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War on terror in just one picture.


A picture is worth a thousand words.
ok let me ask a question . how many Pakistani members here support the taliban in its attacks against the US.?

Please dont twist the situation with your out of logic question. Attacks against US when???

US started this war because it said Al-Qaeda attacked them. NOT taliban

US then invaded the country, where taliban were in government.

Therefore Taliban attacks against US started after that because US invaded their country.

Also, taliban attacks on US forces have been INSIDE Afghanistan.

Anything thats outside Afghanistan, for example US Ship bombing in 90`s and attacks on US embassy in Yemen have been Al-Qaeda NOT taliban

Please dont try to twist facts with one liner question on situation as complex as this.

We should not underestimate the complexity of the situations and events which led to, and now constitute, the War on Terror. The United States did not go to war in Afghanistan because of Taliban but because their illegitimate regime was harboring the terrorists who were responsible for the death and destruction of 9/11. Al-Qaeda was based in Afghanistan and protected by the Taliban regime, which not only harbored a terrorist organization but was itself terrorizing the Afghan population and gradually sending Afghanistan back to the Stone Age. The Taliban refused to cooperate, and put the lives of their own brothers and sisters in danger, for the sake of a foreign terrorist. Neither Al-Qaeda nor the Taliban brought anything but chaos and misery to the Afghan people. They took away the will and hope of the people to even imagine a progressive future. Afghanistan belongs to the Afghan people, not to a small group of terrorists who want to rule by force, intimidate into silence, degrade the value of human life, and turn Afghanistan into a terrorist refuge. Brave soldiers from many nations, including Pakistan, have fought and continue to fight against terrorism in the region. We recognize the sacrifices made, and will continue to support those nations and soldiers who strive to end terrorism perpetrated in the name of religion.

MAJ David Nevers,
DET – U.S. Central Command
U.S. Central Command
Alright. If you think you are CENTCOM not forget about us, the ISI.
We have got information you have provided too.

But what has been your success in those long years of war? Who got more effected? The Taliban/Al-Qaeda or Afghanistan/Pakistan. Do you mind giving the figures of ratio of deaths? How many civilians were killed for one death of terrorist?
In half the time of your mighty forces' operation and war, our forces which are nearly 30% equipped as yours are able to break the back of terrorists in Pakistani soil. The majority now seek refuge in Afghanistan, showing poor performance of your forces.

How ever complex the situation is, you had more troops and more finance in this. We aren't seeing any results. But what we see is that NATO teams come to our border at least a dozen times a year and kill our men. Whereas the co-ordinates and positions of our posts are CLEARLY MENTIONED and reported to you. Not only this fact, NATO came and took our AAA post as well, and re-enforcement was called after hours of battle. Please give an account on that if you will?

Major, you can speak to the public and civilians. But someone who is from the Intelligence and who has got formal links inside Intelligence knows the facts who you do too. Mind mentioning they efficiency in Afghanistan? Is it, 16% or what?

The world isin't the same anymore. Your own citizens are now aware of what is happening. For God's sake, please accept the reality in front of the world.
We should not underestimate the complexity of the situations and events which led to, and now constitute, the War on Terror. The United States did not go to war in Afghanistan because of Taliban but because their illegitimate regime was harboring the terrorists who were responsible for the death and destruction of 9/11. Al-Qaeda was based in Afghanistan and protected by the Taliban regime, which not only harbored a terrorist organization but was itself terrorizing the Afghan population and gradually sending Afghanistan back to the Stone Age. The Taliban refused to cooperate, and put the lives of their own brothers and sisters in danger, for the sake of a foreign terrorist. Neither Al-Qaeda nor the Taliban brought anything but chaos and misery to the Afghan people. They took away the will and hope of the people to even imagine a progressive future. Afghanistan belongs to the Afghan people, not to a small group of terrorists who want to rule by force, intimidate into silence, degrade the value of human life, and turn Afghanistan into a terrorist refuge. Brave soldiers from many nations, including Pakistan, have fought and continue to fight against terrorism in the region. We recognize the sacrifices made, and will continue to support those nations and soldiers who strive to end terrorism perpetrated in the name of religion.

MAJ David Nevers,
DET – U.S. Central Command
U.S. Central Command
Okay! So why U guyz are trying to do table talks with the Talibans now ???.................:azn:
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