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Vietnam offers Japan military base to foil China in Scs


Feb 23, 2015
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United States
United States
I was wondering, Vietnam offer military air base and sea port t for Japan. Is this attempt to counter china in Scs. If Japan is given access to vietnam navy and air base, will japan help the US in south china sea.
Japanese are pacifist!! it would never happen.
Offer a base to USA, i believe India has the docking rights in Vietnam for our warships.
Great idea, just do it! China is urgently waiting for an excuse to militarying its newly-constructed islands!

The Guangzhou Military Region and the South Sea Fleet will send you a letter to say thanks! Because they now have more reasons to ask for higher defence fee from the government.
Make sure to prepare enough number of brothels and other "relief" business around the base. If not, US Army members do the rape thing.

With brothels, they will do, too, but less in number.

I am appalled by your recent antics

If you don't like the topic, you are not obliged to reply, but answering with this insult which is Not even related to the topic is just, well, low.

Yeah, all American Soldier are rapist, satisfied?

@Slav Defence this is what I have been telling you about, I have send you a PM on the problem again, please do check it.
I am appalled by your recent antics

If you don't like the topic, you are not obliged to reply, but answering with this insult which is Not even related to the topic is just, well, low.

Yeah, all American Soldier are rapist, satisfied?

@Slav Defence this is what I have been telling you about, I have send you a PM on the problem again, please do check it.

Alright, if the post is against the forum rules, I am deleting it.Because I have myself done several studies and published on the issue -- of course not the way I voiced it above.
Alright, if the post is against the forum rules, I am deleting it.Because I have myself done several studies and published on the issue -- of course not the way I voiced it above.

What studies? US servicemen like to frequent brothel? Or Vietnamese were all cheap whores??

I don't know if there are any other way to voice what you just post and deleted, but to demean people like that, so some soldier like to go to a prostitute, does that mean they will have to include a brothel in any Base that host US troop? And don't get me started on the rape thing and the usual demeaning of Vietnamese
What studies? US servicemen like to frequent brothel? Or Vietnamese were all cheap whores??

I don't know if there are any other way to voice what you just post and deleted, but to demean people like that, so some soldier like to go to a prostitute, does that mean they will have to include a brothel in any Base that host US troop? And don't get me started on the rape thing and the usual demeaning of Vietnamese

The part about the US military personnel. This has nothing to do with the host country (not the least demeaning) because I view them as victims, not perpetrators.

Especially with respect to the women in Okinawa, which is actually the area I concentrated my study.

The generalization about the Vietnamese is your own interpretation.
The part about the US military personnel. This has nothing to do with the host country (not the least demeaning) because I view them as victims, not perpetrators.

Especially with respect to the women in Okinawa, which is actually the area I concentrated my study.

The generalization about the Vietnamese is your own interpretation.

lol, and you have the gull to actual start arguing with me

So, can you tell me WHY bring up brothel in the first place? The OP was asking for Vietnam to lend JAPAN not US a base, or you are gonna now go accuse the Japanese too, were rapist at heart?

You mentioned brothel, then go by US soldier like to rape people where the OP wasn't even asking for an US base in Vietnam, if you did not try to demean Vietnamese people, why mention brothel in the first place?

Then yeah, some Marine (There are no Army base in Okinawa) raped some teenage Japanese girl, then the whole USMC is rapist county. Right? So a generalisation of the USMC is okay in your book too?

Do China have rapist? How about I do some research and then say people in Djibouti should better build some brothel for Chinese troop or they are going to rape people if you don't? Would you not think this would be an insult to the Chinese?

What a stupid thing to say.
I was wondering, Vietnam offer military air base and sea port t for Japan. Is this attempt to counter china in Scs. If Japan is given access to vietnam navy and air base, will japan help the US in south china sea.

It would have to be clearly designed, and will have to pass through a number of questions in the Diet's Defense Committee. Tho I suppose developing a mutual base with Vietnam as well as the Philippines would be a productive paradigm. In principle that is.

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