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Views of Afghan Taliban about ISI

Oh yeah? This video is made by the PR wing of the ISI for public consumption!

The ISI can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but they cannot fool all of the people all of the time!! :P

And attack on mumbai hotel was staged by evil wing of RAW.
Oh yeah? This video is made by the PR wing of the ISI for public consumption!

The ISI can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but they cannot fool all of the people all of the time!! :P

really :rofl: here we go again , another brain-washed indian telling something about i.s.i. ...
When we say something, CONSPIRACY THEORY, when indians.usians say it, it's the word of god to you?
I belive this video, I have seen many docuementaries and read a lot on th econflict and most Afghans including the Afghan Taliban absolutlay hate the Pakistanis and ISI. The ISI might have created them but that was bck in the 1980s. However the Taliban is not a single entity and the ISI still has clout and control over many factions whom it supports.
I belive this video, I have seen many docuementaries and read a lot on th econflict and most Afghans including the Afghan Taliban absolutlay hate the Pakistanis and ISI. The ISI might have created them but that was bck in the 1980s. However the Taliban is not a single entity and the ISI still has clout and control over many factions whom it supports.

It's a known fact. I know someone who's married to an Afghan women. They absolutely HATE Pakistan. If you remind them that Pakistan helped with Soviet's and also let 3 million refugees live there (and a lot of these refugees have become big shots in Pakistan), they act like this was their born right and Pakistan 'needed' to do it. It's interesting to see how they hate Pakistanis when Pakistanis consider them their 'Afghan Brethren'.
This is what the US has been trying to tell the Pakistanis, that their eggs are in the wrong basket. The Talibans, and other fundamental fractions are rent-a-killer organizations. They'll kill anyone who disagrees with their crazy agenda. They've been killing Pakistanis out of the hate that describe above and add more danger to the equation about Pakistan. If Pakistanis put their bias against the US aside, and think for a few minutes with sense, I think they'll find out that they've been threatened and bombed like crazy by these 'Afghan Brothers' who are causing pain for the US on the other side of the border too.
The enemy right now for both, the US and the Pakistanis is the same. They should work together to overcome these crazy lunatics who can kill and die and give us their life for no reason. Killing innocents is definitely no reason under any religion!!!

The enemy right now for the u s and pakistan is not the same. It changed the day the united satets forces intentionally let al qaeda and taliban leadership escape into pakistan---since that day there has been a great confusion about who and what the enemy is.

I believe that at this stage this war is purely for murder and mayhem's sake---and just to strengthen any american political party's standings in the public.

When there is so much indiscriminate killing of the local population---there is no stopping the locals afgainst a foreign army---. The americans have met their match and more so against this rag tag army of afghans---fiercely independant---warriors by birth---killers by nature but in their own land and turf---. They love their guns more than the americans---.

The americans had their chance to finish terrorism---but they had no intention of doing that---they got their foothold into afg and then went for the real target---iraq---where they miserably failed---.

Now looking at what is happening in afg---what is it the green on blue killings---american soldiers being killed by afg army soldiers---. When a u s soldier has to fear the bullet in his back from the afg soldier walking behind him---for that soldier the perdiod of deployment is over.

The problem is that the u s is clueless what to do now. What the sad part is---that every time the u s has palnned to put down pakistan in front of the world---things have happened that it has been bitten hard in the ar-se. Everytime the u s does something negative to pakistan---it gets smacked right back---. The moment it tries to corner pakistan---there are other issues that pop up where the u s needs pakistani help----.

Somebody has to speak up against this murdering war that has gone on for so long---somebody needs to tell the world what is happeniong is wrong---.

There is no carte blanche given to any nation of he world to keep on killing the afghans.
Orangzaib - The enemy right now for the u s and pakistan is not the same. It changed the day the united satets forces intentionally let al qaeda and taliban leadership escape into pakistan---since that day there has been a great confusion about who and what the enemy is.

I believe that at this stage this war is purely for murder and mayhem's sake---and just to strengthen any american political party's standings in the public. When there is so much indiscriminate killing of the local population---there is no stopping the locals afgainst a foreign army---. The americans have met their match and more so against this rag tag army of afghans---fiercely independant---warriors by birth---killers by nature but in their own land and turf---. They love their guns more than the americans---.

The americans had their chance to finish terrorism---but they had no intention of doing that---they got their foothold into afg and then went for the real target---iraq---where they miserably failed---.

Now looking at what is happening in afg---what is it the green on blue killings---american soldiers being killed by afg army soldiers---. When a u s soldier has to fear the bullet in his back from the afg soldier walking behind him---for that soldier the perdiod of deployment is over.

The problem is that the u s is clueless what to do now. What the sad part is---that every time the u s has palnned to put down pakistan in front of the world---things have happened that it has been bitten hard in the ar-se. Everytime the u s does something negative to pakistan---it gets smacked right back---. The moment it tries to corner pakistan---there are other issues that pop up where the u s needs pakistani help----.

Somebody has to speak up against this murdering war that has gone on for so long---somebody needs to tell the world what is happeniong is wrong---. There is no carte blanche given to any nation of he world to keep on killing the afghans.

I agree with some of your points (specially about the local population getting killed as a collateral damage as this creates more hatred against the US and it's obviously wrong, but it's also a conflict and if people were civil enough, the conflict could've been resolved with dialogue).
But as far as 'the enemy is NOT the same' and that the US let the terrorists cross into border. I'd like to correct you. I know the area and the region well enough. The weatherization of Pakistan for political and other reasons has been going on since the 80's. So, you have PLENTY of bad guys with twisted ideology (both on political and religious front). Now the oil is already on the ground waiting for a lite to burn so to speak.

You give these twisted idiots a chance, and bam, the killings will happen. Look at the situation in Baluchistan, Karachi EVERY DAY....how many non Baluchi families and Non Sindhi families are killed because they are not natives of that land? This has been going on for decades. You are going to tell me the CIA started it or let these bad guys cross into these nationalist organizations that have been there for decades? Look at Karachi.....you have hundreds of people getting killed there on monthly basis.....ALL to CONTROL THE CITY? You see the value of human life in that region? The political system and religious system ALLOWS to kill.....look at the situation. Campuses have kids from organizations like Jamat-e-Islami, and others, students with machine guns that have in the past taken control of Punjab University, UET, colleges in Sindh (not it's MQM in Sindh). Look at the gang wars that happen for DAYS at a time due to who controls a small portion of a city in Sindh. So.....this INTOLERANCE is who the enemy is. For both, the Pakistan ITSELF and then the US and everyone else. When people would rather shoot someone and kill them vs. sitting down with them and talk and get to either an agreement or disagreement, you'll have the terrorism, you'll have the intolerance where people will resort to violence and then it grows from a city to state to country to religion and then to globe. THIS IS the common enemy of all human beings!!!

I am not writing this little article to tick people off. I am writing this so people here can see it black and white and help your country fix it. The US doesn't have an issue with UAE, Indonesia, Turkey, Malaysia ???? So why Pakistan? The rest of the countries are ALSO muslim countries.....none of these have gang wars and order to kill the opponents because they happen to be from a different sect or race or as LOW as a political party!!!
While I agree that there is some truth to the US politics and Islamophobia but there is an actual issue there that needs to be fixed. The issue is Intolerance and Corruption.
I have a question for the Pakistani community here. You guys are smart people. Do you think that in 2012, in any society, a Human Being should lose its life because he or she's not agreeing to someone's ideas? Or belongs to a different political party???

If the answer is no, you've already told me that you agree with what I am trying to preach. This mentality of Lack of Human Life's Value & In Tolerance is the common enemy the US and others refer to.

Next, ONLY in Pakistan you guys worry about the 'muslim brethren'. Outside in the Arab world, Afghanistan, and even Muslims in India...people make fun of this. It is so stupid. You should get your house straight, use your talent and education and take the country towards moderation. Why waste time and energy on people that don't give a fuc* about you? Go talk to Arabs, Afghan's or even Indian muslims. You'll find the answer for yourself!!!

Last but not least, the US HAS stood by Pakistan for over 60 years. Whether all the aid money and support made it to 'ordinary Pakistani' or not. The US DID send in money for ALL kinds of stuff...from energy support to hospital building to educational assistance to science and technology and of course to support Pakistan's mighty military !!! Who has done that over 60 years???? Name ONE muslim country that was there for you ALL along. I know KSA has done things BUT not as steady as the US.
If you elect crappy leaders...that's US's fault??? How? So you see....Pakistan was and has been given support to advance. But there's no sign of advancement. It's going backwards. Now we can debate all of our lives here on this subject but all of us know the situation in Karachi, KPK, Baluchistan and between different religious and political parties. The PEOPLE need to stand up against these fundamentalist who support hatred among others, and others means Pakistanis who don't agree with their ideas first and THEN the rest of the world.
Also, your argument about how US uses Pakistan and Islam as a political issue...well the politicians in Pakistan do the same. The hate against US gets you the vote whether you went to college or not, whether you have a SLIGHTEST clue about how to even write a law when you get to the parliament. So just something to thing about.
I agree with some of your points (specially about the local population getting killed as a collateral damage as this creates more hatred against the US and it's obviously wrong, but it's also a conflict and if people were civil enough, the conflict could've been resolved with dialogue).
But as far as 'the enemy is NOT the same' and that the US let the terrorists cross into border. I'd like to correct you. I know the area and the region well enough. The weatherization of Pakistan for political and other reasons has been going on since the 80's. So, you have PLENTY of bad guys with twisted ideology (both on political and religious front). Now the oil is already on the ground waiting for a lite to burn so to speak.

You give these twisted idiots a chance, and bam, the killings will happen. Look at the situation in Baluchistan, Karachi EVERY DAY....how many non Baluchi families and Non Sindhi families are killed because they are not natives of that land? This has been going on for decades. You are going to tell me the CIA started it or let these bad guys cross into these nationalist organizations that have been there for decades? Look at Karachi.....you have hundreds of people getting killed there on monthly basis.....ALL to CONTROL THE CITY? You see the value of human life in that region? The political system and religious system ALLOWS to kill.....look at the situation. Campuses have kids from organizations like Jamat-e-Islami, and others, students with machine guns that have in the past taken control of Punjab University, UET, colleges in Sindh (not it's MQM in Sindh). Look at the gang wars that happen for DAYS at a time due to who controls a small portion of a city in Sindh. So.....this INTOLERANCE is who the enemy is. For both, the Pakistan ITSELF and then the US and everyone else. When people would rather shoot someone and kill them vs. sitting down with them and talk and get to either an agreement or disagreement, you'll have the terrorism, you'll have the intolerance where people will resort to violence and then it grows from a city to state to country to religion and then to globe. THIS IS the common enemy of all human beings!!!

I am not writing this little article to tick people off. I am writing this so people here can see it black and white and help your country fix it. The US doesn't have an issue with UAE, Indonesia, Turkey, Malaysia ???? So why Pakistan? The rest of the countries are ALSO muslim countries.....none of these have gang wars and order to kill the opponents because they happen to be from a different sect or race or as LOW as a political party!!!
While I agree that there is some truth to the US politics and Islamophobia but there is an actual issue there that needs to be fixed. The issue is Intolerance and Corruption.
I have a question for the Pakistani community here. You guys are smart people. Do you think that in 2012, in any society, a Human Being should lose its life because he or she's not agreeing to someone's ideas? Or belongs to a different political party???

If the answer is no, you've already told me that you agree with what I am trying to preach. This mentality of Lack of Human Life's Value & In Tolerance is the common enemy the US and others refer to.

Next, ONLY in Pakistan you guys worry about the 'muslim brethren'. Outside in the Arab world, Afghanistan, and even Muslims in India...people make fun of this. It is so stupid. You should get your house straight, use your talent and education and take the country towards moderation. Why waste time and energy on people that don't give a fuc* about you? Go talk to Arabs, Afghan's or even Indian muslims. You'll find the answer for yourself!!!

Last but not least, the US HAS stood by Pakistan for over 60 years. Whether all the aid money and support made it to 'ordinary Pakistani' or not. The US DID send in money for ALL kinds of stuff...from energy support to hospital building to educational assistance to science and technology and of course to support Pakistan's mighty military !!! Who has done that over 60 years???? Name ONE muslim country that was there for you ALL along. I know KSA has done things BUT not as steady as the US.
If you elect crappy leaders...that's US's fault??? How? So you see....Pakistan was and has been given support to advance. But there's no sign of advancement. It's going backwards. Now we can debate all of our lives here on this subject but all of us know the situation in Karachi, KPK, Baluchistan and between different religious and political parties. The PEOPLE need to stand up against these fundamentalist who support hatred among others, and others means Pakistanis who don't agree with their ideas first and THEN the rest of the world.
Also, your argument about how US uses Pakistan and Islam as a political issue...well the politicians in Pakistan do the same. The hate against US gets you the vote whether you went to college or not, whether you have a SLIGHTEST clue about how to even write a law when you get to the parliament. So just something to thing about.

A great, great summary. IMHO you hit the nail on the head.

Your post is agreeable---then I come back to my old stand---pakistanis should have seen through the facade. But the problem with the pakistanis is thatey got stuck on 'who is right'---or 'who did it'---.

Any nation with a reasonable intellect would have put the thought and argument of 'who did it' on the back burner and done things to save the day----for that I hold the citizens of pakistan responsible for their lack of farsightedness.

Basically---what difference did it make to pakistan if Osama did it or not---the 9/11----this man was already a pariah---either arrange to have him kicked out of afg or make a massive strike and take him out yourself---.

There was no reason for paksiatn to allow a christian army to invade a muslim nation when they could have availed the opurtunity of killing Osama in kandhar---the problem with the pakistani generals and the pakistani public was that they wanted to make an example out of the united states of america---making a vietnam out of it for deceiving pakistan by putting the sanctions on them during the 90's and letting them hold the empty bag.

Last but not the least---if the u s military had forced al qaeda into pakistan---the paks should have realized the poison these radicals would spread into the local population---which leads me to believe that in general paks are absolutely clueless of how to hold the integrity of the state together.

The Paks need to learn that the people who are rejects from their own motherlands---the people who don't have any love lost for the countries that gave them identity---they care less about your country.

Bottom line---most pakistanis don't deserve to be the citizens of pakistan---if it was upto me---whomsoever kissed the 'ABBAYIAH' and 'TOB' should be put on a boat and pushed into the sea in the direction of that country.
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