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Was July 7 bomber widow Samantha Lewthwaite among Kenya attackers?

please i dont want to interfer anyway why are u people angry at ur master....

I'm the master of my own house ;) we make the rules, others adopt.

You are a phony, not an American, not even an American cow. :lol:

Whos masters dummy?.....i live in a democracy........only you middle east fuks have masters.......but yeah.....the world cant wait to get their hands on you terrorist fuks............just tell chemical bandar to show his face......if he has any balls.....i mean when hes not gassing Syrian children......tell him to come out......we have a nice rope for him...........cant wait to see that fat fuk hanging from a tree..,,,,,

Chemical blah blah blah ...
You arent the master of shiiit.......and yes im american.......too bad youre just a dirty soudi toad.........tell that biiitch chemical bandar to show his scared face........the world is waiting to out that terrorist on a rope.....after that we can let alqaeda finish you rat fuks off....

I'm the master of my own house ;) we make the rules, others adopt.

You are a phony, not an American, not even an American cow. :lol:

Chemical blah blah blah ...
This operation has left many questions unanswered and raised some new ones as well. As per the Kenyan Red cross there are stil 60+ people un accounted for. There are practically no pictures released of the supposed attacked. And and and..........The Kenyan gov has to come out with answers fast, rather then delaying the release of details in order to quell all speculations that will follow if they dont.
Whats wrong with the new converts? They seem to be just looking to join a gang for some bloody fun and ''brotherhood''!

Exactly. Are these people converting to Islam for the love of the culture and religion of Islam or is the distorted version of jihad that which appeals to them ?

The international community including american intelligence agencies......have all the proof we need..........just make sure bandar shows his face in public anywhere outside your shiiithole country and we will do the rest.....cant wait to see that fat monkey swinging from a tree.......

Are you of Indian or Pakistani origin ? :D
This operation has left many questions unanswered and raised some new ones as well. As per the Kenyan Red cross there are stil 60+ people un accounted for. There are practically no pictures released of the supposed attacked. And and and..........The Kenyan gov has to come out with answers fast, rather then delaying the release of details in order to quell all speculations that will follow if they dont.

The kenyans are doing the right thing by going slow as any mistakes will be more food for their enemies. As to the naysayers, denial artists and conspiracy theorists, they can not be stopped no matter what.
No. Neither......Bandar bin sultan is a half african bastard son of a saudi prince......he is head of sowdi secret services........he is the one in charge of all the misery going on in Syria.......... I hope he dies a very slow and painful death.......he had alawite children gassed in Ghouta.........as a false flag pretext to get the US involved in the war since his al qaeda terrorists are being butchered by President Assad.............

Exactly. Are these people converting to Islam for the love of the culture and religion of Islam or is the distorted version of jihad that which appeals to them ?

Are you of Indian or Pakistani origin ? :D
All these bandhars including the Yanks and the Saudis have me completely confused when it comes to Syria :D
All these bandhars including the Yanks and the Saudis have me completely confused when it comes to Syria :D

Well apparently our bandars only destroyed lanka... theirs going to Fcuk up the whole world. :pissed:
Well apparently our bandars only destroyed lanka... theirs going to Fcuk up the whole world. :pissed:

Then again, our bandars liberated Lanka and many generations later one bandhar sent our intelligence to cause chaos there :D
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