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“We are not seeking hostility with India for the next 100 years" pakistan's New security policy seeks ‘peace’ with India

Just 2 years back, it used to be-

"Jo Modi ka yaar hai, woh gaddar hai"

"We won't restore ties with India until India reverses it's decision on Kashmir"

"Normalising relations with India at present would be a major 'betrayal' to Kashmiris"

"Pakistan 'will go to any lengths' to support occupied Kashmir's cause"

"'All of Pakistan stands by you,' PM Imran tells Kashmiris on Black Day"

"Modi committed 'strategic blunder' by revoking occupied Kashmir's status"

"I want to tell the Kashmiri people that whether the world stands with them or not, Pakistan will."

"PM Imran calls on Pakistanis to partake in Kashmir Hour every week to send message of solidarity"

Now this-

"The original 100-page policy, which would be kept under wraps, leaves the door open for trade and business ties with India without final settlement of the longstanding Kashmir dispute provided there is progress in the talks between the two nuclear-armed neighbours"

"We are not seeking hostility with India for the next 100 years"

Effectively Kashmir and Kashmiris thrown under the carpet for 100 years. :laugh:

This is what happens when you are an economic dustbin, and (s)elect a slimy motor mouth whose right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing.
Did you even read the article before yourself a self fellatio?
Ajit Doval once said, “Don’t punch above your weight, don’t punch below your weight, increase your weight and punch proportionately!”.

I’m glad we’re on the right path.
He got a bloody nose in Afghanistan and in Ladakh but whatever helps you praise him.
A Nation which gets terrified by Pigeons and Baloons and even during a skirmish panics into shooting down own assets and gives awards for fake claims and encounters, claims to be the fourth largest armed forces yet runs crying to the likes of America is not worth any attention and our resources.
Chinese showed us that these Indians are not even worth a bullet. Medieval creatures were punished with medieval weapons.
Pakistan can and should push India and China towards hostility, this will distract India and prioritize China to assist Pakistan.

Meanwhile, Pakistan can concentrate on building its economy, while India is distracted. Pakistan can also be subtle on pushing India's faultlines.
China has complete control over that situation, from A-Z

Indians are complete cowards, they don't engage against anyone unless they have superiority in one form or the other, they can feel comfortable pressuring Pakistan for obvious reasons, but never China, they fear them. The only thing they will do is attempt to hide China's aggressive posture on the border, push propaganda campaigns, and will only respond against China to save face.

China will control that end, if it wants peace for the meantime, there will be peace, if they want war, they will give the Indians hell
A well drilled and oiled Afghan that is modernized conventionally nothing on god's earth can stop them and most certainly not the indians this much I am confident of just like I know day is followed by night..

Not in the name of Kashmiris but in the name of ending a menance to civilization to enforce a permement quite. We need to sign defense treaty with the Afghans and increase our military cooperation with them and even sale them arms including JF-17s to start with and keep going from there on.. They will never betray these treaties we sign with them even if it is against them just like Mullah omar chose war instead of handing over one person
All of that can go horribly wrong simply due to their posture on the durrand line. Until there is no consensus signed on that, this is all risky. But I agree with the rest.

And yes, we should sell them JF-17s once they have the ability to pay for them or finance it. I'm sure the Chinese will be able to control who they are used against, and will prevent them from being used against China/Pakistan.
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China has complete control over that situation, from A-Z

Indians are complete cowards, they don't engage against anyone unless they have superiority in one form or the other, they can feel comfortable pressuring Pakistan for obvious reasons, but never China, they fear them. The only thing they will do is attempt to hide China's aggressive posture on the border, push propaganda campaigns, and will only respond against China to save face.

China will control that end, if it wants peace for the meantime, there will be peace, if they want war, they will give the Indians hell

As I have mentioned previously example see how aggressive they were pre-feb27 and after that period they came down to earth but before that they got cocky but not so much anymore.. They understand the langauge of risk and gambles.

Hence why you must create a risk factor so large that if they fail on it... They will pay full price which is all of India... All this Kashmir policy is none-sense Pakistan should abandon it. At the friction of miscalculation make them pay the ultimate price which is a full invasion of all Indian territories as price to pay for that miscalculation.. The risk of losing everything policy has to be in place and all the preparations never has to be based on a irrelevant province or not but everything not an inch of Inida left out of the operation preparation at the friction of miscalculation the escalation ladder has to go from defensive to complete conquest apeshxt mode
China has complete control over that situation, from A-Z

Indians are complete cowards, they don't engage against anyone unless they have superiority in one form or the other, they can feel comfortable pressuring Pakistan for obvious reasons, but never China, they fear them. The only thing they will do is attempt to hide China's aggressive posture on the border, push propaganda campaigns, and will only respond against China to save face.

China will control that end, if it wants peace for the meantime, there will be peace, if they want war, they will give the Indians hell
My point is, if it looks like China and India are heading towards peace, Pakistan should make sure it never happens.

Indians may be cowardly, but they're pragmatic. If they see a sign to end hostility, they'll take it. Pakistan needs to make sure that doesn't happen.

Meanwhile, Pakistan should continue to pursue a policy of build and wait, like China has done for decades until now.
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Peace with immediate neighbours and economic diplomacy will be the central theme of the country’s foreign policy in the new National Security Policy, scheduled to be unveiled on Friday.
The original 100-page policy, which would be kept under wraps, leaves the door open for trade and business ties with India without final settlement of the longstanding Kashmir dispute provided there is progress in the talks between the two nuclear-armed neighbours, an official in a background briefing to journalists said on Tuesday.

“We are not seeking hostility with India for the next 100 years. The new policy seeks peace with immediate neighbours,” the official said, adding if there was a dialogue and progress in it, there would be a possibility of normalising trade and commercial ties with India as it had happened in the past.
Relations between Pakistan and India have been at a virtual standstill since August 2019, when India revoked the special status of the disputed territory. Pakistan, in reaction to the Indian move, downgraded diplomatic ties and suspended bilateral trade with India.
In February last year, there were some hopes of a breakthrough when the two sides agreed to restore the ceasefire understanding along the Line of Control (LoC) but the process could not make further headway.
Also read: Cabinet approves Pakistan’s first-ever National Security Policy: NSA

'From geo-strategic to geo-economics'

As the new national security policy seeks a shift in Pakistan’s approach from geo-strategic to geo-economics, there is a renewed optimism of a possible thaw with India. “Economic security will be the central theme of the new national security policy,” the official disclosed. Similarly, economic diplomacy and peace with immediate neighbours would be the central theme of the country’s foreign policy. “But geo-economics does not necessarily mean we overlook our geo-strategic and geo-political interests,” the official stressed, saying the longstanding Kashmir dispute with India has been identified as a ‘vital national policy’ issue for Pakistan.

The official, however, clarified that there were no prospects of rapprochement with India under the current Modi-led government in New Delhi. The new policy will be formally launched by Prime Minister Imran Khan on Friday, the official added. According to the official, this would be the first-ever codified national security policy that would cover both internal security as well as foreign policy. “Only a part of the national security policy will be made public,” the official clarified, saying in the rest of the world such policies often remained classified.
The official said though Pakistan did have defence, foreign and internal policies, the new policy would act as an “umbrella document” providing direction for the future. It took seven years to prepare this policy, which was started by then-national security adviser Sartaj Aziz in 2014.
“Inputs were taken from all the federal, provincial institutions as well as military and other departments,” the official maintained.

However, the official when asked said the opposition was not taken on board since the policymaking was the domain of the executive. Nevertheless, the official admitted that such a document would need a consensus. “For this purpose, we are ready to sit with opposition on this,” the official added.
When National Security Adviser Dr Moeed Yusuf briefed the parliamentary committee on national security a few weeks ago, the opposition boycotted the session.
When asked to comment on the implementation of the policy, the official said the classified document lays out a complete implementation mechanism and the prime minister will review the progress on a monthly basis. The policy will be reviewed every year and at the time of change of government, according to the official. The official said the issue of political stability was also taken care of in the new national security policy. Pakistan has a checkered history with no elected prime minister having ever been able to complete his/her five-year term.
The new policy also deals with the issue of militant and dissident groups and advocates dialogue with ‘reconcilable elements.’ Similarly, the policy has identified “intellectual expression” as key for the progress and prosperity of society. On the internal front, the new policy identifies five key areas that include population/migration, health, climate and water, food security and gender mainstreaming.

positive news?

@Imran Khan @RealNapster @Reichsmarschall @Sudarshan @Areesh @SQ8

but indian hindutva agenda is something else
He got a bloody nose in Afghanistan and in Ladakh but whatever helps you praise him.
He’s just our NSA, and what has Afghanistan got to do with his quote apart from the fictious Indian consulates training BLA-TTP which according to Pakistan would end after Taliban would take over and we know what’s still happening.
Nothing new, as far as policy is concerned. As for peace with India, that is close to impossible, under the prevailing circumstances.
My point is, if it looks like China and India are heading towards peace, Pakistan should make sure it never happens.
And how would you go about doing that? And you really think Chinese and Indians are dumb enough to fall for your endeavours?
Pak under the leadership of Bajwa has fully accepted the IOK as part of India after article 370 was abrogated. Agreeing on LOC ceasefire a year ago was a step towards it. After Bhutto, this is the first occasion when we have more anti India PM in form of IK compared to Bajwa as pro India army chief or you may call him peaceful general who does not believe in fighting.

So if there is no Kashmir issue then there is no major dispute between India and Pak.
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but indian hindutva agenda is something else
He wouldn't have posted this if India had made this statement, in his little Indian mind he is thinking that Pakistan must be scared of India to announce this policy.
Every country gives the lip service that they want to have good peaceful relations with neighbours. Pakistan's policy has always been, peace but not peace at any price.
The surprise will always be there.
And how would you go about doing that? And you really think Chinese and Indians are dumb enough to fall for your endeavours?

I know right.. But honestly we don't even need that as in chaos between them.. His just saying stuff for the sake of just posting i guess..
Pakistan can and should push India and China towards hostility, this will distract India and prioritize China to assist Pakistan.
And you believe China cann't tell which side of the bread is butter? Show some respect to the nation that is playing the entire world like a harp.
100 years?

It mean that kashmir will be remain part of India without any issue.

Speak at UN assembly will be a yearly job "just like old wine in new bottles ".. Coming Every year

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