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Washington covertly contacts anti-Pakistan Taliban

Everyone knows this,
USA is not a friend of Pakistan we are very stupid that we think that we have a role in Afghanistan.
Just mind of PAkistan,left Afghanistan its useless and full of enemies

U.S. is doing the same to Pakistan what it did to Cambodia during the Vietnam War.

Put all the blame on the neighbor for your failures. And its only going to get worse, they need someone to blame for all their failures.

The best thing for Pakistan to do is not give into any of America's demands. The sooner they're out of the region the better.

Those TTP people U.S. is using are powerless. There's not even that many of them left in Pakistan anymore.
Its a failure of Swat operation the bastard escaped to A'stan and another theory is US choppers helped him in escaping and it seems ISI is facing shortage of notorious assassins.

US is planning end game and elections are also coming in USA we are gonna face huge problems in next 12 months we must not compromise on our interests in A'stan and oppose US stay after 2014 by lobbying with regional countries.
Dear forum readers, it is imperative to realize that the conspiracy theories have been following us since the start of our mission. We have faced baseless allegations during the high and low points of our relationship. The conspiracy theorists are again busy spinning their yarns, and we cannot expect anything different now. At the moment, our vital relationship is heavily strained, and those who wish to see us part ways are busy taking advantage of it. The US government has pledged a full and in-depth investigation into this tragic incident, and soon the results will allow us to separate facts from fiction. We hope that the future will bring back the same resilience and spirit our alliance has shown against terrorism in the past. Our deepest, sincerest, most heartfelt condolences go to the families and friends of the security forces killed in this tragic incident.

MAJ Nevers,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
Why does it take so long eh? All you have to do is ask your pilots etc. When osama was killed we were getting details come out almost immediatly, In the meantime we have 28 dead pakistanis that obama cant even say sorry for to their familys and orphans left behind.
Dear forum readers, it is imperative to realize that the conspiracy theories have been following us since the start of our mission. We have faced baseless allegations during the high and low points of our relationship. The conspiracy theorists are again busy spinning their yarns, and we cannot expect anything different now. At the moment, our vital relationship is heavily strained, and those who wish to see us part ways are busy taking advantage of it. The US government has pledged a full and in-depth investigation into this tragic incident, and soon the results will allow us to separate facts from fiction. We hope that the future will bring back the same resilience and spirit our alliance has shown against terrorism in the past. Our deepest, sincerest, most heartfelt condolences go to the families and friends of the security forces killed in this tragic incident.

MAJ Nevers,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

O rly? Conspiracy theories you say? What about the conspiracy theories your government spins about ISI, Iran, China, WMDs, North Korea?
Dear forum readers, it is imperative to realize that the conspiracy theories have been following us since the start of our mission. We have faced baseless allegations during the high and low points of our relationship. The conspiracy theorists are again busy spinning their yarns, and we cannot expect anything different now. At the moment, our vital relationship is heavily strained, and those who wish to see us part ways are busy taking advantage of it. The US government has pledged a full and in-depth investigation into this tragic incident, and soon the results will allow us to separate facts from fiction. We hope that the future will bring back the same resilience and spirit our alliance has shown against terrorism in the past. Our deepest, sincerest, most heartfelt condolences go to the families and friends of the security forces killed in this tragic incident.

MAJ Nevers,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

Maj Nevers,

Please tell your CENTCOM that the death of our soldiers is as hard for us to accept as 9/11 was for you. Its no use to delay the outcome of your in-depth investigation, things have never been as crystal clear for us as they are now. Either you are with us or you are against us. Killing those soldier doesn't really look like you are with us anymore...I wonder if you ever were.

It is time for our nations to part ways, it will not be easy but we will survive sans US support of any kind. Most Pakistani's are convinced that we are fighting YOUR war against a very high price and no appreciation at all.
And what are their sources. This looks like another bunch of hog wash written by a bunch of unqualified journalists.
Dialogue with the Taliban is a must if the WoT has to end. 10 years of war have proven that.

The US will no doubt try to bring both the Afghan and the Pakistani Taliban to the dialogue table in order to promote peace in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region.

Pakistani Taliban might be offered a reconciliatory role in Pakistan just as Afghan Taliban might be offered one in Afghanistan.

Sorry to break ur dream but PEACE and USA dont go side by side only Destruction and USA go side by side.

If u have any example I will be happy to know.
Dont compare TTP to Afghan Taliban. TTP were formed only in 2007 and they are a CIA creation to drag Pakistan into this war OF terror. Pakistan army broke their backs, and there are only a few left being sheltered by America in Afghanistan.

Afghan Taliban are the rulers of Afghanistan for over 10 years and are still in almost all of Afghanistan, and they are the ones U.S. is deperate to bring to the dialogue table. TTP are powerless uncircumcised CIA creatures.

Then why don't the Afghan Taliban attack the TTP? :lol:

Why are they jointly planning attacks, living besides each other.

I am at a total loss by the absolute ridiculousness of your logic.

So let me get this straight: CIA creates TTP in 2007 to drag Pakistan into a war with CIA and RAW trained, brainwashed, drugged, un-circumsized Indians who pretend to be Taliban to de-stabilize Pakistan. Then CIA takes out their so called leader, Baitullah Meshud in a Drone Strike. Their next leader sends a Pakistani guy to blow up the Times Square. Was that a CIA plot too?

And all the while, NATO is fighting the true freedom fighters and resistance movement in Afghanistan, the Afghan Taliban. And yet, CIA has failed to use the TTP to fight the Afghan Taliban.


Now you see how ridiculous you sound. By stating such nonsense, you not only make your self look bad, but Pakistanis as well.

---------- Post added at 07:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:59 PM ----------

U.S. is doing the same to Pakistan what it did to Cambodia during the Vietnam War.

Put all the blame on the neighbor for your failures. And its only going to get worse, they need someone to blame for all their failures.

The best thing for Pakistan to do is not give into any of America's demands. The sooner they're out of the region the better.

Those TTP people U.S. is using are powerless. There's not even that many of them left in Pakistan anymore.

Actually if you would equate Afghan war to Vietnam, Pakistan would be North Vietnam where all the Al Qaeda and Taliban leadership is based.
One thing I dont understand in my whole life that y on earth Indians always took side of tyranny. Do u guys consider USA an innocent state whose hands is not covered with blood of millions. No other nation might have waged more war than USA.
Dear forum readers, it is imperative to realize that the conspiracy theories have been following us since the start of our mission. We have faced baseless allegations during the high and low points of our relationship. The conspiracy theorists are again busy spinning their yarns, and we cannot expect anything different now. At the moment, our vital relationship is heavily strained, and those who wish to see us part ways are busy taking advantage of it. The US government has pledged a full and in-depth investigation into this tragic incident, and soon the results will allow us to separate facts from fiction. We hope that the future will bring back the same resilience and spirit our alliance has shown against terrorism in the past. Our deepest, sincerest, most heartfelt condolences go to the families and friends of the security forces killed in this tragic incident.

MAJ Nevers,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

I am one of those people, bot.
Sorry to break ur dream but PEACE and USA dont go side by side only Destruction and USA go side by side.

If u have any example I will be happy to know.

I second that.

Here's a list of countries bombed by USA since WW II:

China 1945-46
Korea 1950-53
China 1950-53
Guatemala 1954
Indonesia 1958
Cuba 1959-60
Guatemala 1960
Belgian Congo 1964
Guatemala 1964
Dominican Republic 1965-66
Peru 1965
Laos 1964-73
Vietnam 1961-73
Cambodia 1969-70
Guatemala 1967-69
Lebanon 1982-84
Grenada 1983-84
Libya 1986
El Salvador 1981-92
Nicaragua 1981-90
Libya 1986
Iran 1987-88
Libya 1989
Panama 1989-90
Iraq 1991-
Kuwait 1991
Somalia 1992-94
Croatia 1994 (of Serbs at Krajina)
Bosnia 1995
Iran 1998 (airliner)
Sudan 1998
Afghanistan 1998
Yugoslavia 1999
Afghanistan 2001-
Libya 2011
Dear forum readers, it is imperative to realize that the conspiracy theories have been following us since the start of our mission. We have faced baseless allegations during the high and low points of our relationship. The conspiracy theorists are again busy spinning their yarns, and we cannot expect anything different now. At the moment, our vital relationship is heavily strained, and those who wish to see us part ways are busy taking advantage of it. The US government has pledged a full and in-depth investigation into this tragic incident, and soon the results will allow us to separate facts from fiction. We hope that the future will bring back the same resilience and spirit our alliance has shown against terrorism in the past. Our deepest, sincerest, most heartfelt condolences go to the families and friends of the security forces killed in this tragic incident.

MAJ Nevers,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

Major Nevers,

Conspiracy Theories in Pakistan is a national past-time. The problem is that Pakistani public has been lied to by its leaders so many times that they just simply don't trust anything relayed to them. They have to add their own spin on everything as a psychological way of staying ahead of the curve. The more educated, learned people don't believe such nonsense. But as you tell from the members on this forum, there is a wide spectrum of people here.

But conspiracy theories are not relagated to Pakistanis. Many Americans are stupid enough to believe the Birther nonsense, that President Obama wasn't born in USA among them Donald Trump, and other Americans believe the Truther nonsense that Bush caused 9/11.

I would suggest you communicate this to your higher-ups if you want to improve relations with Pakistan
1 - Start a Free Trade Agreement between Pakistan and USA. USA did the same with South Korea and Colombia. This will improve the Pakistani Economy, open up markets in USA for Pakistani products and improve the image of USA in Pakistan.

2 - Invest in long term projects in Pakistan such as Dams, Electric Grid, Mass Transit, etc. Again as the people benefit, this will improve relations.

3 - Upgrade our Armed forces. Pakistan is playing both sides because it is not sure what will happen after 2014, so Pakistan is not putting its eggs in one basket. Equipment such as Artillery, Super Cobra Gunships, new APC, Communication Equipment, Transport Helicopters, Infantry Rifles, Machine Guns, etc. None of these weapons offset the balance between India and Pakistan but this improves the teeth to tail power of the Pakistan Army. During the 1980's USA was much loved in Pakistan due to the fact USA sold Pakistan the latest F-16 fighter jets.

4 - Pakistan needs to enjoy bi-partisan stable relations. Historically, US-Pakistani relations have been better under Republican leaders than Democratic. This needs to change. Republican are short sighted in their approach and sell weapons to Pakistan for short term goals. When Democrats come in, they want long term goals, such as human rights improvement, India-Pakistan issues, and relations sour.

Thanks for reading
I second that.

Here's a list of countries bombed by USA since WW II:

China 1945-46
Which incident was this? Not even the Chinese communist party has brought this up. :lol:

Korea 1950-53
Aggression by North Korea to invade South Korea. So I support US bombing North Korea to defeat them.

China 1950-53
Part of the Korean War. Gen MacArthur wanted to bomb China, but Truman forbade it. Chinese soldiers were bombed in Korea as part of the Korean War. So this is nothing more than a list filler.

Guatemala 1954
That was a CIA coup. No bombing occurred.

Indonesia 1958
Another CIA backed coup. It failed. No bombing occurred.

Cuba 1959-60
This was the Cuban revolution and overthrow of US backed General Batista. No bombing occurred.

Guatemala 1960
That was the start of the Guatemalan civil war. US trained the soldiers to fight but Kennedy committed no forces to Combat.

Belgian Congo 1964
No bombing occurred. Belgium asked US to parachute in Belgium soldiers.

Guatemala 1964
Read above

Dominican Republic 1965-66
Finally, a country where bombing occurred. US intervened to end civil war aided by Brazil, Honduras and Nicaragua to prevent a second Cuba from being created.

Peru 1965
US aided the Peruvian government in crushing the uprising but no bombing occurred.

Laos 1964-73
Vietnam 1961-73
Cambodia 1969-70
Bombing occured due to Vietnam War.

Guatemala 1967-69
I assume you are referring to CIA training Guatemalan security forces. But other than that, no bombing occurred.

Lebanon 1982-84
Grenada 1983-84
Libya 1986
Yes bombing occurred there.

El Salvador 1981-92
Nicaragua 1981-90
Civil Wars, no US bombing occured.

Libya 1986
Double post

Iran 1987-88
Iranian Navy engaged the US Navy but other than that no bombing occured.

Libya 1989
It was Libya who did the bombing for PanAm Flight 103

Panama 1989-90
Yes Panama was bombed from being taken over by a Drug Lord

Iraq 1991-
Yes due to Iraq invaining Kuwait.

Kuwait 1991
Only bombed to free Kuwait.

Somalia 1992-94
US soldiers send it to help with Famine but Somali warlords attack US troops

Croatia 1994 (of Serbs at Krajina)
Bosnia 1995
Nato Warplanes were fired upon and their ground forces were targetted.

Iran 1998 (airliner)
That happened in 1988 not 1998

Sudan 1998
Afghanistan 1998
Bombed after US embassies were attacked

Yugoslavia 1999
To stop the genocide of Muslims in Kosovo

Afghanistan 2001-
Bombed due to 9/11

Libya 2011
Bombed after an UN Mandate and Arab League asked US to intervene
Excellent post Mercenary. I do believe that most Pakistanis will agree with you here. So far US has failed to win our hearts as she's dealt with our (military) leaders only. There is no sign of any development in non-military sectors but destruction is everywhere.
Let USA get involved in public sector, this is the only way to win popular support.

Sofar $500+ billion is wasted in Afghanistan. Imagine what we could have done if only $50 billion was invested in infrastructure, industry, trade, education, health sector in Pakistan.
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