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Vietnam warns China against rig activity in disputed waters

And here Chinese members question Indians whether our neighbours love India.

Indian neighbours are really lucky to have us as neighbours insteaad of an "peacefull" China.
And here Chinese members question Indians whether our neighbours love India.

Indian neighbours are really lucky to have us as neighbours insteaad of an "peacefull" China.


Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans all despise Indian thuggery. India interferes in the internal affairs of all these countries and even recently bullied Nepal. No country in the world interferes in the internal affairs of countries than India.

Indian intelligence agency even uses terror against its own people to blame Pakistan. Terror is a tool that India uses in its geopolitical rivalry with Pakistan.

Look at a mass murderer like Modi that exterminated millions of Muslims in his home state due to their religion.

Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans all despise Indian thuggery. India interferes in the internal affairs of all these countries and even recently bullied Nepal. No country in the world interferes in the internal affairs of countries than India.

Indian intelligence agency even uses terror against its own people to blame Pakistan. Terror is a tool that India uses in its geopolitical rivalry with Pakistan.

Look at a mass murderer like Modi that exterminated millions of Muslims in his home state due to their religion.

I am more closely inclined to look at the Mao Murders of Great Leap Forward Famine, and still installing an statue in his name. The Mao Murders will put Halocaust to shame. 18 million death is the most conservative estimate, while the most accepted is 33 million.
Better than Modi I will say.
I am more closely inclined to look at the Mao Murders of Great Leap Forward Famine, and still installing an statue in his name. The Mao Murders will put Halocaust to shame. 18 million death is the most conservative estimate, while the most accepted is 33 million.
Better than Modi I will say.

People died because of Mao's foolish economic policies.

Modi the murderer purposely ordered his thugs to round up all the Muslims and exterminate them. That's why he was banned from travelling to many countries for his crimes until he was chosen as prime minister and countries had to remove the ban because they wanted to keep their relations with India. Doesn't change the fact that Modi ethnically cleansed millions of Muslims. Disgusting fascist!
I am more closely inclined to look at the Mao Murders of Great Leap Forward Famine, and still installing an statue in his name. The Mao Murders will put Halocaust to shame. 18 million death is the most conservative estimate, while the most accepted is 33 million.
Better than Modi I will say.

Indian fascist regime is killing some two million newborns every year due to malnutrition and lack of hygiene. That form of murder in modern ages is unseen in other parts of the world. I am not even talking about the stunted, low-IQ millions of low-caste people that are being treated like sheep.

As far disputes with neighbors, surely, we have one with the fascist Indian regime; that's the only land border dispute despite that we have the most number of neighbors in the world.

How many land disputes does your class-based fascist regime have?
Indian fascist regime is killing some two million newborns every year due to malnutrition and lack of hygiene. That form of murder in modern ages is unseen in other parts of the world. I am not even talking about the stunted, low-IQ millions of low-caste people that are being treated like sheep.

As far disputes with neighbors, surely, we have one with the fascist Indian regime; that's the only land border dispute despite that we have the most number of neighbors in the world.

How many land disputes does your class-based fascist regime have?

Quoted for truth.
No need to occupy more islands as we have more than enough. The only thing I wish is we enlarge and make them a second Vietnam.

It sounds like a hyena got the lion's share. Now stop bitching every time China has a boat in the water. When it comes to the island building, it is not our fault that you only got a small "tool".
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People died because of Mao's foolish economic policies.

Modi the murderer purposely ordered his thugs to round up all the Muslims and exterminate them. That's why he was banned from travelling to many countries for his crimes until he was chosen as prime minister and countries had to remove the ban because they wanted to keep their relations with India. Doesn't change the fact that Modi ethnically cleansed millions of Muslims. Disgusting fascist!

Coming from a guy where Muslims and Tibetians do not have religious freedom, where Chinese themselves need permission to visit those areas :lol:
Whateva u may bark, Modi is and was and will be better than Mao

Indian fascist regime is killing some two million newborns every year due to malnutrition and lack of hygiene. That form of murder in modern ages is unseen in other parts of the world. I am not even talking about the stunted, low-IQ millions of low-caste people that are being treated like sheep.

As far disputes with neighbors, surely, we have one with the fascist Indian regime; that's the only land border dispute despite that we have the most number of neighbors in the world.

How many land disputes does your class-based fascist regime have?

I got sleep seeing the same thing again. Got something new ?
Coming from a guy where Muslims and Tibetians do not have religious freedom, where Chinese themselves need permission to visit those areas :lol:
Whateva u may bark, Modi is and was and will be better than Mao

You know you are lying, or you are just too ignorant to know the fact?

In the other hand, I will be glad to enlighten you about Indian citizens travel restrictions in India.
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Coming from a guy where Muslims and Tibetians do not have religious freedom, where Chinese themselves need permission to visit those areas :lol:
Whateva u may bark, Modi is and was and will be better than Mao

I got sleep seeing the same thing again. Got something new ?

India slaughters its ethnic minorities from Sikhs to Muslims because of their race or religion.

The fascists in India massacred millions of innocent Sikhs in 1984 and destroyed the sacred Sikh golden temple. Modi massacred millions of innocent Muslims because of their religion.

No wonder Modi was banned from so many countries for his ethnic cleansing of Muslims. He ordered the massacre. That's why he was banned.
Coming from a guy where Muslims and Tibetians do not have religious freedom, where Chinese themselves need permission to visit those areas :lol:
Whateva u may bark, Modi is and was and will be better than Mao

I got sleep seeing the same thing again. Got something new ?

This was what our late International statesman Singapore PM Lee kuan Yew says about India.

Here is the excerpt:

India is not a real country. Instead, it is 32 separate nations that happen to be arrayed along the British rail line.

The British came, conquered, established the Raj, incorporated under their rule an amalgam of 175 princely states, and ruled them with 1, 000 Englishmen and several tens of thousands of Indians brought up to behave like English.

So our advice to you is to look within your own backyards and make sure these 32 separate nations e.g. Khalistan, Bodoland, Kashmir, 7 seven nations of the N.E, Tamil Nadu, etc will not be seeking independence in the very near future in view of a very loosely binded union agreed upon when India became independent from the British Raj.

How the China is govern is none of our business since a survey shown that 86% of the population.

:coffee: The Hokou system you are criticizing is widely implanted in East Asia including Taiwan, Vietnam (formerly known as ANNAM) for thousands of years and as recent as 2008, South Korea abolished and modified the registration system.

:blink: Surprise! Surprise! Even Russia and Japan have such system e.g. Japan maintained a similar household registration system within the public administration structures and called it koseki.

:sarcastic: Now you are beginning to learn and understand why RAPES are so rampant in populous India while East Asia remains generally safer.

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How the China is governed is none of our business since a survey shown that 86% of the Chinese population supported their Government.
This was what our late International statesman Singapore PM Lee kuan Yew says about India.

Here is the excerpt:

India is not a real country. Instead, it is 32 separate nations that happen to be arrayed along the British rail line.

The British came, conquered, established the Raj, incorporated under their rule an amalgam of 175 princely states, and ruled them with 1, 000 Englishmen and several tens of thousands of Indians brought up to behave like English.

So our advice to you is to look within your own backyards and make sure these 32 separate nations e.g. Khalistan, Bodoland, Kashmir, 7 seven nations of the N.E, Tamil Nadu, etc will not be seeking independence in the very near future in view of a very loosely binded union agreed upon when India became independent from the British Raj.

How the China is govern is none of our business since a survey shown that 86% of the population.

:coffee: The Hokou system you are criticizing is widely implanted in East Asia including Taiwan, Vietnam (formerly known as ANNAM) for thousands of years and as recent as 2008, South Korea abolished and modified the registration system.

:blink: Surprise! Surprise! Even Russia and Japan have such system e.g. Japan maintained a similar household registration system within the public administration structures and called it koseki.

:sarcastic: Now you are beginning to learn and understand why RAPES are so rampant in populous India while East Asia remains generally safer.

Error correction...

How the China is governed is none of our business since a survey shown that 86% of the Chinese population supported their Government.

I do not blame u for not supporting communist regime. Not supporting it will land u in jail. :D

And I am from Tamil Nadu, yet do not see anyone asking for independence. Ask other bot brothers of u not to badmouth India wantedly.
Get lost and do not quote me.
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Dear CCP bot,
I do not blame u for not supporting communist regime. Not supporting it will land u in jail. :D

And I am from Tamil Nadu, yet do not see anyone asking for independence. Ask other bot brothers of u not to badmouth India wantedly.
Get lost and do not quote me.

:laugh:LOL Giving yourself a name like "Rajaraja Chola" in India may place you under surveillance by the Indian Secret Service for SEPARATISM intend as well unless security in India is so very lax unlike the other nations e.g. in recent days we heard that Singapore Intelligence Service has apprehended several Bangladeshi for their ISIS connection.

:sarcastic:No one from Tamil Nadu is asking for INDEPENDENCE?

:-) Here is something interesting about the movement, I can post hundreds if you wished:

Tamil Nadu had one of the earliest independence movements (separatist or secessionist or liberation movements) in India even before the British left. Unlike the independent Pakistan movement the latter is based on nationalism, ethnicity and language and not on religion, and dates back to 1939. The first "Tamil Nadu for Tamils" Conference was held in December 10, 1939. Mr. C.N. Annadurai, the chief lieutenant of Periyar E.V. Ramaswamy (EVR) was the principal speaker and he explained the reasons and justification for the demand in his own spell binding oratory.

The Dravida Kazhagam (DK) of Periyar E. V. Ramaswamy and its offshoot Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) had as their primary goal an independent Dravida Nadu (southern India that included Tamil Nadu) separate from India. In 1963 the Congress Party Government of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru passed a constitutional amendment that prohibited parties and individuals demanding independence from contesting elections. Immediately DMK abandoned the Dravida Nadu independence demand.

Though Periyar continued with is "Tamil Nadu for Tamils" slogan, one of the few who openly and actively campaigned for an independent Tamil Nation (Tamil Nadu) was the Tamil National Poet Mr. Durai Manickam (popularly known as Pavalareru Perunchiththiranar). Some groups and individuals demanded something just short of total independence from India. One reason for not crossing the line is possible ban on the group. So they demand a Tamil Nation" within India with maximum devolution of powers. Such parties included some breakaway groups from Dravida Kazhagam (DK), the relatively new political party Patali Makkal Katchi (PMK) headed by Dr. Ramadoss and Tamil National Movement (Tamil Desiya Iyakkam) headed by Pazha Nedumaran. Underground organizations which are waging an armed struggle for independence for Tamil Nadu include Tamil Nadu Viduthalai Pafdai (TNLA) headed by Maran, Tamil Nadu Viduthalai Padai (TNLA) headed by Ilavarasan and Tamil Nadu Retrieval Troops (TNRT). Number of cadres in these groups is not known but they are believed to be small.

The principal political parties in Tamil Nadu, Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK), founded by C. N. Annadurai and now headed by M. Karunanidhi and All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK), founded by M. G. Ramachandran (MGR) and now headed by Jayalalithaa Jayaram also have devolution of power to states and less power to the Union (Central) Government of India in their election manifestos. However they do very little about it. Marumalarchi DMK founded by Vaiko and Dravida Kazhagam (DK), founded by Periyar EVR and now headed by Veeramani, also have similar goals but again have done very little.

The Indian national parties such as the Congress Party and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) are for a more unitary government with power more centralized at the Union Government and the state governments more dependent on the former. Offshoots of the Congress Party like the Tamil Manila Congress (TMC), founded by Moopanar and now headed by his son Vasan and the Rajive Tamil Nau Congress (named after the late Rajiv Gandhi) headed by Ramamurthy are also have similar views. These parties do not, however, have the popular support and vote bank as DMK and AIADMK.

Get it straight, I am not badmouthing India, it is trolls like you that interfere with your neighbor state of affair and that is very provocative and unfriendly. But then again, India has border dispute with virtually everyone of all her neighbors. Care to know why? Anyway like you says "GET LOST YOURSELF AND DO NOT QUOTE ME" as well. The feeling is mutual. Hahaha

:what: Here is yet another one by a Minister in India. Although dated,diverse opinions and views by Indians of different ethnicity is not uncommon.

"India's growth would have progressed better if it comprised its southern and western parts only...The rest of the country held the South and West back", P. Chidamparam, Minister of Finance, India (2004-2008) to the American Ambassador in a conversation in August 2009.

Not only in economic progress but also in the delivery of public services, such as food, health care and school education, Tamil Nadu would be better off as an independent country. "A number of Indian states--Kerala and Tamil Nadu, for example--would be at the top of the South Asian comparisons if they were treated as separate countries, and others--Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, for example--would do enormously worse." - Professors Jean Drèze and Amartya Sen in their 2013 book “An Uncertain Glory: India and its Contradictions” (both authors are economists and Amartya Sen received the Nobel prize in economics in 1998).

In summary, Tamil Nadu would be better off in economic development and also in overall standard of living (food, health, education) if it were a separate, independent country.
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