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War against Pakistan By Zaheerul Hassan

Zaheerul Hassan

Jun 17, 2009
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Desperate and defeated militants started hitting innocents and peaceful men, women and children of Pakistan. On December 7, 2009 four blasts rocked Peshawar, Lahore and Quetta. In the morning at 10 am a suicide bomber came on a rickshaw, killed at least ten people in Peshawar when he blew himself up near the courthouse located on Jail Road. Then, in the noon explosive laden taxi blasted near government officer residence and caused injuries to the individuals. In Moon Market, Lahore at about 0845 pm 44 individuals killed and 100 injured in blasts. One explosion was in front of a bank and other one was in front of a police station. It is feared the toll may rise further as the site of the market was on fire. The fire engulfed a building and shops. In today’s blasts almost 52 individuals killed and more than 130 inured. It is also notable here that more than 400 people have been killed during a string of attacks mounted by foreign sponsored terrorists and so called Taliban. In recent weeks these militants have targeted Muslims offering their Jumma prayers, children, women, Pakistani troops, girls’ schools and vital installations.

The attacks in Lahore just came after the Interior Minister Rehman Malik statement in which he pointed out that evidence of Indian involvement in Pakistan has been handed over to the foreign ministry in Islamabad.
According to the media after meeting with clerics at the CM House Malik stated that the evidence of Indian involvement in Pakistan will be shared with New Delhi during composite dialogue between the two countries. He categorically mentioned that arms and ammunitions smuggled into the country from Afghanistan were being used in terrorist activities in Pakistan. He has also said that he was in talks with US and Afghan authorities in this connection and a mechanism is being put in place to stop the arms smuggling.

America and NATO decided to increase their forces in Afghanistan. Washington has acknowledged that Pakistan is facing main blunt of war against terror and success is not possible without her. In fact, US has never taken practical steps of stopping cross border terrorism and infiltration between Pakistan and Afghanistan. She also never tried to impede Indian consulates to discontinue with spreading terrorism in Pakistan.

Rana Sunnaullah Punjab Law Minister and NWFP Mian Iftikhar Hussain, Minister for information, very strongly condemned the brutality of militants against unarmed general public and elements of security forces. Both the leaders stated that Indian notorious intelligence agency “Research and Analysis Wing” and Israel are involved in fomenting terrorism in Pakistan. They also stressed that religious leaders should not support and back anti state hired elements.

The method of operandi used in the recent blasts very clearly depicts that terrorists are very well trained and expert in using the latest devices. It alsp proves that guerilla warfare has been launched against Pakistan and Islam by the foreign agencies. Unfortunate part of this ongoing militancy is that local uneducated Muslims are being abducted, brainwashed on the name of Jihad revenge, for launching against own troops and the public. Therefore, it is the need of the time that terrorism and militancy should be condemned openly by all segments of society irrespective of our religious believes and sects. I would also like to mention here that what so ever the cause may be, the action against general public and own motherland can’t be justified by shading away the responsibility on each other. It’s the war against Pakistan and has to be fight collectively. The nation is supporting their brave and determined soldiers in on going war against terror. The army is defending the country’s borders and religious scholars have to guard country’s ideology in true letter and spirit. The political leadership including religious leaders should come out and stand up with the nation and security forces to fight against the war. Qazi Hussain Ahemed, Mullana Munawar Hussain, head of Jammat-e-Islami , Mullan Fazilur Rehman , Imran khan, Nawaz Shirf ,President Zardari and Prime Minister Gillani should go to the public to boost the national moral in war against Pakistan. I would also like to suggest our media to work for the integrity of Pakistan instead creating political anarchy in the country. We must know that creating political instability and disintegration of Pakistan are the main objectives of foreign agenda.

According to the media reports many Islamic scholars of the country declared suicidal attacks un-Islamic. On December 6, 2009 famous Pakistani scholar Tahir ul-Qadri and 24 others religious scholars revealed that suicide attacks are not allowed in Islam, They stressed that the slaughter of human beings in any religion or country, and terrorism in all its manifestations, are totally in contradiction with the teachings of Islam. Thus, terrorism on the name of religion cannot be supported and need to be strongly condemned. We must salute our forces, police and intelligence agencies those are scarifying their lives for us. On December 7, 2009 President Zardari along with Chief of Army Staff, General Ashfaq Pervaiz Kayani visited CMH Rawalpindi and enquired about the health of injured person of Parade Line. At this occasion president stated that nation will defeat terrorism and stood shoulders to shoulders with the security forces. On December 6, 2009 General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani reaffirmed that the Army would defend, protect and preserve Pakistan at all costs. He said this while offering condolences to the bereaved families. He expressed that the nation, including the Army, stands united in sharing their grief. He praised their exemplary strength of faith at this moment of trial.

Concluding, I must say that every individual should come out to fight war against Pakistan and Islam. Each one of us has to condemn the actions of brutality against innocent women, children, men, elements of security forces. Washington should force Afghanistan for fencing of border. India be asked to close her consulates and resolve burning Kashmir issue. New Delhi should be forced to refrain from supporting Baloch and FATA elements. Media should press religious leaders to censure and criticise suicidal bombers.
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