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We will crush the Chinese if they invade us - Taiwan warns China with long range missiles

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Lol. Someone forgot to tell Taiwan that if China wanted to it could turn their island into just another part of the ocean.

China bores no such hatred towards its own brethen.

Ben shi tong gen sheng, xiang jian he taiji

A better analogy would be japan instead.

China could turn japan into an underwater nation if it wanted to.
Taiwan is too small to do anything against China.they should better pray for taiwan after this statement lol.

sorry to say this but i observe that most other people, including China's own allies assume Taiwan is the former's 'arch enemy'.

I suggest u and many others to research about the original cause of the Taiwan Problem (including it's people and history)- cause if you have done it, you wont be giving the statement above.
So any Chinese(Taiwan) source for the
"We will crush the Chinese if they invade us"
statement Indians made in the name of Taiwan yet?

I know in an alleged quote the word "crushed" was used but neither is that matching the OP headline nor are Indian newspapers a reliable source what matters the translation of the statement.
:rofl:, mike samny rakh diya to kuch bhi bolen gay saaly:taz:
The most important thing is that those who were afraid of china are now threatening them. Vietnam has taken tough stand so as India and japan. China shall soon forget to issue warning are their warning is now a days mocked by people of world.

Only those feel the fear, frenzy, anger and paranoid need to make the threatening noise to comfort themselves,
those such Russia and US that not afraid of China have need not to make such threatening noise, I understand that India is good at to claim to taken a tough stand against China but the only thing they can do is bring Dalai Lama to vent their frustration on China :lol: and to get insult to injure, they got China's warning in return. :rofl:
Only those feel the fear, frenzy, anger and paranoid need to make the threatening noise to comfort themselves,
those such Russia and US that not afraid of China have need not to make such threatening noise, I understand that India is good at to claim to taken a tough stand against China but the only thing they can do is bring Dalai Lama to vent their frustration on China :lol: and to get insult to injure, they got China's warning in return. :rofl:

China doesn't have to issue a warning all the time, when Outer Mongolia requested financial aid Modi whipped his elephant's a*s to make a U turn heading straight back home. Obviously Modi feared what China would have done to India had he given the Mongolians that aid :rofl:
sorry to say this but i observe that most other people, including China's own allies assume Taiwan is the former's 'arch enemy'.

I suggest u and many others to research about the original cause of the Taiwan Problem (including it's people and history)- cause if you have done it, you wont be giving the statement above.

people outside the Sinosphere automatically assume China and Taiwan have an antagonistic relationship(e.g India and Pakistan), this is not true at all. there's no divide amongst ppl in both lands except for the system of governance.

The relation ship between the 2 is like a rebellious teen daughter and her strict father
On TV, I regularly see Taiwanese politicians and even celebrities refer to themselves as '炎黃子孫' (descendants of Yan and Huang- legendary ancestors of the Han Chinese people)
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Taiwan should aquire nuclear weapons as deterrence to Chinese aggression.
Only those feel the fear, frenzy, anger and paranoid need to make the threatening noise to comfort themselves,

China does this more than anything else so as per your logic we may assume that China is feeling fear, frenzy, anger and paranoid need to make the threatening noise to comfort itself.
China fingers everywhere....
A nation and a culture. Not bleed
"A nation and a culture."

More than that! It's of a very old civilization, in fact the longest continuously existing one until the present days, supported by the most headcounts on earth incl. the centuries-old diaspora around the globe. After such long journeys, crossing so many paths ups and downs enjoying the glories and peaks as well as the nadir shedding the countless tears and blood in between... what to wonder then :coffee:

The subcontinent India, even though is also an old civilization, large and populous, but not so fortunate for being too long under the British colonization, certainly got the serious left-over impacts, whatever they are that one may endlessly argue... aside from those intrinsic factors.
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sorry to say this but i observe that most other people, including China's own allies assume Taiwan is the former's 'arch enemy'.

I suggest u and many others to research about the original cause of the Taiwan Problem (including it's people and history)- cause if you have done it, you wont be giving the statement above.

I don't know the problem between China and Taiwan but this kind of statements from Taiwan will only provoke China.look at the size of China and look at Taiwan lol.
China does this more than enything else so as per your logic we may assume that china is feeling fear, frenzy, anger and paranoid need to make the threatening noise to comfort itself.

No we did give a lot of warning but we have not threaten anyone: for example we warned India about Dalai Lama but we have not threaten to retaliate such cozying with Maoist or ULFA leaders:p:.
Very funny people indeed. Peaceful reunification in the near future will prevent the loss of any innocent lives.
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