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We are ready to manufacture the MiG-35 in India


Nov 1, 2010
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We are ready to manufacture the MiG-35 in India


Ilya Tarasenko, Director General, JSC Russian Aircraft Corporation ‘MiG’ is looking to offer its latest MiG-35 warplanes under the Indian Air Force’s global tender to acquire 110 fighters for around $20 billion. In an interview to BusinessLine, Tarasenko said the company is ready to build the fighter planes here under the transfer of technology at a competitive price. Excerpts:

Are you going to respond to the global tender floated by the Indian Air Force to acquire 110 fighter jets?

Of course, we will participate in this tender under the aegis of Rosoboronexport. We have already received the request from the Indian side. Historically, it happened that we always find common grounds with Indian partners. During our several years of cooperation we managed to understand the philosophy, culture and real needs. MiGs are already operational in this country for more than half a century.

Will you be willing to offer the latest MiG-35? How competitive will it be compared to those offered by your competitors such as Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and SAAB among others?

We will present the newest MiG-35 fighter for the tender and will promote it in accordance with the requirement of ‘Make-in-India’ programme. It means that we will offer a big offset programme. Together, with our Indian colleagues, we will carry out several works directly in India. Such works are already being carried out under current contracts. Taking into account the open architecture of the aviation complex, we will offer the customers different variants of the avionics nomenclature. As a counterbalance to foreign analogues, our air-to-surface armament of MiG-35 systems makes its possible to use armament against targets that are illuminated by its own laser from new generation optronic systems, as well as against targets illuminated by external ground and air source. Aviation complex makes it possible to use the whole spectrum of weapons, both existing and perspective ones, Russian and foreign, including those, that are for heavy fighters. In addition, MiG-35 is an interesting offer to the Indian Air Force in respect to cost-effectiveness factor. The MiG-35 multi-role fighter price will be competitive. I think it is too early for a comparison.

What are your plans under ‘Make in India’ for Russian fighter jets, including transfer of technology?

India is one of our main partners. Therefore, we are ready to make and are taking big steps with the Indian government in the framework of this programme. Transfer of technologies is possible.

Why have you not come out with clear plan on ‘Make in India’ yet for the MiG-35 …

The principles of military and technical cooperation of the RAC ‘MiG’ with India were always based on the closeness of views on the problems of ensuring safety in the world, as well as the openness and confidence in mutual relations. As a result of the implementation of the long-term programmes in the sphere of military and technical cooperation, both sides are mastering advanced technologies, creating high-tech industries and modern types of aviation hardware. As a result of more than 50 years of fruitful cooperation, both sides have mastered the technologies of designing, manufacturing and operation of the aircraft of generations II, III and IV that facilitated the strengthening of the countries’ defence and development of the national defence industry. We are sure that at this stage the equal partnership should continue, which undoubtedly will ensure economic benefit for both countries.

Would you ever build the MiG-35s here in India?

Organisation of MiG-35 production in India is possible after delivery of pilot batch of the aircraft. We are ready to discuss it with the government.

So you are planning to set up a manufacturing plant here for MiGs?

At present, the MiG-29 has upgraded to the level of MiG-28 (UPG), the modified version, in Nashik. Besides, India has already produced MiG -21 and MiG -27 aircraft. The aviation complex MiG-35 is to become the logical joint work continuation. We will establish both production and servicing facilities. There will be several stages. The first stage will be modular assembly using mod kits, supplied by us. In future, jointly with India, there will be the extension of localisation up to full production cycle.

And you are ready for full transfer of technology?

We are ready to transfer technologies and perform personnel training, since it will create new workplaces. We are planning to involve Indian private capital to make it comfortable for India in terms of financial security. Thus, a new modern production facility will happen. This procedure may be revised in the course of work, on the basis of mutual interests within the paradigm of historically developed fruitful cooperation.

Are you expecting additional orders for the Indian Navy’s 57 carrier-based fighter jet programme post the delivery of the carrier-based MiG-29K/KUB for INS Vikramaditya in 2016?

Yes, certainly. At present we are completing the construction of service infrastructure for MiG-29 aircraft in close cooperation with the Indian Air Force, Navy and several big Indian companies. We are setting up a maintenance centre and consignment warehouse for scheduled and unscheduled maintenance of MiG-29K/KUB aircraft. The works are being successfully performed in the framework of the Russian obligations and are completely in line with the initiative ‘Make-in-India.’

Published on April 26, 2018
Indian Air Force is in the dumps.

They have really degraded in terms of acquisition management. Now they look like sorry puppies trying to plead the Ministry of Defence rather than be able to exert any form of serious force.

It is shameful that IAS babus decide procurement rather than men in uniform themselves. Also, in the name of transparency, there are just too many procedures.
yesterday night before sleeping i see india is gonna make f-22
India will make the following in the next 2 years:
  1. F-16
  2. F-22
  3. F-35
  4. Mig 35
  5. PAKFA.

But they still cannot make the Super Tejas.
It's the original manufactures offering india to make these in India.
Sorry if nobody offers to make even plane tyres in pakistan .
We don't make tall claims unlike India.

Yup, from building a nuke submarine to nuking Israel, Pakistanis never make tall claims. And the best of the lot was when Musharaf had claimed Pakistani space capability to be better than India's after it had taken control of a dysfunctional second hand satellite.

Moreover, where do u see Indians making tall claims in this post? Several top aircraft manufacturers have lined up to set up there production facility in India, its up to us whom to choose.
Russia is struggling with sanctions badly & India moving to the other countries for arms purchases is adding to its woes. This is the smartest move India has done. Previously Russia used to blackmail India with Pakistan & China. But Russia has been giving lot of arms to China in-spite of knowing China is a big threat for India far bigger than Pakistan. Pakistan cannot match India to even 20-30%, so Russia won't give them top end products.

India always had been loyal to Russia, but treating us like slaves & bossing us is something we won't put up anymore. After sharing all our concerns & signing TOT agreements, once the deal goes through & they get the money, Russia slowly change course & give different stories from the promises made.

We have learnt from the 1999 Kargil war, Russia will just exploit us at times of war. We wanted lot of key armaments & what Russia did was not supply many things we asked & other thing is, they rake up the prices multi-fold when we need the spares & key technologies the most. This is not how friendship works. It can't be one sided. A friend in need is a friend indeed not exploiting when in need. That is why, we got close to Israel who helped us in need.

Since there is money crunch in the entire world & India has moved on to the rest of the world, everybody is trying to get the major chunk in to their kitty. The best part is US is fighting to win over India from Russia especially. So it's working in our favor now. We will just sit & wait till the best deal comes forth. Now Russia is fighting to get India back when we watch the fun.

Russia has done this time & again with India in the past. They use our money to develop the latest tech & then start showing their double standards. Same happened with Su 30's - All the key important codes & important tech's they just don't share after making the deal & taking our money. Brahmos we developed with our money - they only contributed with engines & seekers. Now once development is through & it's up for exports, Russia has made a different model of it & when countries show interest to buy Brahmos they rake up the engine & seeker price 3-4 times the actual price & they sell their missiles to the same countries instead at half the price of Brahmos. This is not acceptable.

Just recently India got a break through in Missile seeker & tested it on Brahmos last month successfully. We will also have our engine ready in 2-3 years. By 2025 India will cut short all it dependency & imports by 40-50%. We are making 80-85% of Missile parts in India already & will be self sufficient in each & every Missile part by 2020-21. So same will happen with jets though it can take two decades to catch up with the west in fighter planes, but we will get there. But we are no more at the mercy of Russians like the past.

yesterday night before sleeping i see india is gonna make f-22

India will make the following in the next 2 years:
  1. F-16
  2. F-22
  3. F-35
  4. Mig 35
  5. PAKFA.

But they still cannot make the Super Tejas.

The OP & the other fools should have read the post properly about F 22, instead of wasting time abusing each other.

India has the power & patience to reject or wait to see what is offered before taking a call. With our money power & past experience, Indians has learnt to negotiate & get the best deal for the money we shell out.

Vivek lal is the Vice President (Strategy & Business Development) at Lockheed Martin Aeronautics. America & Lockheed is negotiating with the Indian ministry & Air-force through him. What he said is, Lockheed is ready to offer some more additions to the already advanced F 16 Block 70 model, offered 2-3 years back but still India not very keen. Vivek Lal & Lockheed is in talks to win over the order from all other contestants in the race - Dassault rafale, Saab gripen, Mig Mickoen 35 & Sukhoi 35 / FGFA T50.

Read properly & understand what he said:

The F 16 Block 70 is the most latest & advanced top end model of all the f 16 series offered to India, which is far far superior to Pakistan's F 16. He said the Indian production model will get a lot of additional technologies from the F 35 & F 22 model including the latest radar on this platform. It will be a contemporary state of the art platform with latest technology including a target tracking device. Advanced radar which is fitted on F 35 their 5th Gen combat jet as well as the Helmet mounted tracking system & new radio data link system & much more.

America is looking to shift its entire F16 production to India & also giving permission for India to export it & service it once ready. India recently sought tender for 110 combat planes, a deal which will go into several billions.
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We don't make tall claims unlike India.
Now that Pakistan is getting su 35,we are only left with might 35 from Russia :(.
We are loosing russia because of Pakistan strategic location and Russia wanting to join cpec .
Mig corporation just forget the IAF looking for 5G ToT for AMCA along with the contrect for 110 fighters...

Do mig have it ?

forget Mig....it will only be RAFALE...
Indian Airforce is not interested in Russian fighters. Modi will go for F-16.
I am just fed with Indian procurement procedure for defence equipment... Years n years negotiations and finally result is zero...
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