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Vision India: Together We Can !

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Apr 8, 2007
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Vision India: Together We Can !

By Nishikant Waghmare

28 July, 2007


As Indians we must have one motto: "One People! One Nation ! One India!" Now, let us look back at the Indian society. In villages where 81% of Indians live untouchability is practiced. Do untouchables get drinking water? Do they socialize like others? Have their Human Rights violations- rapes, beatings, and cold blooded murders stopped? Will they get justice in their lifetime?

The fact is that although a Dalit has made it to the post of the President of India Mr. K. R.Narayannan (1997-2002), but the condition of Dalits remains unchanged. The scourge of untouchbility prevails in India. (60 Minuties the CBS story was anchored By Christine Amanpour in 1999.)

No matter how many Lok –Sabha seats (122 SCs and STs) are reserved, it doesn't do much good if a Dalit cannot drink from public water taps and is condemned to live in the outer fringes of society. It is with a heart full of love, gratitude, and trust that I take up my pen to write for the Dalit cause. The Indian National Congress Party and Bhartiya Janata Party – led by National Democratic Alliance( NDA) is toying with the idea of job reservation in the private Sector for SCs/ STs'. I believe that for SCs/STs' jobs are the only route to socio-economic empowerment as they do not own any means of production, like land! President of India Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam said, "Our greatest enemy is poverty and not human beings, and if we want progress, we will have to fight poverty." Eradicating poverty, illiteracy, and reducing inequalities within upper caste and Dalits is the challenge we must face as a nation.

It is crying shame that after 60 years of the Independence, 350 Millions of our people live in poverty. The UNDP Report shows that in India 23crore and 30 lakh people live in starvation. I am sorry to state that after India gained Independence we have no social justice, social security, health care, sanitation, education, infrastructure, drinking water, food, and socio-economic empowerment of all its citizens. We have less cars in on the road but more accident. Train accidents have become more frequent and also India Air Force MIG 21 crashes. Is anyone thinking about it?

India stands highest in the world for blind people, HIV positive, and illiteracy and poverty. As Indians become more educated we will be more productive. Mostly, Indians also lack sense of humor. Our strength, however, lies in our family values.

In India politicians, such as M.Ps' M.L.As, Ministers, Governors, and Civil Servants from services like IPS, IAS, IFS, and IRS and several other officials of the country consider themselves above the law. Corruption is deeply rooted each and every department of public service and Ministries. Corruption has become the way of life in India and people have learned to respect it. Many top public servants are under CBI investigation after being arrested on the charge of corruption.

Our Politicians must think about health care, education, and infrastructure development. Our politicians must have vision, courage and ideology to make a real difference. Dr. BabaSaheb Ambedkar wanted to do more for his country, but in the existing set-up, he observed, it was difficult to maintain one's interest in its affairs when the people were not prepared to give a hearing to any view, which did not agree with that of the Prime Minister of India. "It is Sin," he sighed," To take birth in such a country whose people are so prejudiced. Anyhow I have done a lot in spite of the words of abuse hurled at me from all sides. I will continue to do so till my death."

We have been living in this country for thousands of years, in a hopeless system, which lacks enthusiasm. So long as the present system continues, there is no scope for progress. Under the Hindu religion, which is founded on inequality and injustice, we can achieve nothing. Manusmriti describes the chaturvarna.

Chaturvarna is disastrous for the progress of mankind. Under this system, shudras are restricted to perform menial jobs only. They have nothing to do with education. Who would be Interested in ameliorating their lot? Brahmins, Kshatriyas and vaishyas benefit alike from the slavish condition of shudras. The shudras have nothing but slavery to share. Chaturvarna cannot just be blown away. It is not only a part of tradition; it has become a religion.

There is no equality in Hinduism. Narrating an incident that happened with Gandhi, Dr. Ambedkar said, " I once went to see Gandhiji. Gandhiji told me that he believed in chaturvarna. 'What kind of chaturvarna'? I enquired, pointing towards my hand with the little finger in the bottom and thumb on the top or this way – with the palm lying flat on the surface of the table and fingers lying side by side. What do you mean? By the Chaturvarna? Where does it begin and where does it end?' I asked Gandhiji. Gandhiji could not reply."

Commenting on the contribution of the so-called lower castes, Ambedkar further stated, "The Hindus wanted the Vedas and they sent for Vyasa, who was not a caste Hindu. The Hindus wanted an epic and they sent of Valmiki who was an untouchable. The Hindus wanted a Constitution, and they sent for me."

I hope all political parties must think big. Otherwise there is no future left for future generations. All leaders must forego their egos and work together for the development of India. It is my hope and prayer that we will always live a happy, and peaceful life based on non-violence, truth, equality, love, and compassion as taught to us by Buddha.

India has the men and women to rise to the challenge and ensure a future of racial harmony. A clever person cannot achieve self-realization, which comes only to a wise person. Wisdom and compassion is the way forward.

counter currents, newsblaze,
Munshi and his sources...lol
Good to see your actually reading the articles and keeping track .... pity your not learning anything.

You do have a very very thick skull, lets talk about jew-conspiracy and world domination

No lets talk about the ugly face of India and its misery and poverty instead.
Why not, but lets first sir, talk about bangladeshi's who are questioning their own independence from pakistan since they failed as a nation, while pakistan has gone leaps and bounds compared to bangladesh.....Your inferiority complex of the situation from your country is so evident in your post and its intentions
In villages where 81% of Indians live untouchability is practiced. Do untouchables get drinking water?

81% doesnt get drinking water, but 80% is above poverty level!!!

It is crying shame that after 60 years of the Independence, 350 Millions of our people live in poverty. The UNDP Report shows that in India 23crore and 30 lakh people live in starvation.
Why not, but lets first sir, talk about bangladeshi's who are questioning their own independence from pakistan since they failed as a nation, while pakistan has gone leaps and bounds compared to bangladesh.....Your inferiority complex of the situation from your country is so evident in your post and its intentions

India should take a good look in the mirror before its starts throwing stones .... you know the thing about glass houses and about casting the first stone.......
O.K. this thread has become a mess. So I suggest that if anyone wants to re-open it to contact a mod with a good reason
You people need to learn to maintain a decorum of debates/threads within this forum. Thread locked.

And Adux, if you ever needed an example of how you have been crapping away threads, your first few posts can be framed up as a classic example.

Please give this forum a little bit more respect than that. All of you.
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