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We need two more years to defeat Pakistan | Subramanian Swamy

Outcome will be 100 nukes all over india and there would be neither India nor Pakistan to tell the tale.
Grow up. Neither Pakistan Nor india are in a position to bully eachother. Either we both survive or there is none left to fight for.
And who is going to allow you to launch 100 nukes? :lol:
As far as 60% of India might be gone. But complete pakistan will be decimated. Not pakistan's incapabilty. It's just the demography. Pakistan is very small in size compared to India.
India has far more nuclear weapons than what media tells us and their nuclear weapons program is expanding fast..even surpassing that of china. May be 2000 nuclear weapons.

Mansoor Ahmed from Quaid-e-Azam University’s Department of Defence and Strategic Studies, who specializes in Pakistan’s national deterrent and delivery programs, says this fits into a long pattern of reporting that shows Pakistan has a fast-growing arsenal but one he believes still pales in comparison to India’s.

He highlights a number of reports, including from the IPFM itself, that show India “is expanding and adding several un-safeguarded facilities in its military nuclear fuel cycle suitable for producing fissile material,” and has the world’s fastest growing nuclear program.

“These include the rare materials plant centrifuge facility; a second plutonium production reactor; and one 500 megawatt electricity experimental fast breeder reactor. In addition, four reprocessing plants of 350 thm/year [tons of heavy metal per year] are in operation, an industrial-scale 500 thm/year reprocessing plant and another large industrial scale centrifuge enrichment plant are in the pipeline along with four additional” fast breeder reactors by 2020, he said.

“As of the end of 2013, India’s fissile material stockpiles include 800-1,000 kilograms of weapon-grade plutonium from CIRUS and Dhruva-1 production reactors; 2 tons of highly enriched uranium [HEU] from RMP; and 15 tons of weapon-usable reactor-grade plutonium from its pressurized heavy water reactors [PHWRs].”

He says the significance of these cannot be underestimated.

“These stocks are outside [International Atomic Energy Agency] safeguards and are sufficient for producing about 250 warheads from weapon-grade plutonium; 40 warheads from HEU; and 1,875 warheads from reactor-grade plutonium, which was used in one of India’s 1998 nuclear tests” he said.

Additional capabilities will be added within the next three to five years, he said, that could produce another 171 kilograms of weapon-grade plutonium.

“These figures would add up with existing capacities and would allow India to produce about 100 warheads from weapon-grade plutonium and HEU each year in addition to 50 warheads from one PHWR run on low-burn up,” he said.

“Even if a fraction of the other seven PHWRs are used to produce fuel for India’s fast breeder reactors as claimed, these can still add another 137 weapons worth of fissile material each year,” he said.

“Compared to this, Pakistan’s total existing and expected annual fissile material production capacity from four Khushab plutonium production reactors is not more than 46 kilograms of weapon-grade plutonium and 100-125 kilograms of weapon-grade HEU, only sufficient for 17 warheads annually.”
This thread proves Swamy's designs, but it also proves some PDF Pakistani's grand delusions about their nukes.
@Hyperion - If Armageddon is coming in 2 year's time then I fear for @EyanKhan - the kid would barely be 18 at that time & wouldn't have experienced all the joys of life like us grownups ? :(
Zaid Hamid's long lost daddy.
I would not call him looney at all. He knows his enemies well enough and how to take the battle to the enemy and win. Here his nonchalance in making that comment should not be seen as his desire to wrought destruction on to the subcontinent, but rather his urging to Indian to not be paralyzed by fear at the mere mention of Pakistani nukes. To live and act without fear.
Exactly if pakistan always plays the nuke blackmail card.We should show we are not scared too.Truth is those who lack confidence,scared are the ones who shout to attract attention.Its like hey i got a bomb i will blow it up along with myself if so and so doesn't agree to my terms.Pakidtan been doing that a long time.Ask them to walk the talk.Since they have first use poli y let them launch and see what happens.
saying no problem to 100 million people's deaths. The man is worse than hitler in his mindset.
Well, that is what Gen Zia offered them.. a war with both countries finished.. there won't be a Pakistani alive but Islam will be there but u can't say the same about Hinduism.. because India is their only country and if its gone puffffffff.. game over for Hinduism, once and for all....
Well, that is what Gen Zia offered them.. a war with both countries finished.. there won't be a Pakistani alive but Islam will be there but u can't say the same about Hinduism.. because India is their only country and if its gone puffffffff.. game over for Hinduism, once and for all....
Hindus are in many countries and they will survive i doubt about your religion surviving anywhere in world once this happens.We are not ignorant.If its going to be doom we shall take all down ;)
He would have to unleash his religious fantasies on his own country as Pakistanis are fully capable, prepared and willing to turn Hindustan into a radioactive dump.

Yes Sir. If we have to survive we have to make sure that India's survival is under our finger.

You sound like a Pakistani, Muslim version of this nutjob Indian, Hindu Swamy fella :D

Both you guys seem to think that nukes are little toys which can be recalled after the destruction is done. I suggest that you and nutjob Swamy there meet over coffee and have this feelgood discussion there. The average Indian and Pakistani I trust have no time nor appetite for such nonsense

Well, that is what Gen Zia offered them.. a war with both countries finished.. there won't be a Pakistani alive but Islam will be there but u can't say the same about Hinduism.. because India is their only country and if its gone puffffffff.. game over for Hinduism, once and for all....

You do realize that there are close to 200 million Hindus who live out of India right ?
Exactly if pakistan always plays the nuke blackmail card.We should show we are not scared too.Truth is those who lack confidence,scared are the ones who shout to attract attention.Its like hey i got a bomb i will blow it up along with myself if so and so doesn't agree to my terms.Pakidtan been doing that a long time.Ask them to walk the talk.Since they have first use poli y let them launch and see what happens.

Yup, that is the only way to shut up Pakistan and its Islamic bomb. Ask so what?
Indian Population = 1,200,000,000

Pakistan Population = 200,000,000

Why is so hard for the SWAMI to defeat Pakistan.

Is the SWAMI admitting one Pakistani is heavy on six Indians... 8-) :p:

No, I think what Swamy is saying is that one Indian nuke is equal to six Pakistani nukes. Go figure :D
to all indians difference in our beliefs is quite clear we are not afraid of death see we believe that our life starts after our death what is your belief ?huh no other life if yes than u really want to miss this one dont u dare !!!!

You never heard of reincarnation, did you? We will come back time and again to get you where ever you are, earth, heaven, or hell.
China and Pakistan weren't allied back than nor did the nuclear paradigm exist.

That again is your Jingoism playing up.

Fact 1 | Pakistan surges ahead of India in nuclear stockpile: Report - The Times of India

Fact 2 | India-Pakistan nuclear war could 'end human civilisation' - Telegraph

Fact 3 | Study: Two Billion Could Starve in Event of 'Limited' Nuclear War | Global Security Newswire | NTI

Fact 4 | All Indians would be DEAD.
So will all pakistanis be dead,what is this all Indians would be dead thing as if you will escape and only we will die.We will bring down armageddon on all if its our last stand,make no mistake.you will be completely gone without a trace and what makes you think our nuke stockpile is less than yours?We are not scared of your threats.Everyone does at some point
All smoke and no fire! How many has he got jailed so far? Nix!

All he does is :blah: :blah: :blah:

He produced enough fire to burn out congress.
War is the only solution with Pakistan!
Then go and do it, why are waisting your time and energy in a Pakistani forum.
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