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Vladimir Putin on Hillary Clinton: ‘Better Not to Argue With Women’

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Jan 7, 2013
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Vladimir Putin on Hillary Clinton: ‘Better Not to Argue With Women’ - ABC News

In a wide-ranging interview with French TV this evening, Russian President Vladimir Putin took a swing at former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, responding particularly to remarks she made earlier this year in which she compared Russia’s tactics to Adolf Hitler’s in the 1930s.

“It’s better not to argue with women,” Putin said, taking specific aim at Clinton’s gender. “But Ms. Clinton has never been too graceful in her statements.”

Putin does say the two might be able to laugh together at a good joke “someday,” but that for now he’s not impressed by her “extreme” statements.

When people push boundaries too far, it’s not because they are strong but because they are weak,” he added. “But maybe weakness is not the quality for a woman.”

Clinton first raised the similarities between Hitler’s actions in the 1930s and Putin’s occupation of Crimea at a fundraiser in California early this year.

“Now if this sounds familiar, it’s what Hitler did back in the ’30s,” she said, according to a report in the Long Beach Press Telegram. “All the Germans that were … the ethnic Germans, the Germans by ancestry who were in places like Czechoslovakia and Romania and other places, Hitler kept saying, ‘They’re not being treated right. I must go and protect my people,’ and that’s what’s gotten everybody so nervous.”

She later clarified her comments, saying Putin isn’t exactly like Hitler, he’s just doing a lot of Hitler-like things.

Here’s the full translated exchange of Putin’s comments from French TV tonight:

QUESTION: Perhaps, it would be worse if you were meeting with Hillary Clinton. Only a few days ago, she said that what Russia is doing in Eastern Europe resembles what Hitler was doing in the 1930s.

PUTIN: It’s better not to argue with women. But Ms. Clinton has never been too graceful in her statements. Still, we always met afterwards and had cordial conversations at various international events. I think even in this case we could reach an agreement. When people push boundaries too far, it’s not because they are strong but because they are weak. But maybe weakness is not the worst quality for a woman.

QUESTION (via interpreter): Women must be respected, of course, and I’m sure you respect them. Do you think she went too far? There is a lot of mockery and cartoons in the media, including those showing you. What was your first reaction? Were you angry? Did you want to get back at her or laugh? We have never seen you laugh.

PUTIN: Someday I will indulge myself and we will laugh together at some good joke. But when I hear such extreme statements, to me it only means that they don’t have any valid arguments. Speaking of U.S. policy, it’s clear that the United States is pursuing the most aggressive and toughest policy to defend their own interests – at least, this is how the American leaders see it – and they do it persistently.

In April, Clinton gave a deep read on Putin’s personality during an event in California, where she compared the encounters she has had with him to those she experienced on an elementary school playground.

“He is very difficult to read personally,” she said. “He is always looking for advantage. So he will try to put you ill at ease. He will even throw an insult your way. He will look bored and dismissive. He’ll do all of that.”

But Clinton said she was never fazed.

“I have a lot of experience with people acting like that,” she quipped. “Go back to elementary school. I’ve seen all of that, so I’m not impressed by it.”
Ms. Clinton has never been too graceful in her statements.
I agree with him, SHE IS uptight, problem is women like Hillary have lived in an environment surrounded by expectations and work their hardest to achieve them to the point that they start seeing others as being lazy. Same can be said for men but i've seen more uptight women than men.
Wasn't it Prince Charles who made the Hitler like statement?
I agree with him, SHE IS uptight, problem is women like Hillary have lived in an environment surrounded by expectations and work their hardest to achieve them to the point that they start seeing others as being lazy. Same can be said for men but i've seen more uptight women than men.

what is uptight about her?

and what an odd and baffling statement "women like Hillary have lived in an environment surrounded by expectations and work their hardest to achieve them to the point that they start seeing others as being lazy." this make no sense... you are saying that since she a hard worker and has goals and expectations( something we all would hope to aspire) ... she thinks others are lazy? where do you come up with that?

I would have imagined you would say putin is a sexist pig...for saying such a thing.
Putin is the man..................

for being sexist and insulting women...

heh- sometimes I wonder if you guys were born out of the womb of a woman ... they way you insult women or think someone is a " man" for doing so. you don't have to fear strong women
what is uptight about her?
and what an odd and baffling statement "women like Hillary have lived in an environment surrounded by expectations and work their hardest to achieve them to the point that they start seeing others as being lazy." this make no sense... you are saying that since she a hard worker and has goals and expectations( something we all would hope to aspire) ... she thinks others are lazy? where do you come up with that?
I would have imagined you would say putin is a sexist pig...for saying such a thing.
I've read that she was a really hard working student, she didn't want to marry a man too but couldn't resist Bill (must be some reason). So, guessing by the attitude i made my statement.
As far as being uptight goes, she often makes stupid statements which a person of her calibre shouldn't make, like the one about Putin. You should choose your words carefully. To me she is a confused child. But that's my side of the picture, your's could differ.

for being sexist and insulting women...
heh- sometimes I wonder if you guys were born out of the womb of a woman ... they way you insult women or think someone is a " man" for doing so. you don't have to fear strong women
Well according to science we all were once female when conceived but i guess the ones with the dic*s got the better brains (source: general observation).

40% visitors to por*/sex websites are women and girls.
No! they are angels born of pure water, have no sexual desires and are oppressed by the evil of this world.... men.
I would have imagined you would say putin is a sexist pig...for saying such a thing.

Wow Jay, I didn't know that you're an ultra-lib feminist. :D

One of the problems of over-sensitizing societies. Just 20 years ago, your country was normal.

He says that not to argue with women is best, and women call him a pig? Wow! Feminism at its insecure best.
Wow Jay, I didn't know that you're an ultra-lib feminist.
One of the problems of over-sensitizing societies. Just 20 years ago, your country was normal.
He says that not to argue with women is best, and women call him a pig? Wow! Feminism at its insecure best.
So, i'm guess this Jay is a female?
So, i'm guess this Jay is a female?

You'd be surprised to hear this but there are many male feminists as well in the US. :D

With due respect to Jay here, It is not pointed at him. Just generally.
You'd be surprised to hear this but there are many male feminists as well in the US.
With due respect to Jay here, It is not pointed at him. Just generally.
Looking at my answers maybe i've been a bit harsh, but the thing is here in Pakistan i am yet to meet women who are not only dedicated but equally proficient at what they do, except for one, but dude she proved to be the definition of uptight, except for me the rest of the class REALLY didn't like her.
Wow Jay, I didn't know that you're an ultra-lib feminist. :D

One of the problems of over-sensitizing societies. Just 20 years ago, your country was normal.

He says that not to argue with women is best, and women call him a pig? Wow! Feminism at its insecure best.

I am respectful of women and she did not call him a pig. she is a big girl and handle any criticism about her... but dismissing women in general with such condescending remark is sexist.

You see my mother used to be a CFO for one of the largest companies based out of europe. And we heard about how women if they challenge in a man dominated world, get dismissed with such condescending remark having to do with being a woman .

we see this prevalent globally and very much in the US/europe too , but with in fewer instances.

so yes, I respect women . I was born from one... we have sisters and wives who work in the corporate world and they need to treated no different than men. Prince Charles made a similar remark - and the example he gave I did not agree with ... but Putin did not say , "oh he is a man and best not talk/argue with men...."

I've read that she was a really hard working student, she didn't want to marry a man too but couldn't resist Bill (must be some reason). So, guessing by the attitude i made my statement.
As far as being uptight goes, she often makes stupid statements which a person of her calibre shouldn't make, like the one about Putin. You should choose your words carefully. To me she is a confused child. But that's my side of the picture, your's could differ.

stop reading the tabloids because what you " read" is a complete hogwash... and if you think she makes stupid statements , address those individually and on merit. because a stupid statement to you may not be for others.

Her example or analogy she used for putin, I too disagree with. i.e. calling what he is doing akin to the Nazi regime. even so the tactic was used by Nazi's. However, she can be individually addressed about that individual statement vs. a sexist and condescending remark about " women" ( all women)

Prince charles said almost the same thing, but putin did not say men need to be dismissed and not argued with...

women are to be respected and they are our equals... a concept I agree lacking among " a majority" of people coming from certain countries
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So, i'm guess this Jay is a female?

I would respect your mother, your sisters the same way...that does not make me a female. rather one that respects women as equals.

You'd be surprised to hear this but there are many male feminists as well in the US. :D

With due respect to Jay here, It is not pointed at him. Just generally.

there is NOTHING feminist about respecting women. Should your mother had been working in corporate america/ or anywhere, I would respect her as an equal too.

the problem is you guys come from countries where traditionally women have played smaller roles/ not been allowed to be in positions of power. Yeah i know you had indira gandhi, but that was a one off case... your boardrooms reflect that.

so when anyone talks about treating women as equals= you think it's being feminist
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Putin is the man..................
...if your "man" is an utterly corrupt dictator surrounded by equally corrupt oligarchs who is determined to thwart any hope of transparency in government, democracy, the rule of law, a free press, and individual liberty, in one's country.

And while I am no fan of Mrs. Clinton, there is every possibility that Mr. Putin will have to put his sentiments to the test when she becomes the next President of the United States. We American conservatives don't have anyone yet that I think can beat her in 2016.

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