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Want to leave West

You can't escape it. Pakistan has similar problems also.

Sunni-shia then al hadith - barelvi etc.
Christians referred as Choorrrray- sweepers
Caste issues - some think jatts are xyz, khan are abc, same for sheikh or memons etc.
Provincial racism - Pathan families are like that, Baluchis are like this.
Regional Racism - Karachi people are like that, Sialkotis are like this.
The rich and poor divide is phenomenal (divide leads to how rich behave with poor) e.g maids, drivers etc.

I can translate it if you cant read urdu.
View attachment 515446
racism in Pakistan is not as bad as in other places.
Have you ever been outside Pakistan?

Why? Please don't start telling me how hard it is to be away from your home country, and you cannot visit Pakistan because Jahaz ka karaya bohat ziada hy... and you send truck loads of money to feed bhookay nangay Pakistani back home.

Not all of us are asylum seekers who maligned Pakistan to get foreign passport. Some of us left in hopeless in absence of oppurtunities matching our skillset. Some faced real difficulties and in some cases life threat so we moved our businesses abroad.

So basically you felt threatened in Pakistan and you left, now you are feeling threatened in US so you want to leave that country too ....... interesting.
bhookay nangay Pakistani
Well me personally...I just followed family here at age 12.

I was speaking generally about the diaspora at large.
Which was why I used "some of us".
Why? Please don't start telling me how hard it is to be away from your home country, and you cannot visit Pakistan because Jahaz ka karaya bohat ziada hy... and you send truck loads of money to feed bhookay nangay Pakistani back home.

So basically you felt threatened in Pakistan and you left, now you are feeling threatened in US so you want to leave that country too ....... interesting.
Sick and Tired of battling racial prejudice in White America Reborn. Especially being muslim we face Jokes, puns, innuendos which just makes you sick to your stomach. And we as a community day by day absorb the venom that White Americans have to spew out and instead of doing something about it. We become angry and fight within ourselves. An internalized and intra racism type of situation. And we use that venom that we absorbed and throw it around on our fellow muslims.

I've heard people mocking me, my brown/muslim appearance, muslim women, Prophet Muhammad alai salam etc etc sometimes in disguised words, and somwtimes openly(sometimes in a joke and sometimes in a very hostile manner)

For them you just have to be white in color. Doesnt matter if your are of African descent with curly hair, if you are muslim, mexican or whatever if you are white in color all is good. If not get ready to have a truckload of bs thrown at you. YOU JUST HAVE TO BE WHITE.

If being a muslim I want to be accepted in a social group or want a nicer job/higher position. I cannot have my religion reflect poorly on the company. And I should be ready to give up the beard, salah, quran

Ohh and you cannot have an accent. Either you speak murican or u dont (a girl literally once told me you dont speak American I was like girl that aint even a language but thats beside the point).

With previous regimes they kept up appearances of being this exaggerated liberator/savior of humanity. And we the muslims had pur own safety nets i.e stay in muslim majority/liberal metropolitan areas and dont go to white country outside of Chicago, parts of mid-west, NYC, NJ, California, etc. But now all of these safety nets and filters are withering away. With the new Mr.President.

And assuming this is going to be the case in most European countries.

I would like to escape the West.

So fellow PDfers if you could please recommend a reasonable country where a practising muslim family can live comfortably without facing hatred.

I was considering gulf countrues but they also seem to have the whole arab vs non arab hate disease. I thought of China(xinjiang) but they went ahead and threw all muslims into concentration camps including wives of some Pakistanis. I thought of Turkey but they are very vey divided about accepting proper muslims vs impressing eu/non muslim white people.

Is Allah azzawajal testing me??

What choices would you recommend people??

I would strongly recommend multicultural Australia or New Zealand for a quality lifestyle with excellent work/home life balance. If you like sports Aus is the place to be.

That said you used the word proper muslim. I am assuming you are defining yourself as one. Not an issue but you must also truly believe Faith is personal and others have the right to believe in what they choose to. Maybe you already do in which you will easily assimilate here.

Haza miskeen ......... muafi ya sheikh
Remind Gora's about how privileged you are to have their ashurwad
Ashirwad and get a passport as they don't stamp visas on a social media page :smart:
Why? Please don't start telling me how hard it is to be away from your home country, and you cannot visit Pakistan because Jahaz ka karaya bohat ziada hy... and you send truck loads of money to feed bhookay nangay Pakistani back home.

Just try to understand Pardesi mindset. We are living in Trump’s time, it takes a lot of patience to hear constant abuse of Pakistan, Islam, Prophet, Quran, and Muslims in life, radio, news, internet, and movies/tv shows.

One church down my street held a “Muhammad is a pedophile conference.” Another place not far from me organizes Quran burnings. Several times our local masjid was almost attacked, but we have good security. Last Eid, someone with a knife tried to sneak in.
In Pakistan citizens have all the rights they need. Don't know what you are talking about.

Disagree with you on this one.
Some Western countries/areas have discrimination against religion like France, Quebec, and Switzerland.
Yes you maybe able to practice your religion without any surveillance or fear in Pakistan but doesn't change the fact that "might is right" in Pakistan.There is classicism,strong case of misandry and corruption. I can give you tons of examples if you want?
Yes you maybe able to practice your religion without any surveillance or fear in Pakistan but doesn't change the fact that "might is right" in Pakistan.There is classicism,strong case of misandry and corruption. I can give you tons of examples if you want?
Corruption is a huge problem in Pakistan. No doubt about that. Nawaz Sharif and Zardari are good examples.
There is classicism,strong case of misandry and corruption.

Way too common and yet nobody talks about it, heck nobody even mentions it.
Sick and Tired of battling racial prejudice in White America Reborn. Especially being muslim we face Jokes, puns, innuendos which just makes you sick to your stomach. And we as a community day by day absorb the venom that White Americans have to spew out and instead of doing something about it. We become angry and fight within ourselves. An internalized and intra racism type of situation. And we use that venom that we absorbed and throw it around on our fellow muslims.

I've heard people mocking me, my brown/muslim appearance, muslim women, Prophet Muhammad alai salam etc etc sometimes in disguised words, and somwtimes openly(sometimes in a joke and sometimes in a very hostile manner)

For them you just have to be white in color. Doesnt matter if your are of African descent with curly hair, if you are muslim, mexican or whatever if you are white in color all is good. If not get ready to have a truckload of bs thrown at you. YOU JUST HAVE TO BE WHITE.

If being a muslim I want to be accepted in a social group or want a nicer job/higher position. I cannot have my religion reflect poorly on the company. And I should be ready to give up the beard, salah, quran

Ohh and you cannot have an accent. Either you speak murican or u dont (a girl literally once told me you dont speak American I was like girl that aint even a language but thats beside the point).

With previous regimes they kept up appearances of being this exaggerated liberator/savior of humanity. And we the muslims had pur own safety nets i.e stay in muslim majority/liberal metropolitan areas and dont go to white country outside of Chicago, parts of mid-west, NYC, NJ, California, etc. But now all of these safety nets and filters are withering away. With the new Mr.President.

And assuming this is going to be the case in most European countries.

I would like to escape the West.

So fellow PDfers if you could please recommend a reasonable country where a practising muslim family can live comfortably without facing hatred.

I was considering gulf countrues but they also seem to have the whole arab vs non arab hate disease. I thought of China(xinjiang) but they went ahead and threw all muslims into concentration camps including wives of some Pakistanis. I thought of Turkey but they are very vey divided about accepting proper muslims vs impressing eu/non muslim white people.

Is Allah azzawajal testing me??

What choices would you recommend people??

You are asking for a reasonable country?
Better you stay where you are at present .
join Mr Dalya,Khadim needs you!
I myself has said that. But converting to Christianity would be one less thing to worry.
Are you sure about that?

It won't make a difference if you ask me,Mankind has being using religion to wage wars.

Corruption is a huge problem in Pakistan. No doubt about that. Nawaz Sharif and Zardari are good examples.
Yeah man! There was a clip where a pia plane was stopped for hours all because of rehman malik.
The pilot or the other authority didn't care about the rights of 100 of passengers but him. What makes him so special? He almost pulled the whole country into turmoil,He wasn't even in power at that time.

Way too common and yet nobody talks about it, heck nobody even mentions it.
That is because most Pakistani men are hen pecked and others are afraid of being label a misogynist.
Sick and Tired of battling racial prejudice in White America Reborn. Especially being muslim we face Jokes, puns, innuendos which just makes you sick to your stomach. And we as a community day by day absorb the venom that White Americans have to spew out and instead of doing something about it. We become angry and fight within ourselves. An internalized and intra racism type of situation. And we use that venom that we absorbed and throw it around on our fellow muslims.

I've heard people mocking me, my brown/muslim appearance, muslim women, Prophet Muhammad alai salam etc etc sometimes in disguised words, and somwtimes openly(sometimes in a joke and sometimes in a very hostile manner)

For them you just have to be white in color. Doesnt matter if your are of African descent with curly hair, if you are muslim, mexican or whatever if you are white in color all is good. If not get ready to have a truckload of bs thrown at you. YOU JUST HAVE TO BE WHITE.

If being a muslim I want to be accepted in a social group or want a nicer job/higher position. I cannot have my religion reflect poorly on the company. And I should be ready to give up the beard, salah, quran

Ohh and you cannot have an accent. Either you speak murican or u dont (a girl literally once told me you dont speak American I was like girl that aint even a language but thats beside the point).

With previous regimes they kept up appearances of being this exaggerated liberator/savior of humanity. And we the muslims had pur own safety nets i.e stay in muslim majority/liberal metropolitan areas and dont go to white country outside of Chicago, parts of mid-west, NYC, NJ, California, etc. But now all of these safety nets and filters are withering away. With the new Mr.President.

And assuming this is going to be the case in most European countries.

I would like to escape the West.

So fellow PDfers if you could please recommend a reasonable country where a practising muslim family can live comfortably without facing hatred.

I was considering gulf countrues but they also seem to have the whole arab vs non arab hate disease. I thought of China(xinjiang) but they went ahead and threw all muslims into concentration camps including wives of some Pakistanis. I thought of Turkey but they are very vey divided about accepting proper muslims vs impressing eu/non muslim white people.

Is Allah azzawajal testing me??

What choices would you recommend people??

Leave it immediately if you are serious.

Yeah just walk into you nearest Patel brothers(its a grocery store ran by gujju BJP types).

Your countrymen call us brothers when $$ is involved otherwise will gladly stab us in the back with their white masters. Like remake of the British Raj

How Indians stabbed in your back ? Any example?
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