of the area, on which the livelihood of the community depends. More than 350 species of fish are known to exist. Marine fishing is an important activity in the area. More than 90% of the population earns an income through fishing or fishing related activities. Shrimping is also carried out in shallow waters and shrimp trawling grounds are located in Miani Hor/ Sonmiani bay. Karachi is the main market of fish and shrimp catch in Miani Hor. Balochistan Fisheries Department Statistics shows that in the year 2003, a total of about 11,000 metric tons of fish was caught in this area, which was about 9% of the total catch on Balochistan coast (about 12,000 metric tons). The main categories of fishery resources are small pelagics and demersal fishes, sharks, shrimps, lobsters and crabs. Fishery can be divided into three classes, large scale fishing, medium scale fishing and small scale fishing. Small boats do small scale fishing within 5 km radius.


The site is important for large concentration of water birds including migratory and resident population. More than 20,000 birds representing 52 species usually visit Sonmiani/Miani Hor in winters. The area is one of the designated Ramsar sites in Pakistan. The area is also included in to Global 200 eco-regions of WWF, means the area is representing a globally outstanding example of major habitat types. It is a part of the Arabian Sea Eco-region (#232). The water birds that are found in the area include grebes, pelicans, cormorants, flamingos, egrets, herons, storks, ibises and spoonbills, cranes, coots, shore birds (waders), gulls and terns.


Practically, agriculture is non-existent in Sonmiani but the community has some land in the south of the village where in the rainy season some pulses and vegetables are grown. It is said that agriculture was done in the past along Winder River but the river has changed its path and has engulfed the land of the community. Further, due to drought and scarcity of freshwater, agriculture is not practiced. However, some locals grow castor oil in July, when there is little rainfall.


Mangrove forest has a great economic and ecological significance. It is the habitat of a diverse community of organisms ranging from bacteria and fungi to fish, shrimps, birds, reptiles and mammals. It provides fuel wood and fodder for domestic animals of the local communities. The mangrove forest in Miani Hor is spread over an area of about 2500 ha, which represents 42% of total cover of mangrove forest in Balochistan. It is the only area in Pakistan where three species of mangroves i.e. Avicennia marina, Ceriops tagal and Rhizophora mucronata grow in natural condition.


Grasslands like meadows and pastures are used as grazing grounds for livestock. Where there is extensive pasture, livestock rearing is one of the major activity of the rural community. Over a period of time, losses/decrease in the grazing ground has been significant in Sonmiani area. Previously, there had been livestock grazing grounds along Winder River near Sonmiani, on which Tamarix, Prosopis cineraria and grasses used to flourish. The area has now been taken over by Mesquite and also affected by drought. Most of the livestock grazing habitat/sites have now disappeared. Appropriate measures are needed to be put into place to rehabilitate grazing sites to encourage livestock rearing as a source of alternate livelihood.


Some of the local people keep goats, buffaloes, cows and donkeys. They get milk from goats, buffaloes and cows, while donkeys and camels are used for transportation. There are about 1200 goats, 100 cows/buffaloes, 50 camels and 500 donkeys altogether in the area. Local people keep livestock inside the house as well as outside of their houses. They buy fodder for their livestock from Winder. Majority of people do not prefer to keep livestock due to fodder scarcity and excessive decline of meadows.


The only source of freshwater is Winder River but that depends upon rainfall. There has also been decline in the underground water level. The rainfall is very scanty. The area mainly receives freshwater input from a number of seasonal streams rising in the hills of Eastern Balochistan to the North. The potable water is supplied by Public Health Engineering Department (PHED) through pipeline from Winder. There is a storage tank where water is stored for distribution to the villages.


There is only one natural lake in the vicinity known as Siranda Lake. It is a shallow brackish lagoon, separated from Sonmiani Bay to the west by a series of sand dunes. Its total area is about 2700 ha. The lake is fed by local run off and possibly seepage of seawater through the dunes. Water level fluctuates widely and in some years the lake dries out completely. It is an important wintering area for water birds including flamingos, ducks (particularly shelduck) and coots. The lake is a hunting resort for shikaris. If the lake is managed properly then there is likelihood of getting fish from the lake as well as generating opportunities for locals through eco-tourism development.


Sand dunes occur throughout the world on coast and are in majority arid desert regions. The sand is used commercially for many purposes elsewhere but the local community of Sonmiani is unaware of its utilization on commercial basis. There are about 12,698 ha of area covered by sand dune (Rasool et al, 2000). The sand dunes on the coast are encroaching the mangrove forests, thus covering the forest area.


Molluscan shells are used to make artificial ornaments and many types of decoration pieces. A variety of gastropod and pelecypod shells are available that could be used for making ornaments or decoration pieces. But the locals lack knowledge of proper marketing; values of these resources, hence these resources are not being utilized at all.


Hump backed dolphin and bottle nosed dolphin are commonly observed in the Hor. The people are however unaware of its importance but it could be a source of income if local people are trained to organize dolphin watch trips for tourists/visitors. The proper season for dolphin watch is from October through March.

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Survey of Sonmiani sea coast for another port

Balochistan government is currently undertaking a survey of Sonmiani area in Lasbela district where the federal government is planning construction of the country’s fourth seaport. The ban on transfer of land in

Sonmiani and Lairi tehsils of district Lasbela imposed by the provincial government will continue till the completion of the survey.

According to the official sources, the proposed port city called Allah Din Cove would be located at Miani Hor, the large lagoon in Sonmiani bay. It will provide investment opportunities for development of business, tourism, housing and industry. The new port city would be equipped with world-class infrastructure including roads, airport, hotels, resorts, IT, banking, industrial parks and oil refineries and would be turned into an industrial hub

Sonmiani is a small fishing village of 3000 people and is located 80 km North West of Karachi. The fishermen earn handsome money during fishing season. If Sonmiani is turned into a deep seaport, the property prices will skyrocket in the area, these fishermen would sell away their land for a song. This is exactly what was witnessed in Gwadar.

The local leaders and environmentalists have expressed serious reservations about the newly planned port project.. The Deputy Speaker of the Balochistan Assembly, Muhammad Aslam Bhootani has criticised the federal government for not taking elected representatives and people of the area into confidence before announcing plan for a new port . Chief Minister Balochistan, Jam Yousaf assured a high-level meeting that the interest of the local population will be fully safeguarded while implementing the port project. Presently, the government is engaged in preparing a master plan for the proposed city and seeking the services of international developer for the purpose.

The plan for construction of second port in the province came just after Gwadar port had gone into operations under Singaporean operators. It has not yet been known from where the funding for the project will come: whether it is constructed with the help of foreign assistance or the government will fund it through its own resources? The official plan indicates that it would be a mega sea port project with a proposed modern port city on the pattern of Gwadar in Mekran. This remote area is attracting the attention of real estate mafia, who are currently engaged in speculative real estate business in Gwadar.

Baloch nationalists contend that allotment of 200,000 acres land to the Civil Aviation Authority in Lasbela and the proposed construction of Sonmiani seaport will cause a demographic imbalance and convert the Baloch into a minority.

They are demanding that government should ensure protection of rights of the local people in terms of jobs and land and a guarantee that no injustice and discrimination would be done with them. Referring to the Gwadar Port project, they claim that apprehensions of the local people have yet to be removed by the federal government.

Environmentalists fear that once the construction of port starts in Sonmiani Bay, the mangrove forests in Miani Hor will definitely be cut down, which is a good source of seeds for all three mangrove species in Pakistan. The mangrove forests in Sonmiani, spread over 2,500 hectares, are a declared protected area. In order to protect their natural resources, Sonmiani people have formed an organisation, the Sonmiani Development Organisation (SDO).

According to environmentalists, Miani Hor is a closed lagoon with a four kilometre wide mouth that opens out into the Arabian Sea and nurtures life forms that are distinct from the open shores of the Makran coast. Much of the lagoon waters lie within mud flats and islands. In the waters of the bay, there are bottlenose dolphins, turtles and a multitude of water and sea birds.

This picturesque bay is internationally recognised as an important wetland, home to migratory birds. It is also full of shrimp, crab and other fish, which feed and live around the roots of the dense mangrove trees. Over the years, with the help of international NGOs, the fishermen have come together to protect their natural resources and save the mangrove forests.

The dense mangrove forests provide an abundance of fish for trade and food, as well as fodder and fuel for the local residents. The mud crabs which grow in the mangrove roots are considered a delicacy in south East Asia and if marketed properly, can provide profits

DAWN - Newspaper
April 23, 2007

Survey of Sonmiani sea coast for another port
This place is great. Should be the next in line after Gawadar. Since Gawadar has already received lots of Chinese noddles, how about Sonmiani opening up for American cottage cheese! :D
The coastal areas of Baluchistan has the potential to become the power houses of Pakistan's economy. I wish if we could develop proper and well planned cities along the coastline of Pakistan. With the development of ports, industrial areas could also be developed in these areas. With their close proximity to ports, the adjacent areas are best choice to develop the industrial zones. We should declare these zones as tax free to increase the interest of foreign investors. You can say its a dream but with sincere efforts and hard work and proper planning concerning civic facilities, housing, industries, public welfare schemes and proper road network, we can develop these areas into modern cities. It is of immense imortance to involve local population in these ventures. nobody can stop us from doing all these things only if we are sincere. From the defence point of view, we will have more then one port to distribute our naval assets and we can build airbases too close to these cities. We have everything, just the initiative, proper planning and decision is required.
I have been there. It is stunningly beautiful. My dads computer in Pakistan has all the pictures we took of it, I wish I could share them in this thread. It can become both a tourist destination and a sea port.
I have been there. It is stunningly beautiful. My dads computer in Pakistan has all the pictures we took of it, I wish I could share them in this thread. It can become both a tourist destination and a sea port.

I've been there aswell but without my digicam. Please try to get pics from your father and post them here or email them to me and I''ll post it for you. :)
I lived in Sonmiani off and on for 3 years or so...an absolute gem of a beach and place!!! Although it does not look like the picture posted above. The beaches and water are pristine. Without any pollution...the area overall is fairly dry so you do not see lush greenery as seen in the picture, however it could very easily be developed into a top notch tourist destination if it were not for the Suparco and Army presence (Army has a vast range there for munitions evaluation and testing) so security implications would get in the way. I suspect now most of the BM tests also are conducted from the same area.

Used to hit the waves and go hunting for partridges and other game. A most memorable place. Used to see the dolphins pretty regularly as well. One time a Right whale got beached...the skeleton was sent off to a museum in Pakistan by the CO. They were really happy with it but while it was on the beach..pheww..it stunk pretty bad! :sick:

A lot of Suparco and PA stuff happens out in Sonmiani. Pretty much saw the entire Pakistani Artillery and Armoured Corps inventory there (I saw enough firing and wore enough cotton ear plugs to last me a lifetime). :lol:

As far as I know, there is no deep see port...however ormara is pretty close to it.
haha interesting blain. Finally some good info from a person who actually lived there. :)
i want to go here for visit any info abt residential stuff would be appreciated thanks
I have been there. It is stunningly beautiful. My dads computer in Pakistan has all the pictures we took of it, I wish I could share them in this thread. It can become both a tourist destination and a sea port.

I support more to make it a tourist resort only and port should be made at someother place further away from Karachi, e.g. Jiwani.
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