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Vietnam’s People’s Army to turn into regular and elite force

"Vietnam will buy from the 4-6 defense missile system S-300PMU2 or S-400, if permitted to export." Mr. Ruslan Pukhov director of the Center of Strategic Analysis and Technology(Russia) said.

Việt Nam có thể mua S-400 của Nga
Cập nhật lúc :7:30 AM, 01/02/2012
Việt Nam sẽ mua từ 4-6 hệ thống tên lửa phòng không S-300PMU2 hoặc S-400 nếu được phép xuất khẩu. Thông tin trên được Giám đốc CAST (Nga) tiết lộ.

Ông Ruslan Pukhov
(ĐVO) Sau triển lãm hàng không vũ trụ quốc tế Lima tổ chức tại đảo Langkawi ở Malaysia từ ngày 6-10/12/2011, ông Ruslan Pukhov giám đốc Trung tâm phân tích chiến lược và công nghệ (CAST) có trụ sở tại Moscow, tiết lộ. Trung tâm này có sự liên kết chặt chẽ với công ty xuất khẩu vũ khí nhà nước Nga Rosoboronexport

According to reliable source, VN may receive S-400 in this year :partay:
"Vietnam will buy from the 4-6 defense missile system S-300PMU2 or S-400, if permitted to export." Mr. Ruslan Pukhov director of the Center of Strategic Analysis and Technology(Russia) said.


According to reliable source, VN may receive S-400 in this year :partay:
You begged your daddy USSR to save you in 1979 but they did nothing while we blew away hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese lives. Now you think Russia will give you weapons for free to fight China? You are nothing more than a beggar.

Vietnam was always a third world hole, and now your economy is collapsing too with 20% inflation. Going from low to lower to lowest I see :lol:

Where is your Kilo submarines that you ordered 10 years ago? Funny how long that has taken. I'm sure no Chinese pressure was involved. ;)
You begged your daddy USSR to save you in 1979 but they did nothing while we blew away hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese lives. Now you think Russia will give you weapons for free to fight China? You are nothing more than a beggar.

Vietnam was always a third world hole, and now your economy is collapsing too with 20% inflation. Going from low to lower to lowest I see :lol:

Where is your Kilo submarines that you ordered 10 years ago? Funny how long that has taken. I'm sure no Chinese pressure was involved. ;)
migty PLA were defeated by VN women, so why did we need USSR troops to fight with you ?? you can't even fight with our women , you only can go to PDF and bark, poor you loser :P

We will recieve first Kilos around 2013- 2014
Russia, Vietnam to Jointly Manufacture Anti-Ship Missiles

16:45 15/02/2012
MOSCOW, February 15 (RIA Novosti)

Russia and Vietnam are planning to start in 2012 joint production of a modified anti-ship missile, head of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation Mikhail Dmitriyev said on Wednesday.

“We are planning to build facilities in Vietnam for the production of a version of the Russian Uran [SS-N-25 Switchblade] missile in a project that is similar to joint Russian-Indian production of the BrahMos missile,” Dmitriyev said.

The Uran subsonic anti-ship missile can be launched from helicopters, surface ships and coastal defense batteries. It has a range of up to 250 kilometers (135 nautical miles) and carries a 145-kilogram high explosive warhead.

Russian-Indian joint venture BrahMos Aerospace Ltd, set up in 1998, manufactures supersonic cruise missiles based on the Russian-designed NPO Mashinostroyenie 3M55 Yakhont (SS-N-26).

Sea- and ground-launched versions have been successfully tested and put into service with the Indian Army and Navy.
Russia, Vietnam to Jointly Manufacture Anti-Ship Missiles | World | RIA Novosti

Oh man, we Begins Mass Producing Anti-ship Cruise Missile now, China'd better to keep all of their crap warship at bay from now :woot:
Israel's defense industry targets Vietnam

Israeli arms sales to Vietnam are small, but the potential is huge.
18 July 12 12:27, Yuval Azulai


Vietnam beckons Israel's defense industry. The Ministry of Defense's SIBAT Defense Export and Defense Cooperation is very interested in Vietnam, which has 6-8% annual GDP growth, but a large army with obsolete equipment. Top Israeli officials have been visiting Hanoi lately.
Six months ago, President Shimon Peres visited Vietnam with a large entourage. Ministry of Defense director general Udi Shani and SIBAT officials recently made a low-profile visit. Such visits, once rare, have been routine of late.
Since Israel and Vietnam established diplomatic relations in the mid-1990s, there have been few smiles and handshakes between officials of the two countries. The first signs of a change came in 2009, when Vietnam opened its embassy in Tel Aviv, giving practical effect to the diplomatic relations. Since then, Israelis have not stopped talking about Vietnam's potential. Although Vietnam will not be the country on which Israel's foreign trade will rise or fall, but in the defense field, there is business to be done. When Israel's main defense markets are experiencing an economic slowdown, America's former enemies can be a lucartive market for Israeli defense companies with goods sitting on the shelf.
Defense sources talk about agreements recently reached between top Ministry of Defense officials and their Vietnamese counterparts for the tightening of defense relations. On the business side, this is still far from the usual situation for the heads of Israeli defense companies, as the ministry still rejects proposals for the sale of advanced unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) to Israel's new friend. The sale of offensive weapons, such as advanced missiles and guided bombs, is still far off.
The conditions for trade in sensitive items are not yet ready. Personal relations of trust and intimacy are necessary for the sale of arms to a country and for the transfer of classified know-how that it will not anger other countries and allies.
Currently, Vietnam is also satisfied with much less, and is giving time for its romance with Israel time to develop, because the potential is in the future, while the courtship is in the present. Defense deals with Israel are for the supply defensive arms and the construction of a plant for advanced rifles, with the option for a general upgrade of obsolete Soviet-era tanks. Who knows, one day soon Israel may offer the Vietnam Army, which is seeking to upgrade its technological capabilities, advanced air defense systems.
Israel has several quite good air defense systems, and Vietnam knows this. Most of all, it knows about performance. "In the past couple of years, four or five Israeli defense companies have already made deals with Vietnam, reflecting the Ministry of Defense's policy to facilitate the entry into and consolidation in new markets," says a defense source who is familiar with Israel's developing relations with Vietnam, and is working on bringing them to the next level. "Until now, these transactions have totaled a few tens of millions of dollars, but the money isn't the issue at this stage; the potential is."
In September 2011, "Globes" revealed that Israel Weapons Industries Ltd. (IWI) (the Israel Military Industries Ltd. (IMI) light arms spinoff owned by Samy Katsav's SK Group) planned to build a light-arms plant in the Far East at an investment of more than $100 million. This plant would manufacture Israel's the AS advanced version of the Galil infantry rifle. It can now be revealed that the unnamed country is Vietnam, and a top defense official says that the complicated and difficult contract has been signed, and that construction will begin within a year. "This is a huge project, which will include construction of a new light-arms factory after the know-how is transferred from Israel. We're currently talking about a certain type of rifle, but the Vietnamese plant's operations may be expanded in future. Such a project anchors defense cooperation between the two countries," said the official.
Israel is not the only country seeking new markets for its defense industry. European companies have also discovered Vietnam and its potential. "Everyone in the global defense industry is spitting blood in the current situation. We see this on the ground. I believe that American defense companies will soon want to get a foothold in this market," the defense official said.
Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - Globes - Israel business news - on July 18, 2012
Israel's defense industry targets Vietnam - Globes
Seem like we will get more high-tech weapons from Israel :cheers:

VN soldiers with Israel riffle.
I have a question;

currently what kind of attack helicopter does Vietnamese Army operate?

If nothing is being operated now, how come attack helicopters don't find a place in Vietnam's doctrine?

From what I know, Vietnam's dense terrain makes fighter jets not very effective at high speeds for bombing should it come to that.

But attack helicopters would be well suited for Vietnamese conditions in case there is an enemy country.

I am away that Mi-35s were operated earlier. Are they still operational?
You begged your daddy USSR to save you in 1979 but they did nothing while we blew away hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese lives. Now you think Russia will give you weapons for free to fight China? You are nothing more than a beggar.

Vietnam was always a third world hole, and now your economy is collapsing too with 20% inflation. Going from low to lower to lowest I see :lol:

Where is your Kilo submarines that you ordered 10 years ago? Funny how long that has taken. I'm sure no Chinese pressure was involved. ;)

:nana:Man, your posting given me a headach.

You Chinese lives like an animals. No one can own a piece of land or house.

China has lost war to Vietnam 5 times in 1,500 years.

Yes, Vietnam has s300 multiple models, and Vietnam's s400 is in production.:taz:
:nana:Man, your posting given me a headach.

You Chinese lives like an animals. No one can own a piece of land or house.

China has lost war to Vietnam 5 times in 1,500 years.

Yes, Vietnam has s300 multiple models, and Vietnam's s400 is in production.:taz:

You act like an animal.

What do you mean China lost 5 times. They dominated Vietnam.

China also has S-300, but they also have HQ-9 and have reversed engineer S-400
No man, we Beat American with Huge battle, we lost thoundsand hundre men during war, we Defeat Cambodia (bad rouhgue Khme in 1 month).We operate a battle in Huge force include all kind of army, guerilla.

If only guerrilla, we can not Defeat American.^^. Do you known about Tet offense 1968, we attach SaiGon and capture America embassy

Let see how Huge forces we are when operating a battle during Vietnam war.^^.

You defeated America because of Chinese and Russian assistance. A full out fight with America without support, you would have lost. Quit your chest thumping. US, Russia or China with their thousands of nuclear warhead can decimate your country in one day.
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