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We knew that China would get blamed.


Jun 28, 2010
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Was mysterious missile launch a chinese signal?
Was mysterious missile launch a chinese signal? - New York Political Buzz | Examiner.com

The mysterious launch of a missile 30 miles off the coast of California last week may be announcing a change occurring in world geopolitics from one of U.S. to Chinese hegmony. In order to downplay what appears to have been a Chinese publicity stunt, the story has all but disappeared from the American press in recent days.

NORAD gave the 'LA Times' the following rather vacuous statement regarding the incident:
'We are aware of the unexplained contrail reported off the coast of Southern California yesterday evening, At this time, we are unable to provide specific details but we are working to determine the exact nature of this event... We can confirm (however) that there is no indication of any threat to our nation and we will provide more information as it becomes available.'

Now, the question that should be asked is why did NORAD to this in such a muted tone? North America was not threatened?

Why has the government recently approved the explanation that the event was simply an aircraft leaving a contrail when there should be little doubt that what was captured on video off the coast of California was a Chinese missile launch?

Here are a few possible answers. The President was abroad being diplomatic, which means he was trying to placate China concerning our handling of debts by printing money. The Chinese do not want our debt to them paid in cheapened US dollars, though it appears our current plan is to do just that.

China, on the other hand, is devoting a major portion of her GDP to defense spending, and what better way to show the US who's serious about this than by slipping a missile-equipped submarine right under the nose of one of our largest cities?

The missile was clearly foreign made and launched by a sub-surface aquatic platform. It did not exhibit the typical 'corkscrewing' trajectory of a beam-riding missile as it tries to acquire the targeting beam. This indicates that it was a Big Boy, replete with it own guidance system, or what is nicknamed a 'fire and forget' missile.

Secondly, the protocols to launch a missile are complex. There is no way this was an accidental U.S. launch, as some have suggested. There is no "one red button" to launch such a missile. Two keys are turned to arm the system, but it takes at least three other things to occur in proper sequence to launch such a bird. So that’s at least 5 people all doing something at the right time.

Third, the missile did not look like one of ours. The vapor trail appears 'dirty' or brownish. American missiles use fuel cells that produce a whitish-blue and very clean chemtrail. That missile with is dark brown chemtrail clearly had crude fuel cells, typical of Chinese missile products.

Once again it appears that the leaders of this nation have chosen to disguise the truth and keep the American people in the dark on an issue that constitutes a major threat to the entire population of the United States of America.

China Hawks will never waste any opportunity not to blame China.
It... was... a... freaking... airliner.

How hard can this be?
This is the type of article that I find (as an informed U.S. Citizen) worthy of hair pulling and face-palming. I don't care who it was written by, it's simply stupid.

Anyone can say anything here in the U.S. If it is outrageous, it is more likely to be published. If there are two different articles, with content like so:

Blog 1: "Mystery Trail" was an airline...
Blog 2: "Mystery Trail" was Chinese nuclear ballistic missile...

which one is more likely to get air-time, get exposed? Obviously the latter.

Diplomatic relations between major nations have stages of escalation. You don't go from a minor trade dispute or a diplomatic faux-pas, and immediately leap to launching a ballistic missile 10 miles off the foreign shore.

First of all, no "demonstration" is needed by either nation. Both sides know the other has missiles that are capable of striking the other. Secondly, if there was some dispute requiring sabre-rattling, the next step upwards would be words at the U.N., and the step above that might be the simple (but visible) movement of war ships. You don't leap to this level of provocation, this quickly.

Summary: It wasn't a Chinese missile. Flying jets for 26 years tells me it's a normal contrail with a weird sun angle, and winds aloft that keep it intact.
This is the type of article that I find (as an informed U.S. Citizen) worthy of hair pulling and face-palming. I don't care who it was written by, it's simply stupid.

Anyone can say anything here in the U.S. If it is outrageous, it is more likely to be published. If there are two different articles, with content like so:

Blog 1: "Mystery Trail" was an airline...
Blog 2: "Mystery Trail" was Chinese nuclear ballistic missile...

which one is more likely to get air-time, get exposed? Obviously the latter.

Diplomatic relations between major nations have stages of escalation. You don't go from a minor trade dispute or a diplomatic faux-pas, and immediately leap to launching a ballistic missile 10 miles off the foreign shore.

First of all, no "demonstration" is needed by either nation. Both sides know the other has missiles that are capable of striking the other. Secondly, if there was some dispute requiring sabre-rattling, the next step upwards would be words at the U.N., and the step above that might be the simple (but visible) movement of war ships. You don't leap to this level of provocation, this quickly.

Summary: It wasn't a Chinese missile. Flying jets for 26 years tells me it's a normal contrail with a weird sun angle, and winds aloft that keep it intact.

Maybe the UFOs over the Chinese airport were USAF hypersonic carriers. :rofl:
I think you mean US hawks?

Nope. It is "China Hawks".

Have you heard of "Chicken Hawks" ? It is not that a Chicken that looks like a Hawk but a Hawk that eats Chicken and that's how it got the name Chicken Hawk.

So those that hate China are called "China Hawks" and not "US Hawks".
American is trying to beef up China hype much like it did about communists and soviets but unfortunately for America, Red china has many friends even in the Muslim world as well allies and trusted partners.
American is trying to beef up China hype much like it did about communists and soviets but unfortunately for America, Red china has many friends even in the Muslim world as well allies and trusted partners.

Why do you say this? On what basis?

Ask the average U.S. citizen about China, and his primary concern (by far) would be trade.

People here during the cold war were genuinely scared of the USSR. No one is scared of China in that way. Economic growth in China, and reforms within their socio-economic system, have quieted concerns greatly.

Your post attempts to create a polarization (China + Muslims vs. USA) that doesn't exist, and more importantly, need not exist.
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