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War with US 'becoming practical reality': Chinese military official

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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China military official says war with US under Donald Trump 'becoming practical reality'

Sino-US relations are becoming more tense under America's new administration


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The Independent Online

PLA soldiers on parade in China (file image) Reuters
War with the US under Donald Trump is “not just a slogan” and becoming a “practical reality”, a senior Chinese military official has said.

The remarks were published on the People’s Liberation Army website, apparently in response to the aggressive rhetoric towards China from America's new administration.

They communicated a view from inside the Central Military Commission, which has overall authority of China’s armed forces.

Quoted in the South China Morning Post, the official from the Commission’s Defence Mobilisation Department wrote: “A war ‘within the president’s term’ or ‘war breaking out tonight’ are not just slogans, they are becoming a practical reality.”

The official also called for military deployments in the tense South and East China Seas and for a missile defence system to guard the Korean peninsula, another regional hotspot, the Post reported.

The US should also reconsider its strategy in the Asia-Pacific region, the official wrote.

Mr Trump and members of his administration have consistently voiced a hard line against China. Mr Trump has branded the country a “currency manipulator” and accusing the country of underhand trading and economic tactics.

But more significantly in security terms, Mr Trump has also ignored the US’s longstanding ‘One China’ policy, publicly engaging with the President of Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen, in a move that was hugely antagonising for Beijing.

China strongly regards Taiwan as part of its territory and the US has tacitly respected this for decades, but Mr Trump signalled a departure from this policy.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has also advocated a US naval blockade of artificial Chinese islands in the South China Sea – which Beijing could interpret as an act of war.
Further suggestions China is preparing for conflict emerged this week, with unconfirmed reports the military has moved long range missiles closer to the north east border in Heilongjiang province -- within firing range of the US.

Chinese social media has carried pictures claiming to show the Dongfeng-41 advanced intercontinental ballistic missile system near the Russian border.

Provocative state-run tabloid The Global Times suggested the People’s Liberation Army could have leaked the photos on social media as a warning to Mr Trump.

However, Chinese President Xi Jinping has also recently called for the reduction of nuclear weapons.
That is nonsense. Only war will happen if under Hilary Clinton. Precisely Trump is prefer is becos he is more rational. From wikileak, Hilary Clinton if elected will prepare for war with China. While continue hard stance against the Russian. The fact Trump soften stance against Russia shows Trump is still a rational human.
nope i heard different i have heard that usa is pretending to be weak remeber through history usa needed an enemy and this beast does it by building up an enemy first, think national socialist germany, the soviet union russia, japan, now china but it is deception usa is going full robotic in the military manufactering and still manufacters machine tools that make machines etc. usa is very deceptive people think usa does not make anything yes at civilian sector but at military level they fully machine tooled up.

can we see a pattern, are they building up china ? to take it down?

who else give china it manufactoring power and trade, folks this is no accident , all technology is usa/british. you might see german, italian, japanese products but thier origin is usa via machine tools.

usa gave china her manufactoring power, by giving china machines that build machines and tools. but they keeping the best for themselves.
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That is nonsense. Only war will happen if under Hilary Clinton. Precisely Trump is prefer is becos he is more rational. From wikileak, Hilary Clinton if elected will prepare for war with China. While continue hard stance against the Russian. The fact Trump soften stance against Russia shows Trump is still a rational human.
Regardless all Trump's controversial moves, he is known more as a businessman as well as an isolationist while Hillary is regarded as a war monger and a very active and corrupt MIC proponent.

nope i heard different i have heard that usa is pretending to be weak remeber through history usa needed an enemy and this beast does it by building up an enemy first, think national socialist germany, the soviet union russia, japan, now china but it is deception usa is going full robotic in the military manufactering and still manufacters machine tools that make machines etc. usa is very deceptive people think usa does not make anything yes at civilian sector but at military level they fully machine tooled up.

can we see a pattern, are they building up china ? to take it down?

who else give china it manufactoring power and trade, folks this is no accident , all technology is usa/british. you might see german, italian, japanese products but thier origin is usa via machine tools.

usa gave china her manufactoring power, by giving china machines that build machines and tools. but they keeping the best for themselves.
I think your conjecture suits better the supranational power structure of NWO than the USA itself. It's said that one day when these century-long generation wealthy overlords are done sucking off the Uncle Sam,, they'll simply ditch that host. Just recall the movie Aliens sequel.
Regardless all Trump's controversial moves, he is known more as a businessman as well as an isolationist while Hillary is regarded as a war monger and a very active and corrupt MIC proponent.

I think your conjecture suits better the supranational power structure of NWO than the USA itself. It's said that one day when these century-long generation wealthy overlords are done sucking off the Uncle Sam,, they'll simply ditch that host. Just recall the movie Aliens sequel.

it is rothschild tactic. usa will be ditched soon, washington is moving to jerusalem, greater isreal expansion.
usa will be dumped and thrown to the dogs just like germany. thier will be no sympathy for these folks.
that wall will be a trap, gun controll then marshall law and fema camps.

when this happens great majority of americans especially european ones will then understand that third world like mexico is not such a bad place but unfortunately the wall is keeping them in, if it gets built by trump.
That is nonsense. Only war will happen if under Hilary Clinton. Precisely Trump is prefer is becos he is more rational. From wikileak, Hilary Clinton if elected will prepare for war with China. While continue hard stance against the Russian. The fact Trump soften stance against Russia shows Trump is still a rational human.

Agree. America already pulled out of TPP which was conceived to contain China with American allies in pacific rim. States like Japan are left in a lurch.

China has always been in preparation of a war with US. Without such a preparation, there is no chance to take back Taiwan. Because of the perspective of war with US, China adopted mercantilism, despite it has been reputed decisively among economists. It is no longer an economic issue. It is a survival issue.
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