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War crimes in Sri Lanka- Really heart wrenching article

Sri Lankan Soldier marries Ex – LTTE girl

Sri Lanka Army soldier E.M.D. Sandaruwan wedded Chandrasekaran Sharmila, an Ex- LTTE cadre on Friday (Jan 27). The wedding took place at the Kilinochchi Central College. Sharmila was among over 11000 ex LTTE cadres rehabilitated by the government of Sri Lanka after defeating the internationally banned terrorist group in May 2009.

Your fellow Sri Lankans like samv were bragging in this very forum that they have reduced the Tamil population in Sri Lanka and they dont have a political say any longer. When the Sinhalese including you show such open hatred for Tamils, its hard to believe your words. The government sponsored persecution is still continuing and the Tamils are suffering. The rich and influential Tamils have always been safe but the poor tamils are the ones who bear the brunt.

samv isn't living in Sri Lanka. I don't like some of his posts either, just felt few times he has some extremist ideas.
There are various ethnics in Sri Lanka, even the Tamils have different groups. After the terrorism issue in the elections most of votes went to former General. Then in the election few months ago current president able to secure around 37% of votes while 3 other Tamil parties share the rest. If SL Army targeted civilians General or the current President should not have get those votes or that much percentage.

If we are doing such thing my Tamil neighbours won't live here, I won't get their new year dish on their ThaiPongal day.

My simple answer, Just visit Sri Lanka. see how people are living!
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