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Vietnam Defence Forum

A recent "Joint Anti Terrorist Exercise" Between Vietnam and its northern neighbor

Look like the Border Guard will start re - equipping with IWI Gali soon. The rest of the Army will probably have to wait for a bit.



Oh I am settled here in Canada hehe....but I mean more for a short consultancy stint (to impart know how both ways on certain things as they scale up)...I did a cpl in China a while back...learned more about China in the process. Vietnam on my list now if given the chance hehe.

Is the Hanwha facility located in a high-tech park/complex/SEZ of some sort btw?
Canada is much better, not only the wage is higher. I would not relocate to VN. Hanwha Vietnam sits in an industrial park in Hanoi.

A recent "Joint Anti Terrorist Exercise" Between Vietnam and its northern neighbor

Look like the Border Guard will start re - equipping with IWI Gali soon. The rest of the Army will probably have to wait for a bit.



Is the exercise supposed to be cancelled by the Chinese? They threaten us with war, and now this theater piece. But seriously I am thinking we should invite the PLA for a large scale military exercise including involvement of tank armies and naval fleets. Not too bad if we can discover their vulnerabilities and weaknesses in strategy and weaponry.
Canada is much better, not only the wage is higher. I would not relocate to VN. Hanwha Vietnam sits in an industrial park in Hanoi.

Is the exercise supposed to be cancelled by the Chinese? They threaten us with war, and now this theater piece. But seriously I am thinking we should invite the PLA for a large scale military exercise including involvement of tank armies and naval fleets. Not too bad if we can discover their vulnerabilities and weaknesses in strategy and weaponry.
This exercise is a usual don't make it too serious
This exercise is a usual don't make it too serious
more or less a circus, something a news for the press for a day. We missed the chance to see the PLA in combat when they canceled the war against India, otherwise we would get some insights into chinese army after decades of military buildup.

their present command structure, tactic and strategy would be of special interest for the vietnamese army.
more or less a circus, something a news for the press for a day. We missed the chance to see the PLA in combat when they canceled the war against India, otherwise we would get some insights into chinese army after decades of military buildup.

their present command structure, tactic and strategy would be of special interest for the vietnamese army.

We learn enough things in the 20 century, now it is time to catch up to western countries.
Not too bad if we can discover their vulnerabilities and weaknesses in strategy and weaponry.
I can tell you the vulnerabilities and weaknesses of PLA:
- slow progress of the J20 program; we need to wait till 2020 to have 100 J20s in service, only half of the size of the F22 fleet, needless to say the growing inventory of F35!
- slow progress of the carrier program; PLAN will have only two carriers by 2020 (Liaoning + Type 002 that still in building progress); 5~6 carriers by 2030. Even if the 2030 target achieved as plan, it is still only half of the size of US Navy. And the US carriers are all nuclear powered + catapult-assisted take off, which makes the China/US gap even larger;
- slow progress of the destroyers program. PLAN will have only 20~30 modern destroyers (052C, 052D, 055) by 2020; but US Navy has close to 100 units!! (AB class + Ticonderoga + Zumwalt)
- slow progress of the stealth bomber H20 program. I guess PLAAF will have the first operational H20 in between 2025 to 2030. But US had its very first B2 in 1990!! Sh!t, a 40year gap!!!
- slow progress of the fixed-wing plane program! Sh!t, this is the program that I hate most!! We've been waiting for it for toooo much time. Without the fixed wing plane platform, it is impossible for PLAN/AF to have suitable carrier-borne AEW, or anti-sub plane.
- slow progress of the nuclear subs. Compared to the US Virginia Class or Ohio Class, the PLAN nuclear sub fleet makes me unhappy again!!
- Insufficient investment on defense. China spends only 1.9% of the GDP on defense, the investment intensity is toooo small. To be honest I feel envy to Vietnam, because Vietnam spends 2.4% of the GDP on defense. This makes me envy!
Is the exercise supposed to be cancelled by the Chinese? They threaten us with war, and now this theater piece. But seriously I am thinking we should invite the PLA for a large scale military exercise including involvement of tank armies and naval fleets. Not too bad if we can discover their vulnerabilities and weaknesses in strategy and weaponry.

I think it is important to maintain a secure and peaceful border for uninterrupted trade between the two nations.


Vietnam, China work together to maintain peaceful border

The freshly-concluded fourth Vietnam-China border defence friendship exchange programme has contributed to building a peaceful border, said Vietnamese Deputy Defence Minister Sen. Lieut. Gen. Nguyen Chi Vinh.


Vice Secretary of the Central Military Commission and Defence Minister of Vietnam General Ngo Xuan Lich (R) and Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission of China Senior Lieutenant General Fan Changlong

He told the Vietnam News Agency that the programme has also helped to promote coordination between the two countries’ border forces in dealing with issues regarding territorial sovereignty, border security, and border law compliance, and in organising activities to improve living standards of border residents as well as development in the border areas.

The defence activities in reality have contributed to intensifying mutual trust between the two Parties and armies, and settling differences between Vietnam and China on the basis of mutual respect, respect for international law and interest sharing, Vinh said.

The Deputy Minister said during the exchange programme, the two sides engaged in practical activities, with the most noteworthy being a joint exercise on cross-border anti-terrorism and the building of a border friendship cultural house.

The activities demonstrate the resolve of Vietnamese and Chinese Parties, States and armies to maintain a border of peace and cooperation, and bring happiness and prosperity to their people.

Through their talks, Vice Secretary of the Central Military Commission and Defence Minister of Vietnam General Ngo Xuan Lich and Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission of China Senior Lieutenant General Fan Changlong agreed to expand and deepen the border exchange, from the defence ministerial level to military zone and provincial levels, he said.

They also consented to step up exchanges between hamlets and consider border guards the centre force of the exchange programme, apart from public security, youth and other social groups, according to the officer.

Minister Lich noted his hope for increased border exchange activities in particular as well as stronger defence cooperation in general, Vinh said.

The two sides are working on measures to support people in health care and natural disaster response, the officer said, expressing his belief that with the determination of the two Parties and armies, these reached agreements will be realised.

Officers of Vietnam, China central military commissions hold talks


Vice Chairman of China’s Central Military Commission Fan Changlong (front, first, left) and Vice Secretary of the Central Military Commission and Defence Minister of Vietnam Ngo Xuan Lich (front, left, right) encourage Vietnamese and Chinese border guards at the fourth border defence friendship exchange in Lai Chau province on September 23

Vice Secretary of the Central Military Commission and Defence Minister of Vietnam Gen. Ngo Xuan Lich had talks with Vice Chairman of China’s Central Military Commission Fan Changlong on September 24 as part of the fourth Vietnam-China border defence friendship exchange.

At the talks at the border guard command of Jinping country in China’s Yunnan province, Fan hailed the success of the fourth exchange, which took place concurrently in Yunnan and Vietnam’s Lai Chau province. He noted the solidarity between both sides’ border guard forces has helped ensure stability and development in border areas.

Through border exchanges, the trust between the Vietnamese and Chinese armies and people has been reinforced, he said, stressing that trust is a foundation to enhance relations between their Parties and armies, helping solve disagreements and boost bilateral ties.

He suggested the two sides reform border defence exchanges and organise them in more diversified forms such as experience sharing and military skills competitions, turning the exchanges into an outstanding cooperation activity of the Vietnamese and Chinese armies.

Applauding the fourth exchange’s success, Lich said it helped the two countries’ armies and people better understand each other and enhance their confidence in the peace and stability in border areas and in the sustainability of bilateral friendship.

He also commended both sides’ military agencies and units for effectively implementing cooperation activities, keeping border security, and helping border communities pair with each other.

The officers signed the minutes on the fourth Vietnam-China border defence friendship exchange.

Earlier, the Vietnamese delegation visited a primary school near the Jin Shui He border gate of Yunnan province.

The Vietnamese delegation went home to wrap up the exchange programme on the day.



An American GI helps an injured Vietcong soldier by offering him water from his personal canteen. The soldier had fought for three days with his intestines hanging out of his stomach and into a bowl stepped to his belly. The GI was told not to let him drink but is quoted as saying “Any soldier that can fight for three days with his insides out, can drink from my canteen anytime.” There’s a similar scene in the iconic Vietnam War film Apocalypse Now. Photo credit to Philip Jones Griffiths.
I can tell you the vulnerabilities and weaknesses of PLA:
- slow progress of the J20 program; we need to wait till 2020 to have 100 J20s in service, only half of the size of the F22 fleet, needless to say the growing inventory of F35!
- slow progress of the carrier program; PLAN will have only two carriers by 2020 (Liaoning + Type 002 that still in building progress); 5~6 carriers by 2030. Even if the 2030 target achieved as plan, it is still only half of the size of US Navy. And the US carriers are all nuclear powered + catapult-assisted take off, which makes the China/US gap even larger;
- slow progress of the destroyers program. PLAN will have only 20~30 modern destroyers (052C, 052D, 055) by 2020; but US Navy has close to 100 units!! (AB class + Ticonderoga + Zumwalt)
- slow progress of the stealth bomber H20 program. I guess PLAAF will have the first operational H20 in between 2025 to 2030. But US had its very first B2 in 1990!! Sh!t, a 40year gap!!!
- slow progress of the fixed-wing plane program! Sh!t, this is the program that I hate most!! We've been waiting for it for toooo much time. Without the fixed wing plane platform, it is impossible for PLAN/AF to have suitable carrier-borne AEW, or anti-sub plane.
- slow progress of the nuclear subs. Compared to the US Virginia Class or Ohio Class, the PLAN nuclear sub fleet makes me unhappy again!!
- Insufficient investment on defense. China spends only 1.9% of the GDP on defense, the investment intensity is toooo small. To be honest I feel envy to Vietnam, because Vietnam spends 2.4% of the GDP on defense. This makes me envy!
I like your humour. what you listed are not weaknesses more overkill. Not even the last one with percentage of gdp.
Hungary government chief Viktor Orban on a visit to Hanoi. He apparently has great trust to Vietnam future although we haven't any destroyer and aircraft carrier yet. He says wanting his country to be part of Vietnam's development over the next 30 years. Not big countries as Germany or France but Hungary and Serbia are the gateway for Vietnam to Europe.

I like your humour. what you listed are not weaknesses more overkill. Not even the last one with percentage of gdp.

Actually, he did exposed the Chinese weakness, just don't look at what he posted, but instead, look at how he posted. And you will know what I am talking about.
Actually, he did exposed the Chinese weakness, just don't look at what he posted, but instead, look at how he posted. And you will know what I am talking about.
Interesting. I have seen it as a means of intimidation when he lists Chinese military buildup. Where is the weak link?
Interesting. I have seen it as a means of intimidation when he lists Chinese military buildup. Where is the weak link?

Again, instead of looking at his content, look at how he posted the information online. You will get what is Chinese Weak Link...
Again, instead of looking at his content, look at how he posted the information online. You will get what is Chinese Weak Link...
I notice he emphasized China is a backward country having slow progress if compared to the US. Hm...should he imply the PLA has no chance against VN because we once defeated the almighty America?

All Chinese military buildup is for the trash bin?
I notice he emphasized China is a backward country having slow progress if compared to the US. Hm...should he imply the PLA has no chance against VN because we once defeated the almighty America?

All Chinese military buildup is for the trash bin?

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