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We can have dialogue on Kashmir under ambit of 'insaniyat': Govt

By going through this thread I can tell that Khurasani is trying to spread Islam...so this thread is totally detrailed for the most part....

And Mr. Khurasani please respect other religon also please....

As far as i have understood about these two religon (i.e, Hinduism and Islam) according to Islam everything is created by god (the supreme)...according Hinduism everything is god...(Idol worship)...I don't see any difference in them....If i am wrong correct me please....
By going through this thread I can tell that Khurasani is trying to spread Islam...so this thread is totally detrailed for the most part....

And Mr. Khurasani please respect other religon also please....

As far as i have understood about these two religon (i.e, Hinduism and Islam) according to Islam everything is created by god (the supreme)...according Hinduism everything is god...(Idol worship)...I don't see any difference in them....If i am wrong correct me please....
Well we respect humanity and don't want it to doom itself and go to hell. There should be one God, One power, One system. Too many God's would ruin the system, every one would try to make the world according to his will. Everything is created by One, as we see no conflicts in the universe. Everything is moving in synchronisation. Day and night, the weather's, the planets all in regular predicted motion. Nothing is random. All this planned and automatised universe can not run by itself and can not run by too many God's. Too many cooks spoil the broth.
Now the question that if God exists or not. Let's assume that life originated from basic elements on its own or by chance then continued evolving till we humans emerged, then why still are there unicellular organisms, why the are not evolving, why the so called our cousins the chimps are still chimps and not becoming humans. And why life couldn't evolve further on its own so that old age and death has not been overcome. Humans are the the perfect and final creation of God, No other being on earth is like us. We can not evolve and change at all and we were not chimps ever.
Back to the original topic, If Hindus of India believe in One God and quit idols and become become slaves of Allah then they can rule India and Kashmir and Pakistan and rest of the Islamic world. It's not conversion it's like understanding the truth and then accepting it and leaving the wrong practices. Otherwise they have no right to stand against the God who created the land of India for them and their children, how thankless they can be to his rewards. It's his land his earth his universe and we can not stand ignorant of him and his blessings and his teachings. What he wants in return from us that he only be worshiped, that's it. Is it a difficult demand to be fulfilled. And the reward is heavens. For the ethicist people for a moment assume Allah is the only God and you follow him in your life time and then you die what you going to lose,? and if he does exist and you don't follow him despite his reminders then what you going to lose ?, and if you follow him and he doesn't exist what you going to lose? Think..
Mr. Khurasani if you want to preach Islam do it somewhere else...This forum is not dedicated to that.....

And for your info I am a non-Indian Muslim but of course of a South Asian origin.....But I disagree with your view....

India and Hindiusm thrived even before Islam was born so you don't tell them what they are doing is wrong....It is their wish and you don't enforce your religion on them that is bad...

I am asking you one question answer me directly....If Islam is the only correct religon in this world then why there is violence where Muslims live...Everywhere were there is Muslims there is volience or they are funding other's volience why this happening??????
Mr. Khurasani if you want to preach Islam do it somewhere else...This forum is not dedicated to that.....

And for your info I am a non-Indian Muslim but of course of a South Asian origin.....But I disagree with your view....

India and Hindiusm thrived even before Islam was born so you don't tell them what they are doing is wrong....It is their wish and you don't enforce your religion on them that is bad...

I am asking you one question answer me directly....If Islam is the only correct religon in this world then why there is violence where Muslims live...Everywhere were there is Muslims there is volience or they are funding other's volience why this happening??????
Firstly, this forum is Pakistan defence forum, isn't it? And the meaning of Pakistan is La ilaha illalaah ( No God but Allah), if you don't know it's meaning then ask Indians they know it.
Secondly, As you said you are a Muslim, then you have to refresh your knowledge buddy. Don't be a Muslim merely by name. You would not object if you are a Muslim, no Muslim can. I am not preaching, in fact I am defending my position and I have the right to do that.
Thirdly, about violence. If you correctly remember that the Islamic kalifate of ottoman was symbol of our unity, peace and love. The Islamic Moghul umpire of subcontinent was a symbol of prosperity, peace and religious tolerance. Then came the colonialism they divided the Muslim world into small countries with their puppet governments and occupied their land.They raged crusade wars, occupied Palestine, Chechnia, Andulicia, Bosnia, east Timur, South Sudan, Sinkiang, Hyderabad dakkan, Joonagarh, Kashmir and the list goes on. The Muslims were and are brutally killed and suppressed, their right to live as human beings snatched from them. Look at Burma ( Myanmar) Palestine, and Chechnia, Afghanistan, Libya, Tunisia now adays. What should people do against the occupiers and their puppets, love them?
You talk about violence, we didn't start the world wars and kill millions, you know who did.... who killed millions of Muslims migrating to Pakistan from Indian Punjab in 1947.
My dear, Nations of Satan doesn't want to see Muslims anywhere, and want too eliminate them and talk about peace and human rights....
Back to the original topic, If Hindus of India believe in One God and quit idols and become become slaves of Allah then they can rule India and Kashmir and Pakistan and rest of the Islamic world. It's not conversion it's like understanding the truth and then accepting it and leaving the wrong practices. Otherwise they have no right to stand against the God who created the land of India for them and their children, how thankless they can be to his rewards. It's his land his earth his universe and we can not stand ignorant of him and his blessings and his teachings. What he wants in return from us that he only be worshiped, that's it. Is it a difficult demand to be fulfilled. And the reward is heavens. For the ethicist people for a moment assume Allah is the only God and you follow him in your life time and then you die what you going to lose,? and if he does exist and you don't follow him despite his reminders then what you going to lose ?, and if you follow him and he doesn't exist what you going to lose? Think..
Why only hindus of india? Why not try chriatians of america, maybe you try them? Religion is all about faith you cant force anyone to accept your religion its his free will.
Firstly, this forum is Pakistan defence forum, isn't it? And the meaning of Pakistan is La ilaha illalaah ( No God but Allah), if you don't know it's meaning then ask Indians they know it.
Secondly, As you said you are a Muslim, then you have to refresh your knowledge buddy. Don't be a Muslim merely by name. You would not object if you are a Muslim, no Muslim can. I am not preaching, in fact I am defending my position and I have the right to do that.
Thirdly, about violence. If you correctly remember that the Islamic kalifate of ottoman was symbol of our unity, peace and love. The Islamic Moghul umpire of subcontinent was a symbol of prosperity, peace and religious tolerance. Then came the colonialism they divided the Muslim world into small countries with their puppet governments and occupied their land.They raged crusade wars, occupied Palestine, Chechnia, Andulicia, Bosnia, east Timur, South Sudan, Sinkiang, Hyderabad dakkan, Joonagarh, Kashmir and the list goes on. The Muslims were and are brutally killed and suppressed, their right to live as human beings snatched from them. Look at Burma ( Myanmar) Palestine, and Chechnia, Afghanistan, Libya, Tunisia now adays. What should people do against the occupiers and their puppets, love them?
You talk about violence, we didn't start the world wars and kill millions, you know who did.... who killed millions of Muslims migrating to Pakistan from Indian Punjab in 1947.
My dear, Nations of Satan doesn't want to see Muslims anywhere, and want too eliminate them and talk about peace and human rights....

Brother thanks for explaining what Pakistan means but you have to read the forum name carefully.. It is not Pakistan it is Pakistan Defense.....So I would like you to keep religon out of it....

And I accept your point of being just a muslim is waste...We have to follow our rules....but still we DO NOT have authority to enforce our religon into someone else...Take this as example because most of the Pakistani's are found of India...In India Muslims are minority but there are more muslims in India than in Pakistan that means they don't just live in India but they thrive....but what we do in Pakistan and other Islamic countries we squash the minorities and forcefully convert them into Islam and wipe out entire culture....(Somalia is a best example for that....because their in their culture they used songs to pass on their trandition to their younger generation but after Islam took over that place we have last an entire culture)...

So you are saying when Taliban ruled Afghan people lived there peacefully in harmony???? No people lived in Fear...

As you are a Muslim you might know that if someone converts from Islam to another religon we issue fatwa against them and we kill them...but others don't do that...If we give our Muslim brothers a chance to covert I am telling in some countries we will loose at least two thirds of the Muslim population...these people are in Islam beacuse they fear for their life (Good example for this is Pakistan, Iran in case of killing converting from Islam to others)....

And you are speaking about Mughal Empre and Ottoman empires...they did not come to power easily they fought for it and when they came to power they made sure Islam becomes primary religon in their empire and they killed anyone who opposed it...that is not peace that is burtality...Of course some emperors did recognize other religon (Like Akbar the great)

Some times past is bitter...but we cannot live with past...we have to look towards future brother..

Yes I accept our brothers are being killed in various parts of the world...We have to unit together and voice them in a legal manner....So that this world will know that Muslims are not terrorists they are good people peace loving people....(Please don't ask me how to unit....there is saying there is no caste system in Islam but there is caste system within Muslims...this proverb shows divided we are...)

I hope i answered someof your questions....

And one more thing..in the name of defending Islam please do not hurt other people sentiments please....

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