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'We don't have to grow the whole animal:' See how lab-grown meat is made


Dec 14, 2008
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United Kingdom
Would this meat be halal?

Would this meat be halal?

To me - yes. It is just a blob of protein - it never lived and was never conscious ..
no i eat natural. bill gates and his wife heman can eat it.
For moral reasons and for ecosystem reasons meat should be abolished from human diet. Below is what I wrote some days ago :
I have stopped eating meat about a year ago, fish including. Though I eat egg because egg is the best food and egg is not sentient. :) There is no reason for humanity to continue eating meat when there is plant agriculture, egg agriculture and milk agriculture. The animals who are taken into the zibakhaana don't volunteer to be killed, yes ? :) Imagine if an alien race arrives upon Earth and starts eating humans. And why aliens, on Earth cannibal humans are reviled.

As for Bakrid, why should Muslims continue a Jewish story and do a so-called sacrifice of sheep, goat, cow, buffalo and camel in honor of who originally is a Jewish prophet, Hazrat Ibrahim, when the Jews themselves don't do Bakrid and this so-called sacrifice ? These animals don't ask to be sacrificed and it is so painful to hear them in those days tied up in houses and bleating to be released. If the "pious" Muslims who celebrate Bakrid want to really show their devotion to God they must sacrifice their son, especially in desi land, would do good to remove some of the most irrational people on Earth.

Some meat-eaters are contradictory. Our friend @-=virus=- from India, a Hindutvadi loves dogs even though dogs kill humans by tearing them up and so with cats who in India are at almost-extinction point, and Virus loves eating kababs and all. Virus will eat a killed animal with much enjoyment but will be outraged at my constant talk of eradicating dogs globally.

Thus, meat from human diet should be abolished and leather for shoes, belts, wallets and bags should be synthetic leather like those two Pakistani girls have produced. :)
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