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'We can't take any more!' Germany stops ALL trains from Austria as they reintroduce border controls

Well, Turkey also wasn't part of putting dictators in Syria and Iraq in WW1. The same way Germany, Austria, Sweden wasn't part of putting dictators there. These countries are paying the crimes UK and France committed for their oil and gas companies. All these countries need to wake up. Most of these smaller countries won't accept taking refugees so most of them will end up in France and UK. :enjoy: You can ask your oil and gas companies who exploited Muslim wealth to sponsor these refugees until they integrate into your society.
Turkey was a big part of destabilisation. It sent foreign terrorists AKA moderate rebels :omghaha: into syria in the name of "revolution", asked west to bomb assad and now Turkey is being destabilised thanks to its own policies. Turkey should get these "refugees" more than any other country.
No because they will put an immense strain on the already faltering finance condition of European countries. Providing health benefits and homes and other living essentials to all these new people in such a short time would mean extra load on the government spending. Not to mention other social condition where you have societal differences where these people might have hard time assimilating into a new country which is quite different to the one they escaped from.

Social conditions excuse is just that excuse, most these refugees arent headed to Greece or Portugal or even Hungary nations with finance problems. They are heading to stable economies of Europe for security and obviously economics, being refugees dont necessarily make them a burden on hosting nations as not all of them are poor.
I have a guy feeling that this influx of immigrants would be disastrous for Europe in couple of years.
Let us not forget that EU counts a combined population of over 508 million citizens, or 7.3% of the world population. Over time, taking in half a million refugees i.e. adding 0.1% to the total EU population shouldn't be a problem. (At least not for the real world leaders among their leaders, that is). Receiving them all at once or all in one place may pose some problems, obviously.
Germany was never the main warmonger that caused the migrant crises

The UK, followed by France are most responsible in Europe

The U.S whose cak handed foreign policy disasters is safely tucked far away and only accepting 10,000 Syrians

It's Muslims that fight. Not US or UK. Why putting the blame on the West.
Social conditions excuse is just that excuse, most these refugees arent headed to Greece or Portugal or even Hungary nations with finance problems. They are heading to stable economies of Europe for security and obviously economics, being refugees dont necessarily make them a burden on hosting nations as not all of them are poor.
I don't think you realize that all the European countries have a single currency which mostly reliant on Germany if one falter they will all hit the floor hard. The problem in Greece showed the immense economic problem that is currently affecting EU as a whole countries like Spain, Portugal, Italy and others have piled up large amount of loans and are headed in the same direction as Greece they will also most likely ask for loan reform like Greece which will again bring down Euro and any country in the EU. Whether it is Germany or France, the ripple affect that Greece created will harm even the entire EU eventually. And the influx of refugees means that government in these better of countries may not be able to put out loans to other less functional nations considering now they have extra spending a of their own. So just another default and disaster waiting to happen.

As for societal differences, you have people that are immigrating from countries that have marred with war and other social strife the psychological aspect of the war is not something that goes away over night it takes time and great care to help some one recoperate from the past. And let's face it healthcare isn't cheap.
You are talking about a country that was never conquered which is Turkey. Not Romania who changed ownership every so many years. :lol: During Turkish rule (which was the longest in your history) you at least had some honor. After Russian rule all your women are spread of Europe doing the naughty naughty. We both know that Romania doesn't have fighting culture. You were ruled by others by most of the time. You are just a mental construct like Syria. It is only matter of time shit is going down and I doubt Romania will able to resist the heat.

You were not conquered because it was British/French interest for this not to happen.Romanians were always here,we have thousands of years in these lands,empires came and went,just like yours,and we are still here.And that's how it will always going to be,we're always the ones standing on the graves of empires.


You Romainian gypsy piece of shit. What makes you think that anyone, Muslim or not would ever want to come to your ex Soviet bloc of a country?

LMAO. I rather die in Pakistan than go to Romainia, yet here you are cheerleading Germans and everybody else. LMAO

Bro nobody wants to go to Romania. Your status in the world is the same as Afghanistan. Grow up and realize the truth. LOL

Looks like i've touched a nerve,Reality often does that.
Actually Iran calls the US the great satan but I couldn't care less what Iran thinks. What France & UK did in WW1 by putting dictators in Syria and Iraq to exploit the resources there has nothing to do with Turkey wanting to join the EU. It doesn't matter if Turkey is in EU. It is probably better since they won't be staying here. These refugees are coming to your home after you burnt theirs.

It's your Sultan who is dreaming of praying in Damascus mosque 24/7, along with his MB gang friends in Qatar, opening doors of hell to Syria by allowing all kind of vermin from all over the world to come to Syria from Turkish border and fight for establishment of the 'caliphate'. So, you are the last person who should blame Europe for refugees.
Remember when America erupted in fury over France’s refusal to support the US invasion of Iraq in 2003? President Jacques Chirac and Prime Minister Dominque de Villepin warned that George Bush’s unprovoked aggression against Iraq would destabilize the Mideast and inflict untold dangers on Europe.

America’s response to the sage warning was to change the name of French fries to ‘Liberty fries’ and press ahead with the invasion of Iraq. President Saddam Hussein of Iraq warned that an America invasion would ignite the “Mother of All Battles” and would “open the gates of Hell.”

The French leaders and Saddam were absolutely right as confirmed by the waves of desperate Mideast refugees flooding into Europe and the rampaging wildmen of Islamic State.

In 2006, the Bush administration, cheered on by Israel, planned to invade Syria and destroy Hezbollah in Lebanon. This was during the period when Bush was boasting to Britain’s Tony Blair that the US would also go on to invade Pakistan. The invasion of Syria did not take place because a few intelligent people in Washington asked who would Washington put into power to run Syria? The only alternative at the time to the Assad regime was the underground Muslim Brotherhood. Washington wanted nothing to do with political Muslims so it deferred the invasion.

But then the Saudis created an alternative to the Brotherhood: a ragbag of bloodthirsty jihadist fanatics under a dozen different names, the so-called Islamic State, or IS. These were unleashed against the Iranian-backed Assad regime in Damascus, a former US ally, and slated for action against Afghanistan’s Taliban.

These jihadis were armed, directed and trained by the US, Britain, and France in Lebanon and Jordan. They were financed by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates- on the strict proviso the jihadis stayed far away from the Saudi kingdom. US Psychological warfare teams fanned hatred between Sunni Muslims and Shia, a divide and conquer tactic that had proved its value in Iraq.

Four years later, the storm broke on Syria which has been reduced to ruins after more than four years of urban warfare. Over 9.5 million of Syria’s 22.8 million people have become refugees: 6.5 million internally displaced and homeless; three million have fled to Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan.

Now, wave after wave of mostly Syrian refugees are breaking on Europe, the majority heading for the Promised Land of Germany, which has received them with impressive generosity and kindness. Contrast the German response to that of Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and the Czechs who have come right out and said they don’t want any Muslims (though many Syrian refugees are Christians). Hungary’s callous response recalled memories of the 1940’s. France was not much better.

Also notable for churlishness and anti-Muslim feelings was Canada, once a beacon for refugees. Its Islamophobic, rabidly pro-Israel prime minister, Stephen Harper, was finally forced by public uproar to admit small numbers of refugees. Israel, which had invited 600,000 French Jews to come and settled last year, said it had no room for Arab refugees.

Indeed – there are still five million stateless Palestinian refugees as a result of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine’s Arab population in 1947-48 which was indirectly supported both by the United States and the Soviet Union.

How to stop today’s flood of political refugees? Halt the western-led war against Syria. Today. Cease arming and funding the anti-Assad jihadis. The United States, France, Britain and the Saudis can quickly end the Syrian bloodbath by cutting off arms and money.

Europe – particularly Germany – could use the mainly middle-class Syrian refugees now pouring in. But Europe does not need – and should not accept – economic refugees from black Africa looking for a better life. They must be turned away and sent home, as difficult as that will be to do.

As we listen to all the hypocritical moralizing in the West over refugees, just remember the warnings of Chirac and DeVillepin. There are now 3.1 million displaced people in Iraq as a result of the US invasion. Add two million refugees in Afghanistan caused by the Soviet, then US invasions. Add Somalia and Libya. All the result of western military misadventures.

So Germany... back to reality?

AWWWWW..........poor Muslims always being 'oppressed' by western/Chinese/Russian infidels/atheists. :blah: That is music to our ears. :lol:

As i said earlier, the tens of thousands of Iranians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshi, Egyptians etc etc... who are trying to emigrating in huge numbers to Europe for 'refuge/asylum' is it also because of 'western imposed wars' in their countries?? sounds more like economic migrants to me:rofl:

Yes keep blaming your misery/catastrophic lifestyles/failed economic policies on the 'evil' west(or 'Great Satan' as the Iranian Mullahs call it.:lol:).

I already said it several times on here, Muslims in the Middle East have NEVER EVER done anything wrong in their entire history, its never their fault. ITS ALWAYS THE WHOLE WORLD CONSPIRING DAY AND NIGHT AGAINST THEM.:buba_phone::rofl:

And how come muslims butchering each others is our fault ? Lol.
It's Muslims that fight. Not US or UK. Why putting the blame on the West.

No the west and its war mongering and cak handed foreign policy is central to the current migrant crises

Libya for example was not do8ng anything to anyone before the UK and france decided to bomb it,

The libyan government collapsed, militias popped up and the free flow of migrants started

What did 9/11 have to do with iraq, yet off the west went on its cak handed adventure causing the deaths of millions, destabilising the country and region including Syria

Now the region is taking millions but due to the wests wars they should at least take hundreds of thousands if not more

You cant ruin people's lives then shrug your shoulders as if you are innocent
No the west and its war mongering and cak handed foreign policy is central to the current migrant crises

Libya for example was not do8ng anything to anyone before the UK and france decided to bomb it,

The libyan government collapsed, militias popped up and the free flow of migrants started

What did 9/11 have to do with iraq, yet off the west went on its cak handed adventure causing the deaths of millions, destabilising the country and region including Syria

Now the region is taking millions but due to the wests wars they should at least take hundreds of thousands if not more

You cant ruin people's lives then shrug your shoulders as if you are innocent

You didn't answer his question. Which is simple (It's Muslims that fight. Not US or the UK. Why putting the blame on the West). Please tell me how is that the fault of west or anybody since Muslims are all too happy to pick up a Gun and kill each other.
No the west and its war mongering and cak handed foreign policy is central to the current migrant crises

Libya for example was not do8ng anything to anyone before the UK and france decided to bomb it,

The libyan government collapsed, militias popped up and the free flow of migrants started

What did 9/11 have to do with iraq, yet off the west went on its cak handed adventure causing the deaths of millions, destabilising the country and region including Syria

Now the region is taking millions but due to the wests wars they should at least take hundreds of thousands if not more

You cant ruin people's lives then shrug your shoulders as if you are innocent

It was the Libiyan's that wanted the change. US just facilitated it. If Libyans want to stop the bloodshed they can do it right now. Why do Libiyans give US a chance to meddle into their affairs.

Well why don't you talk about the genocides happened during Saddam's time? Why no Muslim was against Saddam but the US who saved them from the him. I'm not saying thus US is good and all. Iraqi's has shown that they cannot even govern themselves. US just using the foolishness of these people do what they want.

You brethren in those countries need to understand that rather than blaming America for everything.
It was the Libiyan's that wanted the change. US just facilitated it. If Libyans want to stop the bloodshed they can do it right now. Why do Libiyans give US a chance to meddle into their affairs.

Well why don't you talk about the genocides happened during Saddam's time? Why no Muslim was against Saddam but the US who saved them from the him. I'm not saying thus US is good and all. Iraqi's has shown that they cannot even govern themselves. US just using the foolishness of these people do what they want.

You brethren in those countries need to understand that rather than blaming America for everything.

You are very naive if you think the poor people of the region can do anything to stop the ill intentions of the U.S and west

The ones who are strong enough like iran can defend their interests but the smaller weaker countries cant

Just a reminder Libya wasnt so much the U.S, Obama was smart enough to realise it for the misadventure that it was

It was the UK and France which pushed for this pointless war

Democracy and governance takes time it cant be enforced by air strikes and war

Yet it was this thst the U.S and Europeans pushed creating th8s crises how can you now plead ignorance and innocence

You didn't answer his question. Which is simple (It's Muslims that fight. Not US or the UK. Why putting the blame on the West). Please tell me how is that the fault of west or anybody since Muslims are all too happy to pick up a Gun and kill each other.

So you attack someones country,
kill millions,
destroy building after building
Ruin the nations institutions
Cause a brain drain where educated people either get killed or forced to escape
Have no effective plan of governance or nation building

And then ask why after unleashing all this chaos and tension why there is destruction, rivalries and war

Dont be stupid
AWWWWW..........poor Muslims always being 'oppressed' by western/Chinese/Russian infidels/atheists. :blah: That is music to our ears. :lol:

As i said earlier, the tens of thousands of Iranians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshi, Egyptians etc etc... who are trying to emigrating in huge numbers to Europe for 'refuge/asylum' is it also because of 'western imposed wars' in their countries?? sounds more like economic migrants to me:rofl:

Yes keep blaming your misery/catastrophic lifestyles/failed economic policies on the 'evil' west(or 'Great Satan' as the Iranian Mullahs call it.:lol:).

I already said it several times on here, Muslims in the Middle East have NEVER EVER done anything wrong in their entire history, its never their fault. ITS ALWAYS THE WHOLE WORLD CONSPIRING DAY AND NIGHT AGAINST THEM.:buba_phone::rofl:

You need to remember that it’s your own leaders that decide who comes in or not and how they decide to handle this situation. If you want to blame anyone blame them, rather than refugees doing what we all would do if god forbid we were in their situation.

This post is for anyone who is belittling the Syrian plight because you’re unhappy about your leader’s decisions. You can be against it without being a massive dickhead and dehumanising their plight.

P.S: Can the mods restrict mike to only two emoticons for each post? :D
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