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Walt Disney shifts to India, China (from Pakistan)

That thread has already been posted.. You are late :)

Ah another troll, I am posting no thread I merely said if you people are going to troll that A moved to B than be ready for a similar reply which is reality.

On topic who cares it is a western company their interests if they feel they can make money better in some other part of the region that's their good decision. Pakistan should establish their own creative companies which they won't not in a decade.
Western companies, to be more specific many western customers are very conscious about these issues like working conditions, exploitation, child labour, etc. and a negative media publicity or a major accident can become a PR disaster.

they are only interested in which one can at least show better working conditions. bigger profit margins is what they really care about.
Why hindustanis are trolling...should I post that 75% call centers and similar jobs established by west in hindustan are moving to Philippines because india is no longer doing its job right and profits are coming down for those companies..

Sir, We r trolling because .... your business leader trolled us in last paragraph of OP.
Like I said I don't care if they move everything from Pakistan it is their businesses/west and right to look after their interests but some indians are trolling for apparent no reason..look into your own matters. Some people need to learn to act like gentlemen and stop poking fun and bashing at whatever happens related to Pakistan grow up...Whatever is happening to Pakistan is due to bad governance/policies and the businesses and political atmosphere which is not right.
Actually most of these factories only comply to the working conditions for the sake of AQ/HR audit by the sourcing companies. The workers are taught what are they supposed to answer to the HR auditors and similar is the case with all other countries (Bangladesh, India and even China). Most likely some of these would have been caught by Walt Disney auditors. I remember my internship in a textile giant where the QA coordinator proudly told us all about how they go around things to evade the work-life standards requirement of the sourcing companies.

It's not just Bangla/India/China. Even East African, I.Ocean island nations' garment factories and those as far off in the Caribbean (Dominican Republic) etc all have 'managers' who know how to twist the records . Audit managers from the US (and their buying office lackeys from HK especially) are one of the worst of any moral examples. It is quite a well known fact that behind the facade of 'human rights, womens' empowerment and family welfare programs', lie a bigger lie where some factory workers (women especially) are handpicked for 'services' at the whims and fancies of audit managers. And these, coming from ratified, accredited, nominated factories by US manna firms.
Good job India. Pakistanis do their usual crybaby stuff and blaming India, ignore them.

If you care to notice, India did nothing. There is no "Good job India" here. You are just dying to improve your sense of self worth by indulging in self-praise and in other people's criticism. There are no grounds for that here.

Let Disney go where ever they please. Improvement of workers' condition is the responsibility of factory owners; and that is in turn tied with profit margins available. Government of Paksitan has nothing to do with it. Nor is anyone crying about it. The only people crying are the ones who did not care to invest properly.

Production costs are higher else-where. Sourcing Managers at Disney would be back in a while. They are concerned more with their cost of sale than anything else.
Why hindustanis are trolling...should I post that 75% call centers and similar jobs established by west in hindustan are moving to Philippines because india is no longer doing its job right and profits are coming down for those companies..
No one would mind if you say that jobs are moving to Philippines.

But the reason is that salaries in India have risen so much that it has made the BPO jobs less lucrative in India for the same salary that they give in Philipines.
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