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We Are All Cattle Now

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Wrong. If you vax it is the same as common cold and spread easily.
if you vaccinate , even if the vaccine is not one of the must effective , your body produce a lot less virus so the chance of transmission is lesser. and the mask take care of the rest
@Mods please close this thread as this is useless misinformation!
@Mods please close this thread as this is useless misinformation!

Have a stomach for alternate view points...no body is telling you to act on it if you do not understand it or agree to it...so ironic when mainstream media make huge blunders and peddle misinformation as information.... no one dare to research on the authenticity of it because WHY .... they have the best of interest for the humanity !!!
That's a good point. Why do people who have acquired natural immunity need to vaccinate?

Can people test for natural immunity in blood?

Does vaccine damage natural immunity?

Is vaccination better than natural immunity?

There was a 34 year old woman in Australia perfectly healthy, took Astrazeneca and died from blood clotting. She had a very small chance of getting Corona and almost 100% chance of recovering from it, but she had almost 100% chance of dying from the vaccine because of her rare condition. Will the government compensate her family?

my dad died from blood clot after two weeks of taking vaccine.
Pharma lobby controls government.

you khoty ppl where were you when i got denounced for giving my reason for not taking it.
hey edward jenner wants to inject in your virgin blood stream, some cow puss infection. :cheesy:
Tragic. My condolences and it is disturbing. Is there government liability or are we forced to vaccinate at our own risk.

no the bastrd doctors were very suspicious to us but they have excuse already made up and will get away.
i had another relative die but this time he had corona and the doctors were forcing him on the bed and put on the oxygen mask or something, we know because he rang his daughter begging but it was to late he was dead. they were chasing him around the room and the evil bastrds didn't listen to him.
i was shocked because this guy was big time lawyer and living luxury but he died from corona, you would think he would have private health care but nope.
I had other relatives die from injections. Doctors in UK are more of torture experts and expert murders.
Their arrogance will get you killed. When you have severe health problem that requires emergency checkup they will brush it aside and say oh its nothing then when it does get to the red zone then you be taken emergency and butchered for dead.
@Mods please close this thread as this is useless misinformation!

Coz it's not certified by the govts taking commissions from pharma profits? There's much more to the story than you can injest .
I refuse to bend over to all the tactics they are deploying to force people into getting the Vaccine. Really disappointed at Pakistan's decision to make double vaccination a requirement for entry into the country I have a lot invested in. I hope this isn't permanent.
Coz it's not certified by the govts taking commissions from pharma profits? There's much more to the story than you can injest .
cause its not certified with any evidence. you guys are distributing fake news from fake medias .
if its alternate view , where is the research to support it.
it take me 3 month to get Ethic committee approval for my thesis , getting approval for any research is the same even harder. the research then must get peer reviewed , and examined against other research es. but what these alternate view do , they publish wrong information that endanger simple people for what , 20 minute of fame
I refuse to bend over to all the tactics they are deploying to force people into getting the Vaccine. Really disappointed at Pakistan's decision to make double vaccination a requirement for entry into the country I have a lot invested in. I hope this isn't permanent.
well congratulation sir , you are endangering your neighbors and your family.
I admire china government for its efficiency in such matter
well congratulation sir , you are endangering your neighbors and your family.
I admire china government for its efficiency in such matter

Another cattle blindly following the herd. I have lost perfectly healthy people who lost their lives after taking the Pfizer Vaccine and have a valid objection to this forced vaccination programme. Many of my friends who have taken the Pfizer Vaccine have developed heart conditions. By no means am I anti-Vax. I'd be happy to take the SinoPharm vaccine if I was given the option, but unfortunately, we are not given the option here in the UK.
my dad died from blood clot after two weeks of taking vaccine.

So sorry. The Thai/German professor bakhtiari predicted this even before the vaccines were rolled out. These blood clots are at a micro-level.

So sorry for your loss. It is not just a mistake, there is organised propoganda to push the Vaccine, I consider it murder.
Another cattle blindly following the herd. I have lost perfectly healthy people who lost their lives after taking the Pfizer Vaccine and have a valid objection to this forced vaccination programme. Many of my friends who have taken the Pfizer Vaccine have developed heart conditions. By no means am I anti-Vax. I'd be happy to take the SinoPharm vaccine if I was given the option, but unfortunately, we are not given the option here in the UK.
and another deluded . I see each days people who loose their life because they didn't get vaccine
wonder why a condition that happen in 20-30 in million maybe less happen to many of your friends:coffee:. do you knew how many doses of different vaccine have been distributed around the world ? why we don't see the side effect of vaccines in tens of millions of people .
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