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We need two more years to defeat Pakistan | Subramanian Swamy

Hey PDFers! come to this thread.....just laugh & go..


I have done my part.........now its your turn.............:pakistan:
Good. Keep thinking like that. You will make his work easier.

I quoted Zia-ul-Haq which he said to Rajiv gandhi in 1985. If bjp thinks so then they are digging their grave.
Wrong, at no point was Indian diplomacy behind neutralizing China.

In 1965, Ayub was offering to end diplomatic contacts with China to please the Americans. In 1971, the Chinese were staring at the Soviet Juggernaut in the form of Soviet 58th Army right down the barrel. The Chinese were so sh** scared of the Soviets, they retreated 100 miles in-land to avoid encirclements. There intelligence was convinced the Soviets would attack. So, we can't really blame the Chinese for being preoccupied with their own problems because the Soviet 58th Army was far more scarier than the Indian Army. But i like how you spin doctored it, and made it look like an Indian diplomatic victory.
There is no spin. India signed the Treaty with Soviets just to ensure that US and China did not intervene. A Treaty that India had been reluctant to sign earlier, but did so to ensure a diplomatic win over China and US.
There is Nixons quote on the issue, there are also other sources to corroborate.

You are trying to put a spin here by saying that Chinese were staring down the Soviet's GA down the barrel as a random coincidence. But the truth is there is a reason why Soviet's raised the pressure on them at the same time. Because India and Soviet had declared their goal - that no one other than India and Pakistan should get physically involved in the fight over Bangladesh.

All my points can be corroborated and I have given proof as well. You should feel free to peruse them.
On a side note, its too bad the Indians weren't able to neutralize China in 2002 and 2008. Although i must applaud your Ambassador to China and your Foreign Office, they certainly made a lot of noise about China shipping weapons to Pakistan.
Neutralizing China does not mean China can not aid Pakistan indirectly. We understand that not just China but a couple of countries more will supply weapons to Pakistan during a war.

What we will ensure is that in a war between India and Pakistan - China does not physically intervene. And in 1999, 2002 and 2008, in all the cases, at no time, did China threaten India with war over Pakistan.

At the end of the day, whenever we fire bullets on our western border, all that we need to make sure is that we dont have to fire bullets on our northern border as well. We have been spectacularly successful at that.

But your Generals don't seem to share the same views observed by the so called various analysts here. When Pakistan roared in 2002 and 2008, India backed down. If Pakistan's capabilities were as defunct as you think they are, Indian Army would have burned down GHQ.
The Indian Army backed down because it was unprepared in 2008.
2002 revealed a flaw in Army's tactics. Since 2006, they have been trying to rectify that. It had less to do with nukes, and more to do with conventional battle strategies.

I would hardly call Pakistan 'roaring'. Mass hysteria in Pakistan and Pakistan Army threatening nukes even before the war starts is called shaking in your boots, not roaring.
oh yeah? try that on this guy

WTF !:woot: man this guy's appetite can literally blow his Butt wide open in the toilet , Gosh so much rice ! imagine the level of constipation with that amount of starch he's taking in :o:
Yeah, I don't think India would do anything like giving up Aksai Chin, or the Dalai Lama to China, unless they're willing to allow China to lord over them in the future. Besides, any Indian politician that did such a thing would probably be considered a traitor by Indians.
There are degrees to which we can compromise to ensure that immediate goals are met. By the way, most Indians are quite reconciled to the idea of giving away Aksai Chin, just as an FYI.

I agree that China isn't a traditional ally like we'd think about, but there are more than enough reasons why China would aid Pakistan against India.
I know it's not your job, because (no offense) if it were, you'd probably actually know the answer to this one. Saying that India would use it's leverage against China is nothing more than wishful thinking, simply because India's leverage can't replace Pakistan's leverage.

Sure there are..till the time they are not.
And you would not know it. I said before when giants play, the little ones get hurt.
what constitutes the start of war is the question? if Pakistan terorists kill unarmed civilian Indians and Indians retaliate with army on Pak, which would you consider the start is the main question..

What would the international community consider an act of war?
Oh kay, now admit Subramaniam Swamy trolled all of you. :D

This retard wants war that let it be that we would love to start the war and soon they will face lot Ghaznis again and soon all the somnaths in India will fall and also Red Fort Delhi and this time no prisoners will be taken every one in India will be taken out
You are the reason we need a Swamy. :D
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Trolling by Subrmaniam Swamy! :crazy:
Not sure. If Americans bomber the shut out of Afghanistan and Iraq folk losing a terror attack and the Intl community supported then I guess India wouldn't start the war but pak will.

But, 1. It was the US.....the sole super power of the world with a military strong enough to take on the next 5 powers combined! 2. It was attacking Afghanistan......a consequence-less and extremely weak country without even an official military. 3. Might is Right and the phrase is proven in every single act of America.

So think again, what would constitute an act of war in a Pak-India scenario.
Don't worry, we got our own popular nut jobs. I think Mr. Swamy and Mr. Saeed would get along quite well.

Here's a conspiracy theory, what if they're the same guy, but the guy just goes back and forth from the border, wearing a different mask, depending on which country he's in? O.O

Ooh please don't mingle them up Saeed is absolutely another kind of nut job !!! an A$$ Hole ...
Yes, with a focus for war, we can defeat Pakistan. Even a Pakistani think tank can clear that.
Country to Country wars are nothing more than a DEMONSTRATION OF POWER, then comes the 2nd stage of war when your forces penetrate our LAND.

frankly speaking.....India can defeat Pakistan in a war, But you cant keep control of our Land, 2nd War by Public in Streets will cost India heavy, 40Plus NATO failed to overcome little Afghanistan, ?? Keep that in MIND

Wrong comprehension again. He says neutralize China, not war with China.
An example would be of how India neutralized China in the war with Pakistan by asking Soviet's to threaten China to not intervene.
Childish Conclusion, Question is China will allow to change - Ongoing Military Balance of South Asia in the favour of INDIA??
that India will not pose further ultimate threat to China in FUTURE??
I agree with the suggestion that India should start more cooperation with Iran. There is no denying that sooner or later, Sunni extremism will engulf all. The ISIS is just the start, even if they are defeated, a new group will pop up - they will all be sunni and all aspire to start their own caliphate.

Even Pakistani shias have started feeling insecure - as evidenced by shias being present amongst those who have requested asylum in Sri Lanka. That is..an opportunity.

Yes, Yes, please be worried about Pakistani Shias and be least bothered about what's been happening in Nagaland, Manipur, Assam and a dozen of those independent movements going on in the southern india where naxalities have paralyzed the indian government.

Do you seriously consider india can ever take down Pakistan in a non-nuclear war? Do you actually have any idea what's happening in Pakistan now a days? I actually thank so called luna-tic leaders like Swamy n Co. They play a crucial role in bringing all Pakistani political parties on One Page, Not only political parties but also people from all sorts of backgrounds and agenda who happen to have beliefs contradictory to the present government.

If war breaks out, the kind of asymmetrical warfar india can face would be way to cold n brutal. I won't be passing any jingoistic statement but be assure that numbers always don't win the war. If Pakistan knows how to contain all left wing political extremists then they also know how to expand it on larger scales. Good luck with your wet dreams.
This guy is an idiot. Why even bother wasting space. These guys don't even matter.
I reckon swami in such age you should be staying at home changing nappies of your grand children Or picking n dropping 'em home from school. Leave this Pakistan obsession or you could have a heart problem if you happen to become defence minister and get debriefed about Pakistan's Nuclear arsenal.

And on top of that along with all Pakistanis - Jb tk Hum Pathaan Pakistan m hain, haath laga k to dekhao humein. I'll personally make "Dam Pukht" of you swamy. :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
Why do you give this idiot so much attention anyways`??
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