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Wake up and smell the failure

yes , I think got that..probably thats why I posted a pakistani link..anyways...I might not win this debate :)

The original link took bits and pieces out of an article..
do you consider that news..mon voison if I was to take bits and pieces out of an article that blamed the Russain supply chain for the Bison crashes..and only show parts that said "IAF maintenance degraded"..would you not object???????

Also..this article has been posted in another section by a mod..
please shift all further discussions there.. Ill ask for a merge.
I don't understand why an article is reported as a news? It's an opinion of a person.No big deal

Yes, it's an opinion and some will find it persuasive and some not - so if you think it's not a big deal, don't treat it as if it is.

Is it too harsh? No, it's not - it's realistic - Friends, why must we also dance to a tune someone else plays for us? Have we no tune of our own that we find persuasive?? Is that tune not the best interest of Pakistan itself??

If today the US or some other says we are "good" does that mean it came from Sinai or some came in the Arabia of the Saud family? And similarly if the US and some other says we are "bad", does it make it the truth??

But having said that, How are we doing as far as creating better lives for Pakistanis and therefore of Pakistan itself? How are we doing???

WHY??? Clearly there is not just one answer to this, but we must not shy away from examining all such answers -- Are we India centric? Why is it wrong and bad to be India centric?? What are all those strike forces doing poised at the Pakistan border?? I would have said that our real problem is political instability, but be that as it may, it's just one more opinion.

And again, having said that, Does that mean there is nothing else to life? nothing else to creating better lives for Pakistanis?? remember that's the end, better, more dignified lives for Pakistanis, will being conscious and vigilant with regard to the Indian threat enable us to create better lives for Pakistanis? Yes, it will, we have to be first alive and more importantly, free, to then create better lives for Pakistanis.
I have done some research on this chap. He is one of those guys who does not agree with the formation of Pakistan, a critic of the nation itself, he is bound to see everything wrong in it because in his opinion, the whole nation is a mistake. So I hold his opinion with no respect...........he is like Farhat Taj..........She is also an anti-Pakistan writer. I bet Jana can tell us a bit about he author......
^kindly share your research indicating the same, for the benefit of other members here
Everyone is entitled to their point of view, quite simply, I don't agree with the view of the writer as many of our Indian members will with any of Andurathi(I hope I spelt the name right) Roy's articles.

Nope...it is "Arundhati Roy"...and yes people will have different opinions...That is the essence of democracy....You don't agree with the author is fine(in fact he/she is very offensive) however it would be good if you can tell the points you are in disagreement with...
Woah Woah Woah !!
Take a break !!
This isint the end of the world !!!
We have got all the time we want !!
...we will show the world the Pakistan that Jinnah wanted !!
We will be at the top one day or the other, and never look down again !!
We still have hope, faith and patience !! :pakistan:
Even though I deplore and am against what this guy says, I will defend to the end, his right to his own opinion. It is a sign of a healthy nation :)

"Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend."
Mao Tse-Tung
I didn't write it but thanks anyway. :cool:

It is an excellent analysis of our current sorry state and the steps we need to take to move forward in the manner that is acceptable and welcomed by others.

Here are some my thoughts

1, with a long look at the relationship between China and Pakistan. In the past we could be a military ally against India, but now should be more to develop a comprehensive relationship. The first enemy is always herself economy to developing countries, is not any other country.

2, Pakistan should take a long look on own development, not to underestimate own potential. Understanding own potential and then go own position, what is the maximum benefit to Pakistan? The Silk Road, the one who is the most popular and richest? This a prompt.

3, the authors say is right, China wants a stable, peaceful, united, and of course moderate Pakistan. I think this also is the best choice to Pakistan. Of course, this is not easy, but it should be a good direction.
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That's really ironic coming from the guy who bragged about killing hundreds of thousands of "Confucianists".

If you do not know anything, I suggest you shut up. This is a good discussion, I do not want to talk about the other.
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YLH i.e. Yasser Latif Hamdani -here. I am a little surprised that Kakgeta or whoever that is has chosen to lie so blatantly against me.

If anyone has followed my writings, he would know that I have consistently argued that the creation of Pakistan was a historical necessity. What I do disagree with is the "Islamic" angle that is ascribed to - post hoc- the creation of Pakistan. My contention is that Pakistan was created because of the inability of the Congress to accomodate the representative Muslim party in the process. In this my view is similar to Ayesha Jalal, Jaswant Singh etc... It is ironic that while a lot of my energy is spent defending the creation of Pakistan, anyone can get up and make a stupid comment like "I have done research on this guy" and he is "anti-Pakistan".

It is quite sad that people like Kakgeta are so shamelessly lying about me on this forum.
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YLH here. I am a little surprised that Kakgeta or whoever that is has chosen to lie so blatantly against me.

If anyone has followed my writings, he would know that I have consistently argued that the creation of Pakistan was a historical necessity. What I do disagree with is the "Islamic" angle that is ascribed to - post hoc- the creation of Pakistan.

It is quite sad that people like Kakgeta are so shamelessly lying about me on this forum.

So you are the author of the write up???
yeah jana you are saying correct . kashmir,s are our brothers:pakistan:
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